John Addison Scott, USN
Born | 17 Mar 1906 | Lowell, Michigan, USA | |
Died | 27 Dec 1986 | (80) | Sun City, Arizona, USA |
| Ranks
Warship Commands listed for John Addison Scott, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Tunny (282) | Lt.Cdr. | Submarine | 14 Dec 1942 | 10 Jul 1944 |
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Events related to this officer
Submarine USS Tunny (282)
12 Jan 1943
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) departed from Pearl Harbor for her 1st war patrol. She was ordered to patrol off Formosa.
3 Feb 1943 (position 22.03, 114.23)
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) torpedoed and damaged the Japanese army transport Shinto Maru No.1 (1933 GRT) in the South China Sea in position 22°03'N, 114°23'E.
4 Feb 1943 (position 21.30, 113.42)
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) torpedoed and damaged the Japanese army transport Tatsuwa Maru (6345 GRT) in the South China Sea in position 21°30'N, 113°42'E.
8 Feb 1943 (position 22.40, 119.12)
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) torpedoed and sank the Japanese merchant cargo ship Kusuyama Maru (5306 GRT) off the southwest coast of Formosa about 55 nautical miles west of Takao in position 22°40'N, 119°12'E.
15 Feb 1943 (position 25.00, 147.00)
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) sank a Japanese sampan with gunfire east of the Bonin Islands in approximate position 25°00'N, 147°00'E.
24 Feb 1943
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) ended her 1st war patrol at Pearl Harbor.
18 Mar 1943
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) departed from Pearl Harbor for her 2nd war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the Caroline Islands area.
24 Mar 1943
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) departed from Midway after topping off with fuel and replacing one of her periscopes.
28 Mar 1943 (position 19.13, 166.34)
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) torpedoed and damaged the Japanese troopship Suwa Maru (10672 GRT) off Wake Island in position 19°13'N, 166°34'E. The Suwa Maru is beached to prevent her from sinking.
2 Apr 1943 (position 7.23, 149.13)
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) torpedoed and sank the Japanese troop transport Toyo Maru No.2 (4162 GRT) west of Truk in position 07°23'N, 149°13'E.
7 Apr 1943 (position 8.50, 147.06)
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) torpedoed and sank the Japanese victualling stores ship
Kosei Maru (8237 GRT) about 250 nautical miles northwest of Truk in position 08°50'N, 147°06'E.
23 Apr 1943
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) ended her 2nd war patrol at Midway.
25 May 1943
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) departed from Pearl Harbor for her 3rd war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the Caroline Islands area.
27 May 1943
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) topped up with fuel at Johnson Island.
28 Jun 1943 (position 14.10, 145.03)
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) torpedoed and sank the Japanese auxiliary gunboat Shotoku Maru (1964 GRT) off the west coast of Rota, Mariana Islands in position 14°10'N, 145°03'E.
11 Jul 1943
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) takes on board additional fuel at Johnson Island.
14 Jul 1943
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) ended her 3rd war patrol at Pearl Harbor.
5 Aug 1943
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) departed from Pearl Harbor for her 4th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol off Palau.
9 Aug 1943
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) arrived at Midway.
10 Aug 1943
After topping off with fuel USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) departed from Midway.
26 Aug 1943 (position 7.30, 134.20)
While attacking a Japanese convoy escorted by submarine chaser Ch-4 (offsite link), off Palau in position 07°30'N, 134°20'E USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) is damaged by depth charges and is forced to terminate her patrol.
8 Sep 1943
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) ended her 4th war patrol at Pearl Harbor.
11 Sep 1943
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) departed from Pearl Harbor for the Hunters Point Navy Yard to make repairs and a major overhaul.
17 Sep 1943
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) arrived at the Hunters Point Navy Yard.
2 Feb 1944
With her repairs completed USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) departed from the Hunters Point Navy Yard bound for Pearl Harbor.
27 Feb 1944
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) departed from Pearl Harbor for her 5th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol off Palau.
2 Mar 1944
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) arrived at Midway.
3 Mar 1944
After topping off with fuel USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) departed from Midway.
22 Mar 1944 (position 7.22, 132.08)
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) torpedoed and damaged the Japanese fleet tanker Iro (14050 GRT, offsite link) west of the Palaus in position 07°22'N, 132°08'E.
23 Mar 1944 (position 6.40, 134.03)
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) torpedoed and sank the Japanese submarine I-42 (2230 tons, offsite link) 6 nautical miles south-west of Angaur, Palaus in position 06°40'N, 134°03'E.
29 Mar 1944 (position 7.30, 134.30)
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) torpedoed and damaged the Japanese battleship Musashi (offsite link) off Palau in position 07°30'N, 134°30'E.
30 Mar 1944 (position 7.40, 134.00)
While on lifeguard duty off the Palaus USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) is accidentally attacked by a TBF from the US aircraft carrier USS Yorktown in position 07°40'N, 134°00'E. Due to the damage suffered in this friendly fire incident Tunny had to terminate her patrol.
7 Apr 1944
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) called at Milne Bay, New Guinea.
11 Apr 1944
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) ended her 5th war patrol at Brisbane, Australia.
29 Apr 1944
After repairs USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) departed from Brisbane for her 6th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the Mariana Islands area.
17 May 1944 (position 14.49, 142.39)
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) torpedoed and sank the Japanese army cargo ship Nichiwa Maru (4955 GRT) west of the Marianas in position 14°49'N, 142°39'E.
16 Jun 1944 (position 20.10, 121.18)
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) sank a Japanese trawler with gunfire north of Luzon, Philippines in position 20°10'N, 121°18'E.
29 Jun 1944
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) called at Midway to take on board additional fuel.
2 Jul 1944
USS Tunny (Lt.Cdr. J.A. Scott) ended her 6th war patrol at Pearl Harbor.
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