Irvin Swander Hartman, USN
Born | 14 Sep 1911 | Columbia City, Whitley County, Indiana, USA | |
Died | 20 Nov 1998 | (87) | Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, USA |
| Ranks
Warship Commands listed for Irvin Swander Hartman, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS S-41 (146) | Lt. | Submarine | 12 Jun 1942 | 7 Oct 1943 |
USS Barbero (317) | T/Cdr. | Submarine | 29 Apr 1944 | 30 May 1945 |
Career information
We currently have no career / biographical information on this officer.
Events related to this officer
Submarine USS S-41 (146)
22 Jul 1942
USS S-41 (Lt. I.S. Hartman) departed from Brisbane for her 4th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the New Britain / New Ireland area. S-41 however soon returned with defects.
7 Aug 1942
After repairs USS S-41 (Lt. I.S. Hartman) departed from Brisbane again to resume her 4th war patrol.
2 Sep 1942
USS S-41 (Lt. I.S. Hartman) ended her 4th war patrol at Brisbane.
21 Sep 1942
USS S-41 (Lt. I.S. Hartman) departed from Brisbane for her 5th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol the Ellice Islands and then to continue on for Pearl Harbor.
13 Oct 1942
USS S-41 (Lt. I.S. Hartman) ended her 5th war patrol at Pearl Harbor. She is now sent to San Diego, California.
29 Oct 1942
USS S-41 (Lt. I.S. Hartman) arrived at San Diego for an overhaul.
23 Apr 1943
With her overhaul completed USS S-41 (Lt. I.S. Hartman) departed from San Diego bound for Dutch Harbour.
11 May 1943
USS S-41 (Lt. I.S. Hartman) arrived at Dutch Harbour, Alaska.
15 May 1943
USS S-41 (Lt. I.S. Hartman) departed from Dutch Harbour for her 6th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol of the Kurils.
28 May 1943 (position 50.38, 155.15)
USS S-41 (Lt. I.S. Hartman) sank the Japanese sailing vessel Asuka Maru (1036 GRT) off Paramushiro, Kuriles in position 50°38'N, 155°15'E.
15 Jun 1943
USS S-41 (Lt. I.S. Hartman) ended her 6th war patrol at Dutch Harbour.
28 Jun 1943
USS S-41 (Lt. I.S. Hartman) departed from Dutch Harbour bound for Attu.
3 Jul 1943
USS S-41 (Lt. I.S. Hartman) departed from Attu for her 7th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the Kurils.
2 Aug 1943
On or around this day USS S-41 (Lt. I.S. Hartman) ended her 7th war patrol. She is now assigned to training duties.
Submarine USS Barbero (317)
15 May 1944
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) departed New London, Connecticut for Newport, Rhode Island to conduct her torpedo trials there.
18 May 1944
Having completed her torpedo trials, USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN), returned to New London, Connecticut from Newport, Rhode Island.
30 May 1944
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) was put on the slipway at New London.
31 May 1944
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) was put back in the water.
5 Jun 1944
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) departed New London, Connecticut for Key West, Florida. At Key West she was put into dock for repairs to her ballast tanks.
12 Jun 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) arrived at Key West, Florida.
14 Jun 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) conducted exercises off Key West.
15 Jun 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) conducted exercises off Key West.
16 Jun 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) conducted exercises off Key West.
17 Jun 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) conducted exercises off Key West.
20 Jun 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) is put on the slipway at Key West. She was put back in the water later the same day.
21 Jun 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) conducted exercises off Key West.
22 Jun 1944
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) departed Key West, Florida for Colon, Panama Canal Zone. She was escorted out by USS SC-660.
26 Jun 1944
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) arrived at Colon, Panama Canal Zone from Key West, Florida.
29 Jun 1944
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) departed Balboa, Panama Canal Zone for Pearl Harbour.
15 Jul 1944
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) arrived at Pearl Harbor. Before proceeding on her 1st war patrol she underwent a final training period.
9 Aug 1944
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) departed from Pearl Harbor for her 1st war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the Philippine Sea. She was escorted out by USS PC 485 (Lt. W.C. Sands, USNR).
For the daily and attack positions of USS Barbero during this patrol see the map below. As no deck log is available (for the moment) positions were taken from the patrol report. Unfortunately the patrol report does not give daily noon positions.
13 Aug 1944
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) arrived at Midway.
14 Aug 1944
After some minor voyage repairs and topping off with fuel, USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN), departed Midway for her patrol area.
7 Sep 1944 (position 13.10, 124.37)
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) attacked but missed a Japanese patrol vessel off the San Bernardino Strait with one torpedo.
