Hugh Joseph Woodward DSO, RN

Birth details unknown

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28 Feb 1902 Mid.
30 Apr 1905 S.Lt.
31 Aug 1907 Lt.
31 Aug 1915 Lt.Cdr.
31 Dec 1919 Cdr.
20 Jan 1931 Capt.(Retd.)

Retired: 6 Aug 1926


23 May 1917 DSO
22 Jan 1920 Bar to DSO

Warship Commands listed for Hugh Joseph Woodward, RN

HMS Alaunia (F 17)Capt.(Retd.)Armed Merchant Cruiser29 Aug 19391 Oct 1941

Career information

We currently have no career / biographical information on this officer.

Events related to this officer

Armed Merchant Cruiser HMS Alaunia (F 17)

29 Aug 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
The liner Alaunia is taken in hand for conversion to armed merchant cruiser at the Gibraltar Dockyard. On commencement of the conversion she is also commissioned with Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN taking command. (1)

23 Sep 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) completed her conversion at the Gibraltar Dockyard. She then commenced to embark ammunition. (2)

24 Sep 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) conducted compass adjustment trials at Gibraltar and gunnery trials off Gibraltar. (2)

28 Sep 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
In the afternoon HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) conducted gunnery exercises off Gibraltar during which she was escorted by HMS Douglas (Cdr. R.F.B. Swinley, RN) and HMS Vortigern (Lt.Cdr. W.J.B. Handley, RN). (2)

5 Oct 1939

Convoy HG 2.

This convoy departed Gibraltar on 5 October 1939.

The convoy was made up of the following merchant vessels;
Belgravian (British, 3136 GRT, built 1937), Cyprian Prince (British, 1988 GRT, built 1937), Doryssa (British, 8078 GRT, built 1938), Etrib (British, 1943GRT, built 1919), James J. Maguire (British (tanker), 10525 GRT, built 1939), Marsa (British, 4405 GRT, built 1928), Medjerda (British, 4380 GRT, built 1924), Montcalm (British, 16418 GRT, built 1921), Palacio (British, 1346 GRT, built 1927), Palermo (British, 2797 GRT, built 1938), Thala (British, 4399 GRT, built 1928) and Warfield (British, 6070 GRT, built 1917).

The RFA tanker Bishopsdale (8406 GRT, built 1937) was also part of the convoy.

On departure from Gibraltar around 0800A/5, the convoy was escorted by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) and the destroyers HMS Douglas (Cdr. R.F.B. Swinley, RN) and HMS Velox (Cdr.(Retd.) J.C. Colvill, RN).

Around 1800A/5, HMS Douglas and HMS Velox parted company to return to Gibraltar where they arrived around 2330A/5.

Around midnight during the night of 8/9 October, when in position 40°40'N, 14°00'W, the Medjerda parted company with the convoy as she had to heave to in the bad weather conditions. She was able to rejoin around 1100A/12 when the convoy was about 70 nautical miles south of the Scilly Isles.

Around 0845A/11, in approximate position 47°15'N, 11°20'W, the destroyers HMS Intrepid (Cdr. J.W. Josselyn, RN) and HMS Echo (Cdr. S.H.K. Spurgeon, RAN), HMS Vimy (Lt.Cdr. I.T. Clark, RN) and minesweeper HMS Gleaner (Lt.Cdr. H.P. Price, RN) joined the convoy.

Around 1830A/11, the convoy split into the west coast / Irish Sea section and the east coast / Channel section.

The west coast / Irish Sea section was made up of the Belgravian (arrived at Liverpool on 14 October), Cyprian Prince (arrived at Manchester on 15 October), Doryssa (arrived at Avonmouth on 14 October), Etrib (arrived at Liverpool on 14 October), Marsa (arrived in the Clyde on 14 October) and Montcalm (arrived at Liverpool on 14 October). They were escorted by HMS Vimy and HMS Gleaner which arrived at Liverpool on 14 October.

The east coast / Channel section was made up of the Bishopsdale (arrived in Spithead on 13 October), James J. Maguire (arrived at London on 14 October), Medjerda (arrived at Southend on 14 October), Palacio (arrived at London on 14 October), Palermo (arrived at London on 14 October), Thala (arrived at Southend on 14 October) and Warfield (arrived at London on 14 October). They were escorted by HMS Alaunia which arrived in Spithead on 13 October) and HMS Intrepid and HMS Echo which both arrived at Plymouth on 12 October. On entering harbour HMS Echo grounded sustaining damage for which she was to be docked for repairs. (3)

17 Oct 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
After having discharged the ammunition, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) is taken in hand at the Portsmouth Dockyard for further outfitting. (4)

30 Oct 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 1400A/30, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) departed Portsmouth for Halifax. She passed the Spithead boom defenced around 1430A/30 after which the destroyers HMS Malcolm (Capt. T.E. Halsey, RN) and HMS Saladin (Lt.Cdr. L.J. Dover, RN) joined for A/S protection.

