Robert Brodie, Jr., USN
Born | 2 Dec 1904 | Owensboro, Daviess County, Kentucky, USA | |
Died | 14 Mar 1977 | (72) |
| Ranks
Retired: 1 Jun 1957 Decorations
Warship Commands listed for Robert Brodie, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Dallas (DD 199) | Lt.Cdr. | Destroyer | 14 May 1942 | 11 Dec 1942 |
USS Ordronaux (DD 617) | T/Cdr. | Destroyer | 13 Feb 1943 | 7 Jan 1944 (2) |
USS Haynsworth (DD 700) | T/Cdr. | Destroyer | 22 Jun 1944 | 14 Dec 1944 |
Career information
We currently have no career / biographical information on this officer.
Events related to this officer
Destroyer USS Dallas (DD 199)
9 Nov 1942
Port-Lyautey, Morocco On the night of 9–10 November 1942 a tactical innovation involving the Navy raised American spirits. On the Sebou River the destroyer-transport Dallas pushed aside a barricade and sneaked upstream with a raider detachment to spearhead the assault on thelocal airfield. On the river the Dallas passed a gauntlet of artillery fire and debarked the raiders on the east side of the airfield. (3)
Destroyer USS Haynsworth (DD 700)
29 Jul 1944
USS Haynsworth (Cdr. Robert Brodie, Jr.) departed from New York for shakedown in the Caribbean.
1 Sep 1944
USS Haynsworth (Cdr. R. Brodie, Jr.) returns to New York upon completion of her shakedown.
20 Sep 1944
USS Haynsworth (Cdr. R. Brodie, Jr.) departed from New York to escort the British troop transport Queen Mary to Newfoundland, Canada.
22 Sep 1944
USS Haynsworth (Cdr. R. Brodie, Jr.) releases the Queen Mary to the care of British escorts and returns to New York.
27 Sep 1944
USS Haynsworth (Cdr. R. Brodie, Jr.) departed from New York for the Panama Canal zone.
12 Oct 1944
USS Haynsworth (Cdr. R. Brodie, Jr.) arrived at San Pedro.
14 Oct 1944
USS Haynsworth (Cdr. R. Brodie, Jr.) departed from San Pedro bound for Pearl Harbor.
20 Oct 1944
USS Haynsworth (Cdr. R. Brodie, Jr.) arrived at Pearl Harbor.
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