(All times are zone -8)
0353 hours - In position 13°22'N, 124°33'E sighted a small vessel 12 nautical miles to the south by east of Nagumbuaya Point, Catanduanes Island. Range was 6200 yards. Went to four engines and started an end around.
0436 hours - Submerged 12000 yards ahead of the target.
0532 hours - In position 13°10'N, 124°37'E fired one torpedo set at zero depth at a converted trawler. Range was 500 yards. Missed. The target did not know it had been fired at until the end of run detonation at 0543 hours when it increased speed.
23 Sep 1944
At 1924 hours, zone -8), USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) commenced firing at the lighthouse on Batag Island. A total of 25 rounds were fired.
24 Sep 1944
At 1837 hours, USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) started bombarding the Batag Island Light house keeper quarters from a range of 4500 yards. 33 rounds of 4" were used as well as 40mm. It was considered the light house would be out of action for quite a while.
26 Sep 1944
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) departed her patrol area for Fremantle, Australia.
4 Oct 1944
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) ended her 1st war patrol at Fremantle, Australia.
26 Oct 1944
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) departed from Fremantle for her 2nd war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the South China Sea.
For the daily and attack positions of USS Barbero during this patrol see the map below. As no deck log is available (for the moment) positions were taken from the patrol report. Unfortunately the patrol report does not give daily noon positions.
29 Oct 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) made a short call at Exmouth Gulf, Australia to top off with fuel before proceeding to her patrol area.
1 Nov 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
In the early morning hours, USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN), made the northbound passage of the Lombok Strait.
2 Nov 1944 (position -4.30, 118.20)
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) torpedoed and sank the Japanese army cargo ship Kuramasan Maru (1995 GRT, built 1927) in Makassar Strait in position 04°30'S, 118°20'E.
(All times are zone -8)
0626 hours - In position 04°30'S, 118°20'E sighted a ship bearing 060°(T), very distant. Submerged and commenced approach.
0740 hours - Sighted target through the periscope. One escort was patrolling ahead and across the targets track. The target was a merchant vessel and was riding very high out of the water. Enemy course was 300°(T), speed 7.5 knots.
0845 hours - Fired four torpedoes from 1550 yards. All missed. Two more torpedoes were then fired and Barbero then went deep. One explosion was heard.
0852 hours - Depth charging commenced. The first pattern was fairly close.
0941 hours - Returned to periscope depth. The target was stopped at the site of the attack with boats out on both sides. It was still riding high with no list or apparent damage. The escort was seen to come alongside. Started another approach from 4000 yards.
The escort was shortly afterward seen to get underway and dropping depth charges at random.
1052 hours - Fired three torpedoes from 1800 yards. One hit was obtained and the ship broke in two. Went deep.
1054 hours - Escort dropped two depth charges, not close.
1058 hours - Two more depth charges.
1117 hours - Two more depth charges.
1153 hours - One depth charge.
1210 hours - A second escort vessel was now seen on the scene of the attack. Also a floatplane was patrolling the area. Commenced opening out to the northwest.
7 Nov 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) arrived in her assigned patrol area.
8 Nov 1944 (position 14.32, 116.53)
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) torpedoed and sank the Japanese merchant tanker Shimotsu Maru (2854 GRT, built 1944) in the South China Sea about 250 nautical miles west of Manila in position 14°32'N, 116°53'E.
Shimotsu Maru had been part of convoy MASHI-03 that was en-route from Manila for Singapore Besides Shimotsu Maru the tanker Nichinan Maru No. 2 (5227 GRT, built 1943) was also part of this convoy. She had been sunk shortly before by USS Redfin. The two tankers were escorted by the Japanese submarine chasers Ch-7 and Ch-8.
(All times are zone -8)
8 November 1944
1620 hours - Received a contact report from USS Redfin that she was in contact with a convoy of two tankers to the north. Set course to intercept at full speed.
1935 hours - Redfin reported that she was attacking.
2015 hours - Commenced homing in on interference of Redfin's SJ radar.
2045 hours - Redfin reported that she had completed her attack. No results had been obtained. The two tankers had two escorts. Redfin was now on the port flank of the convoy.
2105 hours - Made radar contact on one target. Range was 27000 yards. Position was 14°01'N, 117°05'E.
2106 hours - Informed Redfin that Barbero was going to take the starboard flank.
2120 hours - Made radar contact with the second target which was about 5000 yards ahead of the other target. Base course 250°(T), they were zig zagging.
2127 hours - Radar contact on an escort vessel.
2133 hours - Made radar contact on the second escort vessel.
2134 hours - Redfin started another attack.
2154 hours - Observed a successful attack by Redfin on the largest tanker.
2205 hours - Barbero now turned in for an attack on the second tanker.
2217 hours - In position 14°01'N, 117°05'E fired four stern torpedoes. One hit was seen and felt on the bridge. Two hits were heard in the conning tower.