The destroyers parted company around 1915A/30. (5)

8 Nov 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 2000Q/8, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Halifax from Portsmouth. (6)

16 Nov 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) conducted gunnery exercises off Halifax. (6)

17 Nov 1939

Convoy HXF 9.

This convoy departed Halifax on 17 November 1939.

The convoy was made up of the following merchant vessels;
Beaverbrae (British, 9956 GRT, built 1928), Beaverburn (British, 9874 GRT, built 1927), Consuelo (British, 4847 GRT, built 1937), Corrientes (British, 6863 GRT, built 1920), Cuba (French, 11337 GRT, built 1923), Fordsdale (British, 11023 GRT, built 1924), Guadeloupe (French, 2815 GRT, built 1936), Lochmonar (British, 9412 GRT, built 1924), Manchester Port (British, 7071 GRT, built 1935), Martand (British, 7967 GRT, built 1939), Orduna (British, 15507 GRT, built 1914) and Rimutaka (British, 16576 GRT, built 1923).

On departure from Halifax the convoy was escorted by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) and the destroyer HMCS St. Laurent (Lt.Cdr. H.G. de Wolf, RCN).

Around 0230Q/18, HMCS St. Laurent parted company to return to Halifax.

During the night of 19/20 November 1939, the Manchester Port straggled from the convoy. She rejoined around dawn on 21 November 1939.

Around 1700OP/22, the merchant vessel San Francisco (French, 6013 GRT, built 1930) joined the convoy as arranged.

Around 1100ZA/26, the destroyers HMS Wakeful (Cdr. R.St.V. Sherbrooke, RN), HMS Whitehall (Lt.Cdr. A.B. Russell, RN), HMS Volunteer (Lt.Cdr. H. Gartside-Tippinge, RN) and HMS Warwick (Lt.Cdr. M.A.G. Child, RN) joined.

Around 1150ZA/26, HMS Alaunia parted company with the convoy to return to Halifax.

Around 1730Z/26, HMS Volunteer and HMS Warwick parted company taking the Irish Sea / West Coast section of the convoy with them. This section was made up of the following merchant vessels; Lochmonar, Manchester Port and Orduna. They arrived at Liverpool on 28 November 1939.

The other ships made up the Channel / West coast section bound for the Downs. The French ships, except the San Francisco were detached to French ports en-route. HMS Wakeful and HMS Whitehall arrived at Dover on 28 November 1939. (7)

3 Dec 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 1430Q/3, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Halifax from convoy escort duty. (8)

10 Dec 1939

Convoy HXF 12.

This convoy departed Halifax on 10 December 1939.

The convoy was made up of the following merchant vessels;
Akaroa (British, 15130 GRT, built 1914), Bassano (British, 4843 GRT, built 1937), Cairnross (British, 5494 GRT, built 1921), Explorer (British, 6235 GRT, built 1935), Gracia (British, 5642 GRT, built 1921), Manchester Commerce (British, 5343 GRT, built 1925), Regent Lion (British (tanker), 9551 GRT, built 1937), San Cipriano (British (tanker), 7966 GRT, built 1937) and San Delfino (British (tanker), 8072 GRT, built 1938).

On departure from Halifax the convoy was escorted by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN), destroyers HMCS Saguenay (Lt.Cdr. G.R. Miles, RCN), HMCS Skeena (Lt.Cdr. E.P. Tisdall, RCN) and the submarine Achille (Lieutenant de vaisseau (Lt.) P.A.G. Terlier).

Around 0750Q/11, HMCS Saguenay and HMCS Skeena parted company to return to Halifax.

Around 1100P/13, after thick fog had cleared, it was seen that the Manchester Commerce was missing from the convoy. She rejoined around 0900P/14.

Around 1045ZN/20, in position 50°13'N, 13°35'W, the destroyers HMS Walker (Cdr. W.J.C. Robertson, RN) and HMS Whirlwind (Lt.Cdr. J.M. Rodgers, RN) joined the convoy.

Around 0910Z/21, in position 49°38'N, 08°08'W, the destroyers HMS Veteran (Cdr. J.E. Broome, RN) and HMS Verity (Lt.Cdr. A.R.M. Black, RN) joined.

Around 0930Z/21, the convoy split into two sections.

The Irish Sea / West coast section was made up of the following merchant vessels; Explorer, Gracia, Manchester Commerce and Regent Lion. HMS Walker and HMS Whirlwind escorted this section. The destroyers arrived at Liverpool in the evening of 22 December 1939.

The remaining ships made up the Channel / East coast section. Around 1300Z/21, the French submarine Achille parted company to proceed to Brest escorted by the minesweeping sloop Commandant Duboc. They arrived at Brest around 0930Z/22. Around 1930Z/21, HMS Alaunia left the convoy to proceed to Southampton where she arrived in the afternoon of 22 December 1939. HMS Veteran and HMS Verity arrived at Dover in the morning of 23 December 1939. The ships of the convoy continued on to the Downs. The San Cipriano was detached to Dunkirk. (9)

22 Dec 1939
Around 1545Z/22, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Southampton from convoy escort duty. She was then taken in hand for repairs / alterations to her guns. (10)

13 Jan 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 1000Z/13, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) departed Southampton for Halifax. (11)

21 Jan 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 1100Q/21, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Halifax from Southampton. (11)

28 Jan 1940

Convoy HXF 18.

