Thomas Edward Chambers, USN
Born | 4 Dec 1908 | Dyersburg, Tennessee, USA | |
Died | 19 Oct 1982 | (73) | San Diego, California, USA |
| Ranks
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for Thomas Edward Chambers, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Bagley (ii) (DD 386) | T/Cdr. | Destroyer | 3 Feb 1943 | 6 Apr 1944 |
USS Lindsey (DM 32) | T/Cdr. | Destroyer | 20 Aug 1944 | 18 Oct 1945 |
Career information
We currently have no career / biographical information on this officer.
Events related to this officer
Destroyer USS Lindsey (DM 32)
25 Nov 1944
USS Lindsey departed from San Francisco bound for Pearl Harbor.
3 Feb 1945
USS Lindsey arrived at Ulithi.
8 Feb 1945
USS Lindsey departed from Ulithi to participate in the Iwo Jima landings.
23 Feb 1945
USS Lindsey returns to Ulithi.
19 Mar 1945
USS Lindsey departed from Ulithi to participate in the Okinawa campaign.
24 Mar 1945
USS Lindsey arrived in the Okinawa area.
12 Apr 1945 (position 26.28, 127.15)
While operating off Okinawa in position 26°28'N, 127°15'E USS Lindsey was struck by two Japanese Kamikaze aircraft (Vals), hitting 30 seconds of each other The second one struck the portside bow, near the number 1 5" turret. The resulting explosion of her powder magazine blew off 60 foot of her bow. The attacks killed 57 and wounded another 57 of her officers and crew which includes the Commanding officer(Cmdr Thomas Edward Chambers, USN). USS Lindsey was towed to Kerama Retto for temporary repairs.
28 Apr 1945
USS Lindsey departed from Kerama Retto bound for Guam under tow.
6 May 1945
USS Lindsey arrived at Guam where a temporary bow was fitted.
8 Jul 1945
USS Lindsey departed from Guam bound for Norfolk on the US east coast.
19 Aug 1945
USS Lindsey arrived at Norfolk for full repairs.
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