2238 hours - In position 14°01'N, 117°08'E fired five bow torpedoes at the target from 2500 yards. All missed. Barbero was now chased by one of the escorts. Ran out at flank speed.
2317 hours - Went in for another attack.
2350 hours - In position 14°01'N, 117°17'E fired two bow torpedoes at the target from 2500 yards. One hit was seen just forward of the funnel. The conning tower claimed to have heard a second hit.
9 November 1944
Cleared the area to the eastward.
9 Nov 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) was ordered to proceed to Mios Woendi to load new torpedoes.
15 Nov 1944
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) arrived at Mios Woendi for torpedoes, fuel and provisions. She was escorted in by HMAS Kiama (T/A/Lt.Cdr. S.J. Benson, RANR(S)).
18 Nov 1944
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) departed from Mios Woendi resuming her 2nd war patrol. She was escorted out by HMAS Glenelg (T/Lt. L. Robson, RANR(S)).
23 Nov 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) arrived back in her patrol area.
24 Dec 1944 (position 2.45, 110.53)
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) torpedoed and sank the Japanese submarine chaser Ch-30 (built 1942) in the South China Sea in position 02°45'N, 110°53'E, and torpedoed and claimed to have damaged another ship.
(All times are zone -8)
23 December 1944
1722 hours - In position 02°50'N, 111°10'E sighted smoke bearing 126°(T).
2030 hours - Made contact with a convoy on SJ radar and commenced tracking from the convoy's starboard flank. The convoy was later seen to be made up of four ships plus three or more escorts. Base course was 325°(T), speed 10 knots.
2210 hours - Lost contact with the convoy by radar.
2303 hours - Re-established radar contact. The convoy had reversed course and was heading towards Cape Sirik.
24 December 1944
0007 hours - Base course was now 210°(T), speed 10 knots.
0100 hours - The convoy zigged to the right.
0113 hours - In position 02°45'N, 110°53'E fired six bow torpedoes on two ships. Range was 3700 yards. The leading target disintegrated in a mass of flame and the target disappeared from the radar screen. The second ship was also hit and gave off billows of smoke but there was no fire. 37 minutes later a violent explosion occured and the pip then disappeared from the screen.
0247 hours - Set course for Fremantle, Australia.
25 Dec 1944 (position 1.10, 108.20)
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) torpedoed and sank the Japanese transport Junpo Maru (4277 GRT, built 1911) about 30 nautical miles west-south-west of Kuching, Borneo in position 01°10'N, 108°20'E.
(All times are zone -8)
24 December 1944
2313 hours - In position 00°45'N, 108°12'E sighted smoke to the westward. Shortly afterwards obtained radar contact at a range of 18000 yards. Commenced tracking.
2337 hours - Submerged to radar depth. The were two ships. Enemy base course 090°(T), speed 9 knots. Range was now 14000 yards. Barbero was dead ahead.
When the range was 8000 yards, went to periscope depth. Two escorts developed, one on each flank.
25 December 1944
0026 hours - In position 01°10'N, 108°20'E commenced firing four stern torpedoes at the leading ship, a medium or small transport, from 1100 yards. Three hits wer obtained. The first hit blew off the ships stern. Went deep, 110 feet in 140 feet of water, and opened out. No counter attack followed.
0147 hours - Surfaced. Found the area clear. Again set course for Fremantle.
27 Dec 1944
While on the return trip to Fremantle, Australia from her 2nd war patrol, USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN), is damaged by an aerial bomb off the northern entrance to Lombok Strait in position 08°20'S, 115°55'E. At 1315 hours (zone -8) Barbero, while at periscope depth, is bombed and damaged and returns to Fremantle on starboard shaft only. She is out of action for the remainder of the war. The worst of the damage was to the engines.
2 Jan 1945
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) ended her 2nd war patrol at Fremantle.
22 Jan 1945 (position 0.00, 0.00)
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) departed Fremantle en-route for Pearl Harbour. This was later changed to the US East coast via the Panama Canal.
2 Feb 1945
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) departed Wellington, New Zealand for Balboa, Panama Canal Zone.
24 Feb 1945
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) arrived at Balboa, Panama Canal Zone.
26 Feb 1945
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) departed Cristobal, Panama Canal Zone for the Portsmouth Navy Yard. She was escorted to Key West by USS PC 1181.
1 Mar 1945
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) arrived at Key West from the Panama Canal Zone.
2 Mar 1945
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) departed Key West, Florida for the Portsmouth Navy Yard. She was escorted by USS SC 541.
7 Mar 1945
USS Barbero (Cdr. I.S. Hartman, USN) arrived at the Portsmouth Navy Yard for repairs and overhaul.
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