This convoy departed Halifax on 28 January 1940.

The convoy was made up of the following merchant vessels;
Arthur F. Corwin (British (tanker), 10516 GRT, built 1938), Corner Brook (British, 5767 GRT, built 1925), Craftsman (British, 7896 GRT, built 1922), Daldorch (British, 5571 GRT, built 1930), Darina (British, 8113 GRT, built 1939), Europe (Norwegian (tanker), 8371 GRT, built 1934), Indian Prince (British, 8587 GRT, built 1926) and Manchester Progress (British, 5620 GRT, built 1938).

On departure from Halifax the convoy was escorted by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) and the destroyers HMCS Saguenay (Cdr. G.R. Miles, RCN) and HMCS Skeena (Lt.Cdr. E.P. Tisdall, RCN).

Around 0715Q/29, both Canadian destroyers were detached to return to Halifax.

Bad weather was encountered during the passage and several ships straggled from the convoy during the passage but were able to rejoin later. However at the time the local A/S escort joined (see below) the Arthur F. Corwin and Europe were not in company and did not rejoin the convoy.

Around 1200N/6, in approximate position 50°00'N, 14°00'W, the destroyer HMS Antelope (Lt.Cdr. R.T. White, RN) and sloop HMS Deptford (Lt.Cdr. G.A. Thring, DSO, RN) joined the convoy. HMS Alaunia parted company with the convoy to return to Halifax shortly afterwards.

Around 1300N/6, the merchant vessel Narragansett (British (tanker), 10389 GRT, built 1936) joined the convoy. She had been westbound but had picked up survivors of the torpedoed merchant vessel Beaveerburn. She returned to the U.K. (Falmouth) to land the 75 survivors she had picked up.

The convoy was split up later on 6 February 1940.

The Irish Sea / West Coast section was made up of the following merchant vessels; Corner Brook, Craftsman, Indian Prince and Manchester Progress. They were escorted by HMS Deptford which arrived at Liverpool on 8 February 1940.

The remaining ships made up of the Channel / East Coast section which was escorted by HMS Antelope which arrived at Plymouth on 8 February 1940. (12)

14 Feb 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 2300Q/14, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Halifax from convoy escort duty. (13)

18 Feb 1940

Convoy HX 21.

This convoy departed Halifax on 18 February 1940.

It was made up of the following merchant vessels; Bassano (British, 4843 GRT, built 1937), Beaverbrae (British, 9956 GRT, built 1928), Bradglen (British, 4741 GRT, built 1930), Chaucer (British, 5792 GRT, built 1929), Cornish City (British, 4952 GRT, built 1936), Dunaff Head (British, 5258 GRT, built 1918), El Grillo (British (tanker), 7264 GRT, built 1922), Ensis (British (tanker), 6207 GRT, built 1937), Loch Lomond (British, 5452 GRT, built 1934), Nailsea Meadow (British, 4962 GRT, built 1937), Rothermere (British, 5356 GRT, built 1938), San Emiliano (British (tanker), 8071 GRT, built 1939), Schuylkill (British (tanker), 8965 GRT, built 1928), Vacport (British (tanker), 6774 GRT, built 1930), Wearpool (British, 4982 GRT, built 1936) and Wyoming (French, 8062 GRT, built 1930).

On departure from Halifax the convoy was escorted by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) and the destroyers HMCS Ottawa (Capt. G.C. Jones, RCN) and HMCS Saguenay (Cdr. G.R. Miles, RCN).

Around 1815PQ/19, the destroyers parted company to return to Halifax.

Around 1400Z/26, during a gale, in position 48°57'N, 30°48'W, the Bassano dropped from the convoy due to engine trouble and shifting cargo.

Around 1200Z/1, in position 50°12'N, 13°57'W, HMS Alaunia parted company with the convoy to return to Halifax.

Around 2000Z/2, in position 49°54'N, 10°17'W, the Dunaff Head (arrived at Dublin on 5 March), El Grillo (arrived at Liverpool on 5 March) and Ensis (arrived at Liverpool on 4 March) parted company to proceed to west coast ports.

Around 2100Z/2, the destroyers HMS Wolverine (Cdr. R.H. Craske, RN) and HMS Windsor (Lt.Cdr. P.D.H.R. Pelly, RN) joined the convoy.

Around 0600Z/4, in position 49°38'N, 05°12'W, the Wearpool was detached. She arrived at St. Nazaire, France on 5 March.

Around 0100Z/5, in position 50°20'N, 00°48'W, the Cornish City was detached. She arrived at Southampton later the same day.

The remaining ships arrived in the Downs later on the 5th.

