Frederic Samuel Steinke, USN
Born | 11 Aug 1907 | ?, Illinois, USA |
| Ranks
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for Frederic Samuel Steinke, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Preble (DM 20) | T/Lt.Cdr. | Destroyer | 14 Sep 1942 | 25 Mar 1944 |
USS Gwin (ii) (DM 33) | T/Cdr. | Destroyer | 30 Sep 1944 | 23 Sep 1945 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Destroyer USS Gwin (ii) (DM 33)
3 Jan 1945
USS Gwin arrived at Pearl Harbor.
10 Jan 1945
USS Gwin departed from Pearl Harbor bound for Saipan.
20 Jan 1945
USS Gwin arrived at Saipan where she joined Battleship Division 7. Gwin then participated in the preliminary bombardment of Iwo Jima before returning to Pearl Harbor.
23 Feb 1945
USS Gwin departed from Pearl Harbor bound for Eniwetok.
17 Mar 1945
USS Gwin departed from Eniwetok to participate in the operations of Okinawa.
4 May 1945 (position 26.13, 126.22)
While operating of Okinawa USS Gwin is damaged when she is hit by a Japanese kamikaze aircraft in position 26°13'N, 126°22'E. Repairs were made in the Okinawa area.
29 Aug 1945
USS Gwin enters Tokyo Bay.
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