Ejnar Carl Hoglund, USNR
Birth details unknown |
| Ranks
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for Ejnar Carl Hoglund, USNR
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Enright (DE 216) | Destroyer Escort | 9 Mar 1944 | 15 Jun 1944 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Destroyer Escort USS Enright (DE 216)
16 Apr 1944
On 16 April 1944, while westward bound, Enright was
struck by a Portuguese merchant. A 65 foot hole was torn in her port quarter, all living spaces were
flooded, and she took on a 12 degree list. The high quality of her crew was shown both in damage control work and the seamanship which brought her safely back to New York, where she repaired in a month. One of her crew lost his life in this collision.
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