HMS Windsor and HMS Wolverine arrived at Plymouth on 4 March and Dover on 5 March respectively. (14)

8 Mar 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 0830Q/8, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Halifax from convoy escort duty. (15)

15 Mar 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 1630Q/15, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) departed Halifax for Bermuda. (15)

19 Mar 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 0745Q/19, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Bermuda from Halifax. (15)

23 Mar 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 0645Q/23, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) departed Bermuda for Halifax. (15)

26 Mar 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 0730Q/26, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Halifax from Bermuda. (15)

29 Mar 1940

Convoy HX 31.

This convoy departed Halifax on 29 March 1940.

It was made up of the following merchant vessels;
Athelduke (British (tanker), 8966 GRT, built 1929), Athelking (British (tanker), 9557 GRT, built 1926), Boston City (British, 2870 GRT, built 1920), British Endurance (British (tanker), 8406 GRT, built 1936), Clumberhall (British, 5198 GRT, built 1930), Consuelo (British, 4847 GRT, built 1937), Culebra (British, 3044 GRT, built 1919), Dalblair (British, 4608 GRT, built 1926), Darlington Court (British, 4974 GRT, built 1936), G.S. Walden (British (tanker), 10627 GRT, built 1937), Hannington Court (British, 5449 GRT, built 1939), Ile de Noirmoutier (French, 5703 GRT, built 1919), Inverilen (British (tanker), 9456 GRT, built 1938), John Knudsen (Norwegian (tanker), 9071 GRT, built 1934), Langleecrag (British, 4909 GRT, built 1929), Maja (British (tanker), 8181 GRT, built 1931), Makis (Greek, 3546 GRT, buily 1906), Olympos (Greek, 5216 GRT, built 1918), Rangitane (British, 16733 GRT, built 1929), Rodsley (British, 5000 GRT, built 1939), Ronin (Panamanian, 5677 GRT, built 1919), Rothley (British, 4996 GRT, built 1936), San Cipriano (British (tanker), 7966 GRT, built 1937), Sirikishna (British, 5458 GRT, built 1936), Tahchee (British (tanker), 6508 GRT, built 1914), Tremoda (British, 4736 GRT, built 1928) and Trevorian (British, 4599 GRT, built 1920).

The RFA tanker Oleander (7045 GRT, built 1922) was also part of the convoy.

On departure from Halifax the convoy was escorted by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) and the destroyers HMCS Ottawa (Capt. G.C. Jones, RCN) and HMCS St. Laurent (Lt.Cdr. H.G. de Wolf, RCN).

Around 1045Q/30, the merchant vessel Oakbank (British, 5154 GRT, built 1926), which had been late in sailing from Halifax, overtook and joined the convoy.

around 1800Q/30, both Canadian destroyers parted company to return to Halifax.

During the night of 30/31 March 1940, the Makis straggled from the convoy as she was unable to keep up. She arrived in the Downs on 15 April having continued her passage independenly.

Around 0530N/9, in position 50°10'N, 18°05'W, HMS Alaunia parted company with the convoy to return to Halifax.

Around 1600N/9, in position 50°10'N, 15°40'W, the destroyer HMS Warwick (Lt.Cdr. M.A.G. Child, RN) and sloop HMS Folkestone (Lt.Cdr. C.F.H. Churchill, RN) joined followed around 0610 hours the following morning by the destroyers HMS Campbell (Lt.Cdr. R.M. Aubrey, RN) and HMS Vesper (Lt.Cdr. W.E.F. Hussey, DSC, RN).

Most likely on 10 April the convoy was split into two sections, the west coast / Irish Sea section and the east coast / Channel section.

The west coast / Irish Sea section was made up of the following merchant vessels; Athelduke (arrived in the Clyde on 12 April), Athelking (arrived at Liverpool on 12 April), Boston City (arrived at Milford Haven on 12 April), British Endurance (arrived at Liverpool on 12 April), Clumberhall (arrived at Liverpool on 12 April), G.S. Walden (arrived in Barry Roads on 12 April), Maja (arrived at Liverpool on 12 April), Rodsley (arrived at Liverpool on 12 April), San Cipriano (arrived at Liverpool on 12 April), Sirikishna (arrived in the Clyde on 12 April) and Tremoda (arrived at Belfast on 13 April). They were escorted by HMS Warwick (arrived at Liverpool on 11 April) and HMS Folkestone (arrived at Liverpool on 12 April).

The east coast / Channel section was made up of the following merchant vessels; Consuelo (arrived in the Downs on 13 April), Culebra (arrived in the Downs on 13 April), Dalblair (arrived at Portland on 12 April), Darlington Court (arrived at Portland on 12 April), Hannington Court (arrived at Portland on 12 April), Ile de Noirmoutier (destination was La Pallice), Inverilen (arrived in the Downs on 13 April), John Knudsen (arrived at Le Havre on 13 April), Langleecrag (arrived in the Downs on 13 April), Oakbank (arrived in the Downs on 13 April), Oleander (arrived at Plymouth on 12 April), Olympos (arrived at Le Havre on 13 April), Rangitane (arrived in the Downs on 13 April), Ronin (arrived at Le Havre on 13 April), Rothley (arrived at Portland on 12 April), Tahchee (arrived at Le Havre on 13 April) and Trevorian (arrived in the Downs on 13 April). They were escorted by HMS Campbell and HMS Vesper which both arrived at Dover on 12 April. (16)

15 Apr 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 1730Q/15, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Halifax from convoy escort duty. (17)

22 Apr 1940

Convoy HX 37.

