William Henry Sanders, Jr., USN
Born | 28 Jun 1907 | San Diego, California, USA |
| Ranks
Warship Commands listed for William Henry Sanders, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Aaron Ward (iii) (DM 34) | T/Cdr. | Destroyer | 28 Oct 1944 | 28 Sep 1945 |
Career information
We currently have no career / biographical information on this officer.
Events related to this officer
Destroyer USS Aaron Ward (iii) (DM 34)
9 Feb 1945
USS Aaron Ward departed from San Diego bound for Pearl Harbor.
15 Feb 1945
USS Aaron Ward arrived at Pearl Harbor.
5 Mar 1945
USS Aaron Ward departed from Pearl Harbor bound for Ulithi.
16 Mar 1945
USS Aaron Ward arrived at Ulithi.
19 Mar 1945
USS Aaron Ward departed from Ulithi to participate in the operations of Okinawa.
22 Mar 1945
USS Aaron Ward arrived in the Okinawa area.
4 Apr 1945
USS Aaron Ward departed from the Okinawa area bound for Saipan.
10 Apr 1945
USS Aaron Ward arrived at Saipan. She left Saipan for Guam the same day. She stayed at Guam for a few days before returning to the Okinawa area.
3 May 1945 (position 26.24, 126.15)
While operating of Okinawa USS Aaron Ward is hit by several kamikaze aircraft in position 26°24'N, 126°15'E resulting in massive damage. Through barely afloat Aaron Ward was towed to Kerama Retto where she arrived the following day for temporary repairs.
11 Jun 1945
USS Aardon Ward departed from Kerama Retto bound for the United States east coast.
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