Arthur Frederick Whalley Boumphrey, RNVR
Birth details unknown |
| Ranks
Warship Commands listed for Arthur Frederick Whalley Boumphrey, RNVR
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
HMS Bute (T 168) | T/Lt. | MS Trawler | Aug 1941 | mid/late42 |
HMS Stronsay (T 178) | T/Lt. | MS Trawler | early 1943 | 5 Feb 1943 |
HMS Benbecula (T 379) | T/A/Lt.Cdr. | MS Trawler | 4 Jan 1944 |
Career information
We currently have no career / biographical information on this officer.
Events related to this officer
MS Trawler HMS Stronsay (T 178)
5 Feb 1943
HMS Stronsay was positively lost to a mine laid by the German 3. S-boote Flottille (OL Friedrich Kemnade). The vented possibility that Italian submarine Avorio could have torpedoed her, is negated by archival research which reveals Avorio did not arrive in the area until at least 24 hrs after Stronsay had sunk and did not carry out any torpedo attacks.
Our thanks go to Mr. Francesco Mattesini for the detailed archival research on the matter.
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