This convoy departed Halifax on 22 April 1940.

It was made up of the following merchant vessels; Athelprincess (British (tanker), 8882 GRT, built 1929), Daldorch (British, 5571 GRT, built 1930), Dolabella (British (tanker), 8142 GRT, built 1939), Dorington Court (British, 5281 GRT, built 1939), Embassage (British, 4954 GRT, built 1935), Fana (Norwegian, 1375 GRT, built 1939), Favorit (Norwegian, 2826 GRT, built 1920), Gallia (Norwegian (tanker), 9974 GRT, built 1939), Harlesden (British, 5483 GRT, built 1932), Hopestar (British, 5267 GRT, built 1936), Ile de Brehat (French, 6176 GRT, built 1919), Lagarto (British, 5072 GRT, built 1917), Loch Dee (British, 5252 GRT, built 1937), Lustrous (British (tanker), 6156 GRT, built 1927), Manchester Exporter (British, 5277 GRT, built 1918), Monique (French (tanker) 7011 GRT, built 1922), Mont Everest (French, 5183 GRT, built 1918), Mount Helmos (Greek, 6481 GRT, built 1923), Mount Pera (Greek, 5214 GRT, built 1918), New York City (British, 2710 GRT, built 1917), Orbita (British, 15495 GRT, built 1915), Pacific Shipper (British, 6290 GRT, built 1924), Pelagos (Norwegian (whale factory ship), 12067 GRT, built 1902), Point Ancha (Panamanian, 5141 GRT, built 1919), Port Gisborne (British, 8001 GRT, built 1927), Queen Adelaide (British, 4933 GRT, built 1936), Reginolite (British (tanker), 9069 GRT, built 1926), San Pedro (French, 5947 GRT, built 1931), Skudd 6 (Norwegian (whaler), 320 GRT, built 1930), Sommerstad (Norwegian (tanker), 5923 GRT, built 1926), Star of Luxor (Egyptian, 5214 GRT, built 1918), Traveller (British, 3963 GRT, built 1922) and Warkworth (British, 4941 GRT, built 1924).

On assembly of the convoy off Halifax it was very bad weather and some of the ships never actually joined the convoy. These were the following; Dorington Court (arrived in the Downs on 6 May), Favorit (arrived in the Downs on 7 May), Gallia (arrived at Southamptonn on 5 May), New York City (arrived at Bristol on 8 May) and Star of Luxor (arrived at Le Havre on 7 May).

On departure from Halifax the convoy was escorted by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) and the destroyers HMCS Restigouche (Lt.Cdr. H.N. Lay, RCN) and HMCS St. Laurent (Lt.Cdr. H.G. de Wolf, RCN).

Around 1800Q/23, the Canadian destroyers parted company to return to Halifax.

During the night of 23/24 April 1940, the Sommerstad straggled from the convoy. She proceeded independently to her destination and arrived at Liverpool on 7 May 1940.

Around 1600P/26, in position 41°07'N, 48°23'W, the Legarto and Point Ancha straggled from the convoy. Both proceeded independently to their destination which for both ship was Liverpool [arrival dates not known to us.]

Around 0800O/27, in position 41°21'N, 45°48'W, the Pelagos parted company to return to Halifax after a signal had been received to do so. She arrived at Halifax on 30 April 1940.

Around 0800A/4, in position 50°10'N, 13°26'W, the destroyer HMS Vivacious (Lt.Cdr. F.R.W. Parish, RN) and sloop HMS Leith (Cdr. G.R. Waymouth, RN) joined.

Around 1950A/4, in position 50°11'N, 10°51'W, the convoy split into two sections, the west coast / Irish Sea section and the east coast / Channel section.

The west coast / Irish Sea section was made up of the following merchant vessels; Athelprincess, Dolabella, Fana, Hopestar, Manchester Exporter, Mount Pera, Orbita, Queen Adelaide, Traveller and Warkworth. HMS Leith went with them as escort.

Around 1130A/5, in position 51°24'N, 07°10'W, the Fana and Hopestar were detached to Barry Roads (Bristol Channel). They both arrived in Barry Roads on 6 May.

Around 0300A/6, the Dolabella and Warkwortth were detached to the Clyde and Londonderry respectively. They both arrived at their destination on 7 May.

