Francis Worth Scanland, Jr., USN
Born | 17 Sep 1912 | Baltimore, Baltimore City, Maryland, USA | |
Died | 12 Aug 2002 | (89) |
| Ranks
Warship Commands listed for Francis Worth Scanland, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Hawkbill (366) | T/Cdr. | Submarine | 17 May 1944 | Nov 1945 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Submarine USS Hawkbill (366)
28 Jul 1944
USS Hawkbill (Lt.Cdr. Francis Worth Scanland, Jr.) arrived at Pearl Harbor.
23 Aug 1944
USS Hawkbill (Lt.Cdr. W. Scanland, Jr.) departed from Pearl Harbor for her 1st war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the Philippines and the South China Sea.
7 Oct 1944 (position 14.30, 115.46)
USS Hawkbill (Lt.Cdr. W. Scanland, Jr.) torpedoed and sank the Japanese transport ship Kinugasa Maru (8407 GRT, offsite link) in the South China Sea about 250 nautical miles west of Manila, Philippines in position 14°30'N, 115°46'E. The sinking was shared with USS Baya.
9 Oct 1944 (position 12.43, 118.05)
USS Hawkbill (Lt.Cdr. W. Scanland, Jr.) and teams up with USS Becuna to sink the Japanese merchant tanker Tokuwa Maru (1943 GRT) in position 12°43'N, 118°05'E.
17 Oct 1944
USS Hawkbill (Lt.Cdr. W. Scanland, Jr.) ended her 1st war patrol at Fremantle, Australia.
15 Nov 1944
USS Hawkbill (Lt.Cdr. W. Scanland, Jr.) departed from Fremantle for her 2nd war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the South China Sea.
15 Dec 1944 (position 16.40, 117.39)
USS Hawkbill (Lt.Cdr. W. Scanland, Jr.) torpedoed and sank the Japanese escort destroyer Momo (1262 tons, offsite link) about 140 nautical miles west-south-west of Cape Bolinao, Luzon, Philippines in position 16°40'N, 117°39'E.
29 Dec 1944 (position -5.35, 113.29)
USS Hawkbill (Lt.Cdr. W. Scanland, Jr.) sank the Japanese merchant lighter No.130 with gunfire in Java Sea in position 05°35'S, 113°29'E.
5 Jan 1945
USS Hawkbill (Lt.Cdr. W. Scanland, Jr.) ended her 2nd war patrol at Fremantle.
5 Feb 1945
USS Hawkbill (Lt.Cdr. W. Scanland, Jr.) departed from Fremantle for her 3rd war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the South China Sea.
12 Feb 1945 (position -9.20, 115.47)
USS Hawkbill (Lt.Cdr. W. Scanland, Jr.) torpedoed and sank the Japanese cargo vessel Kisaragi Maru (300 GRT) south of Lombok Strait in position 09°20'S, 115°47'E.
14 Feb 1945 (position -8.28, 115.45)
USS Hawkbill (Lt.Cdr. W. Scanland, Jr.) torpedoed and sank the Japanese auxiliary submarine chasers Cha 4 (130 tons) and Cha 114 (180 tons) off Lombok Strait in position 08°28'S, 115°45'E.
16 Feb 1945 (position -9.00, 116.00)
USS Hawkbill (Lt.Cdr. W. Scanland, Jr.) sank a small Japanese vessel with gunfire off Lombok Strait in approximate position 09°00'S, 116°00'E.
20 Feb 1945 (position -0.42, 106.18)
USS Hawkbill (Lt.Cdr. W. Scanland, Jr.) torpedoed and sank the Japanese merchant cargo ship Daizen Maru (5396 GRT) about 175 nautical miles north-west of Singapore in position 00°42'S, 106°18'E.
6 Apr 1945
USS Hawkbill (Lt.Cdr. W. Scanland, Jr.) ended her 3rd war patrol at Fremantle.
5 May 1945
USS Hawkbill (Lt.Cdr. W. Scanland, Jr.) departed from Fremantle for her 4th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the South China Sea.
16 May 1945 (position 4.49, 103.31)
USS Hawkbill (Lt.Cdr. W. Scanland, Jr.) torpedoed and sank the Japanese minelayer Hatsutaka (1608 tons, offsite link) off the east coast of Malaya in position 04°49'N, 103°31'E.
29 May 1945 (position 10.05, 99.34)
USS Hawkbill (Lt.Cdr. W. Scanland, Jr.) sank a small Japanese vessel with gunfire in the Gulf of Siam in position 10°05'N, 99°34'E.
18 Jun 1945
USS Hawkbill (Lt.Cdr. W. Scanland, Jr.) ended her 4th war patrol at Subic Bay, Philippines.
12 Jul 1945
USS Hawkbill (Lt.Cdr. W. Scanland, Jr.) departed from Subic Bay for her 5th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol off the east coast of Malaya.
17 Jul 1945 (position 5.00, 104.00)
USS Hawkbill (Lt.Cdr. W. Scanland, Jr.) sank a small Japanese vessel with gunfire off the east coast of Malaya in approximate position 05°00'N, 104°00'E.
18 Jul 1945 (position 4.41, 103.30)
USS Hawkbill (Lt.Cdr. Francis Worth Scanland, Jr.) is damaged by depth charges off Malaya in position 04°41'N, 103°30'E. The patrol is terminated due to the damage sustained.
20 Jul 1945 (position 4.29, 103.29)
While operating off the east coast of Malaya USS Hawkbill (Lt.Cdr. W. Scanland, Jr.) sank a small Japanese vessel with gunfire in position 04°29'N, 103°29'E and another one in position 04°30'N, 103°28'E.
21 Jul 1945 (position 5.00, 103.00)
USS Hawkbill (Lt.Cdr. W. Scanland, Jr.) sank two small Japanese vessels with gunfire off the east coast of Malaya in approximate position 05°00'N, 103°00'E.
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