Jerzy Umecki, ORP
Birth details unknown |
| Ranks
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for Jerzy Umecki, ORP
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
ORP Blyskawica (H 34) | Kpt. mar. | Destroyer | 26 Nov 1939 | 16 Feb 1940 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Destroyer ORP Blyskawica (H 34)
26 Nov 1939
Blyskawica received a new commanding officer, Kapitan Marynarki Jerzy Umecki.
30 Nov 1939
While Blyskawica was escorting a coastal convoy the commodore's ship Sheaf Crest, hit the mine and sank. Blyskawica picked up 25 survivors. (1)
12 Dec 1939
The 1st Destroyer Flotilla (including Blyskawica) conducted a raid in the Texel - Terschelling area in order to intercept German destroyers detected by reconnaissance. Due to the dense fog, this proved impossible. Two days later the entire flotilla returned to Harwich. (1)
- Personal communication
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