The remainder of the west coast / Irish Sea section arrived at Liverpool on 6 May. The Manchester Exporter then continued on to Manchester. The east coast / Channel section was made up of the following merchant vessels; Daldorch, Embassage, Harlesden, Ile de Brehat, Loch Dee, Lustrous, Monique, Mont Everest, Mount Helmos, Pacific Shipper, Port Gisborne, Reginolite, San Pedro and Skudd 6. They were escorted by HMS Alaunia and HMS Vivacious.

Around 1300A/5, the Lustrous, Mont Everest and San Pedro were detached to Brest where they arrived later the same day.

Around 1935A/5, the Skudd 6 was detached to proceed to Falmouth where she arrived the following day.

Around 2105A/5, HMS Alaunia parted company with the convoy to proceed to Southampton where she arrived around 1230A/6.

On 6 May 1940, the following merchant vessels entered Portland for degaussing; Embassage, Harlesden, Loch Dee and Port Gisborne.

The Ile de Brehat and Monique arrived at Le Havre on 7 May.

The remaining ships proceeded to the Downs.

HMS Vivacious arrived at Dover on 7 May 1940. (18)

6 May 1940
Around 1230A/6, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Southampton from convoy escort duty. At the Harland & Wolff shipyard at Southampton she was taken in hand for refit and modifications which included the fitting of degaussing equipment. (19)

13 May 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) is docked in No.5 graving dock at Southampton. (20)

28 May 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) is undocked. (20)

11 Jun 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) conducted D/G, D/F calibration and compass adjustment trials off Southampton on completion of which course was set to proceed to Halifax. (21)

20 Jun 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 2315P/20, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Halifax from Southampton. (21)

25 Jun 1940

Convoy HX 53.

This convoy departed Halifax on 25 June 1940.

It was made up of the following merchant vessels; Aracataca (British, 5377 GRT, built 1925), Axel Johnson (Swedish, 4896 GRT, built 1925), Bjerka (Norwegian, 1893 GRT, built 1916), Boltonhall (British, 4824 GRT, built 1935), Botavon (British, 5848 GRT, built 1912), Crown Arun (British, 2372 GRT, built 1938), Dalcross (British, 4557 GRT, built 1930), Dimitrios Inglessis (Greek, 5275 GRT, built 1918), Dunsley (British, 3862 GRT, built 1929), Grigorios C. II (Greek, 2497 GRT, built 1919), Harlingen (British, 5415 GRT, built 1933), Humber Arm (British, 5758 GRT, built 1925), Janna (Norwegian, 2197 GRT, built 1919), Jersey City (British, 4986 GRT, built 1936), Langleebrook (British, 4246 GRT, built 1930), Manchester Brigade (British, 6042 GRT, built 1918), Pacific Shipper (British, 6290 GRT, built 1924), Penrose (British, 4393 GRT, built 1928), Rosenborg (Finnish, 1521 GRT, built 1919), Scoresby (British, 3843 GRT, built 1923), Silverfir (British, 4347 GRT, built 1924), Sovac (British (tanker), 6724 GRT, built 1938), Stalheim (Norwegian, 1298 GRT, built 1936), Taborfjell (Norwegian, 1339 GRT, built 1938), Taybank (British, 5627 GRT, built 1930), Thistleford (British, 4781 GRT, built 1928), Tilsington Court (British, 6910 GRT, built 1928), Valparaiso (Swedish, 3762 GRT, built 1917), Venetia (British, 5728 GRT, built 1927), Wentworth (British, 5212 GRT, built 1919) and Zannes Gounaris (Greek, 4407 GRT, built 1907).

On departure from Halifax the convoy was escorted by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) and the destroyers HMCS Assiniboine (Capt. G.C. Jones, RCN) and HMCS Ottawa (Cdr. E.R. Mainguy, RCN).

Around 2130P/25, the Canadian destroyers parted company to return to Halifax.

At dawn on 26 June the Janna was missing from the convoy. She arrived back at Halifax on 27 June.

Around 0800P/30, in position 41°30'N, 44°35'W, the Bermuda section of the convoy joined (convoy BHX 53), this was made up of the following merchant vessels; Athelempress (British (tanker), 8941 GRT, built 1930), Empire Gannet (British, 5630 GRT, built 1919), Katy (Norwegian (tanker), 6825 GRT, built 1931), Maria Stathatos (Greek, 6303 GRT, built 1922), Mataroa (British, 12390 GRT, built 1922), Severn Leigh (British, 5242 GRT, built 1919), Sommerstad (Norwegian (tanker), 5923 GRT, built 1926), Taranaki (British, 10534 GRT, built 1928), Thistlegarth (British, 4747 GRT, built 1929), Thorshavn (Norwegian (tanker), 6869 GRT, built 1930) and Whitford Point (British, 5026 GRT, built 1928).

They had been escorted to the rendezvous by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Comorin (Capt.(Retd.) J.I. Hallett, DSO, RN) which then parted company to proceed to Halifax where she arrived on 2 July 1940.

