Henry F Stolfi, USCGR
Birth details unknown |
| Ranks
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for Henry F Stolfi, USCGR
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
USS Davenport (PF-69) | Frigate | 15 Feb 1945 | 16 May 1945 (1) |
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Events related to this officer
Frigate USS Davenport (PF-69)
27 Apr 1945
On this date, the USS Davenport departed New York harbour at 1404 hours to join the USS Brunswick in escorting the 11 vessels comprising the New York Section of Convoy UGS-89. According to the WW II Convoy Routing Code, "UGS" stood for "United States to Mediterranean, Slow" and this convoy's average speed was 10 knots, while the Davenport patrolled around it at an average of 14 knots. On 28 April 1945 the New York Section joined the main body of Convoy UGS-89 at 1400 hours. Davenport and Brunswick joined their sister ship USS Uniontown the destroyer USS Davison and the CTG 60.2 convoy flagship the destroyer USS Selfridge in escorting Convoy UGS-89 to Oran, Algeria. The Davenport arrived in Mers El Kebir, Algeria at 0930 hours on 13 May 1945. (2)
- http://www.hazegray.org/danfs/patrol/pf69.htm
- Personal communication
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