Robert Webster Carey, USN
Birth details unknown |
| Ranks
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for Robert Webster Carey, USN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Savannah (CL 42) | Light cruiser | 17 Feb 1943 | 12 Oct 1943 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Light cruiser USS Savannah (CL 42)
11 Sep 1943
(Captain Robert Webster Carey, USN)A German glider bomb hit USS Savannah off Salerno, exploding into the hull below the waterline, and causing serious damage to the ship.
The glider bomb pierced through the armoured turret roof of the number 3 gun turret, passed through three decks into the lower handling room where it exploded leaving a gaping hole in the bottom, and tore open a seam in the ship's port side. Also 197 men lost their lives in this attack.
The badly damaged Savannah was back in the United States on 23 December 1943 and was repaired and refitted at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. This being completed on 4 September 1944.
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