Around 0925N/7, in position 50°20'N, 13°33'W, HMS Alaunia parted company with the convoy to return to Halifax. She had just turned over the escort of the convoy to the destroyers HMS Hurricane (Lt.Cdr. H.C. Simms, RN), HMS Vanquisher (Cdr. C.B. Alers-Hankey, RN), HMS Winchelsea (Lt.Cdr. W.A.F. Hawkins, DSC, RN), HMS Sabre (Cdr.(Retd.) B. Dean, RN), HMS Scimitar (Lt. R.D. Franks, OBE, RN), sloop HMS Leith (Cdr. G.R. Waymouth, RN) and the corvette HMS Clarkia (Lt.Cdr. F.J.G. Jones, RNR).

At 0653A/8, the convoy was attacked by an enemy submarine in position 50°37'W, 09°38'W [another source gives 50°36'N, 09°24'W] during which the Humber Arm was torpedoed and sunk by the German submarine U-99. The entire crew was picked up by HMS Scimitar and HMS Vanquisher.

On 9 July 1940 the following merchant vessels arrived in Barry Roads;
Jersey City, Katy, Maria Stathatos, Mataroa and Zannes Gounaris.

On 9 July 1940 the Rosenborg arrived at Dublin.

On 10 July 1940 the following merchant vessels arrived at Liverpool;
Aracataca, Axel Johnson, Dalcross, Dimitrios Inglessis, Empire Gannet, Pacific Shipper, Silverfir, Sovac, Stalheim, Taborfjell, Taranaki, Taybank and Tilsington Court.

On 10 July 1940, the Manchester Brigade arrived at Manchester.

On 10 July 1940, the Bjerka and Crown Arun and arrived at Preston.

On 10 July 1940, the Grigorios C. II arrived at Barrow in Furness.

On 10 July 1940, the Sommerstad arrived at Belfast.

On 10 July 1940, the following merchant vessels arrived in the Clyde;
Athelempress, Boltonhall, Botavon, Dunsley, Harlingen, Langleebrook, Penrose, Scoresby, Severn Leigh, Thistleford, Thistlegarth, Thorshavn, Valparaiso, Venetia, Wentworth and Whitford Point.

The escorts arrived as follows;
HMS Scimitar and HMS Clarkia arrived at Milford haven on 9 July.
HMS Hurrican, HMS Vanquisher and HMS Winchelsea arrived at Liverpool on 10 July.
HMS Sabre and HMS Leith arrived in the Clyde on 10 July. (22)

14 Jul 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 0600P/14, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Halifax from convoy escort duty. (23)

17 Jul 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 1000P/17, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) departed Halifax for Bermuda. (23)

19 Jul 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 1515Q/19, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Bermuda from Halifax. (23)

22 Jul 1940

Convoy BHX 60.

This convoy departed Bermuda on 22 July 1940.

It was made up of the following merchant vessels; Amastra (British (tanker), 8031 GRT, built 1935), Anglo Peruvian (British, 5457 GRT, built 1926), Athelviscount (British (tanker), 8882 GRT, built 1929), Boka (Panamanian, 5399 GRT, built 1920), Catrine (British, 5218 GRT, built 1940), Clea (British (tanker), 8028 GRT, built 1938), Custodian (British, 5881 GRT, built 1928), Dalfonn (British (tanker), 9860 GRT, built 1928), Davila (British (tanker), 8053 GRT, built 1938), El Mirlo (British (tanker), 8092 GRT, built 1930), Explorer (British, 6235 GRT, built 1935), Indora (British, 6622 GRT, built 1938), Rosewood (British (tanker), 5989 GRT, built 1931), Scottish Heather (British (tanker), 7087 GRT, built 1928) and Solfonn (Norwegian (tanker), 9925 GRT, built 1939).

On departure from Bermuda the convoy was escorted by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) and the sloop HMS Penzance (Cdr. A.J. Wavish, RN).

HMS Penzance was only with the convoy briefly and soon returned to Bermuda presumably arriving on 23 July.

Around 1000P/27, in position 40°53'N, 46°17'W, the convoy merged with convoy HX 60 coming from Halifax. HMS Alaunia then parted company to return to Bermuda where she arrived around 0900Q/30. (24)

30 Jul 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 0900Q/30, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Bermuda from convoy escort duty. (23)

3 Aug 1940

Convoy BHX 63.

This convoy departed Bermuda on 3 August 1940.

It was made up of the following merchant vessels;
Conch (British (tanker), 8376 GRT, built 1931), Egba (British, 4989 GRT, built 1914), Elax (British (tanker), 7403 GRT, built 1927), Graiglas (British, 4312 GRT, built 1940), Helder (Dutch, 3629 GRT, built 1920), Inventor (British, 6210 GRT, built 1935), Katendrecht (Dutch (tanker), 5099 GRT, built 1925), Llanover (British, 4959 GRT, built 1928), Loreto (British, 6682 GRT, built 191), Megara (British (tanker), 7981 GRT, built 1929), Mirza (Dutch (tanker), 7991 GRT, built 1929), Nicolaou Virginia (Greek, 6869 GRT, built 1920), Oporto (British, 2352 GRT, built 1928), Rapana (British (tanker), 8017 GRT, built 1935), San Roberto (British (tanker), 5890 GRT, built 1922), Scottish Standard (British (tanker), 6999 GRT, built 1921), Sithonia (British, 6723 GRT, built 1919), Standella (British (tanker), 6197 GRT, built 1936), Surrey (British, 8581 GRT, built 1919) and Tasso (British, 1586 GRT, built 1938).

