Roger Richard Louis Birot, FFN
Birth details unknown | |||
Died | 9 Jun 1942 | aboard the Mimosa |
| Ranks
Warship Commands listed for Roger Richard Louis Birot, FFN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
FFL Mimosa (K 11) | Corvette | 17 Apr 1941 | 9 Jun 1942 (+) |
Career information
Killed in the sinking of the MimosaEvents related to this officer
Corvette FFL Mimosa (K 11)
15 Oct 1941
Mimosa picks up 26 survivors from the British merchant Silvercedar that was torpedoed and sunk by German U-boat U-553 in the North Atlantic in position 53°36'N, 29°57'W.
Mimosa also picks up 26 survivors from the Norwegian merchant Ila that was also torpedoed and sunk by U-553 in the North Atlantic in position 53°34'N, 30°10'W.
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