On departure from Bermuda the convoy was escorted by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN). A/S escort on the day of departure was provided by an aircraft.

Around 0845Q/8, in position 40°57'N, 46°27'W, the convoy merged with convoy HX 63 coming from Halifax. HMS Alaunia then parted company to return to Bermuda where she arrived around 0730Q/11. (25)

11 Aug 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 0730Q/11, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Bermuda from convoy escort duty. (26)

15 Aug 1940

Convoy BHX 66.

This convoy departed Bermuda on 15 August 1940.

It was made up of the following merchant vessels;
Arinia (British (tanker), 8024 GRT, built 1936), Cordelia (British (tanker), 8190 GRT, built 1932), D.L. Harper (British (tanker), 12223 GRT, built 1933)), Empire Puma (British, 7777 GRT, built 1920), Helgoy (Norwegian, 7116 GRT, built 1920), Industria (British, 4850 GRT, built 1940), Karamea (British, 10530 GRT, built 1928), Merchant Royal (British, 5008 GRT, built 1928), Norne (Norwegian, 3971 GRT, built 1930), Nyland (Norwegian, 1374 GRT, built 1940), Oakworth (British, 4968 GRT, built 1925), Otina (British (tanker), 6217 GRT, built 1938), Port Townsville (British, 8661 GRT, built 1935), Queen Maud (British, 4976 GRT, built 1936), Rothley (British, 4996 GRT, built 1936), Sabor (British, 5212 GRT, built 1920), San Alvaro (British (tanker), 7385 GRT, built 1935) and Weirbank (British, 5150 GRT, built 1925).

On departure from Bermuda the convoy was escorted by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN).

Around 1600Q/17, the Merchant Royal, which had been lagging behind the convoy all day being unable to keep up, was lost from sight. She never rejoined and proceeded to the U.K. independently.

Around 1000Q/20, in position 42°20'N, 48°49'W, the convoy merged with convoy HX 66 coming from Halifax. HMS Alaunia then parted company to proceed to Halifax where she arrived around 0930P/22. (24)

22 Aug 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 0930P/22, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Halifax from convoy escort duty. (23)

28 Aug 1940

Convoy HX 69.

This convoy departed Halifax on 28 August 1940.

It was made up of the following merchant vessels; Austvard (Norwegian, 3677 GRT, built 1925), Barrdale (British, 5072 GRT, built 1925), Botlea (British, 5119 GRT, built 1917), Charles F. Meyer (British (tanker), 10516 GRT, built 1938), Dalfram (British, 4558 GRT, built 1930), Haakon Hauan (Norwegian (tanker), 6582 GRT, built 1935), Iddesleigh (British, 5205 GRT, built 1927), Inger (Norwegian, 1409 GRT, built 1930), Kelbergen (Dutch, 4823 GRT, built 1914), Lapland (British, 1330 GRT, built 1936), Lylepark (British, 5186 GRT, built 1929), Martand (British, 7967 GRT, built 1939), Narragansett (British (tanker), 10389 GRT, built 1936), Penrose (British, 4393 GRT, built 1928), Pontfield (British (tanker), 8319 GRT, built 1940), Rowanbank (British, 5159 GRT, built 1919), Siris (British, 5242 GRT, built 1919), Tapanoeli (British, 7031 GRT, built 1924), Tornus (British (tanker), 8054 GRT, built 1936), Ulysses (Dutch, 2655 GRT, built 1918), Voco (British (tanker), 5090 GRT, built 1925), W.B. Walker (British (tanker), 10468 GRT, built 1935) and Yselhaven (Dutch, 4802 GRT, built 1921).

On departure from Halifax the convoy was escorted by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) and the destroyer HMCS Assiniboine (Capt. G.C. Jones, RCN) and the auxiliary patrol vessel HMCS French (A/Skr. W. Philpott, RCNR).

Around 2100P/28, HMCS French parted company to return to Halifax.

Around 2010P/29, in position 43°03'N, 59°15'W, HMCS Assiniboine parted company to return to Halifax.

Around 1300P/30, in position 42°49'N, 56°44'W, the Sydney section (Convoy SHX 69) of the convoy joined. This was made up of the following merchant vessels; Asbjorn (British, 4387 GRT, built 1935), Beaverdale (British, 9957 GRT, built 1928), Bridgepool (British, 4845 GRT, built 1924), Delilian (British, 6423 GRT, built 1923), Lord Byron (British, 4118 GRT, built 1934), Parracombe (British, 4702 GRT, built 1928), Roxby (British, 4252 GRT, built 1923), Stad Maastricht (Dutch, 6907 GRT, built 1924) and Vestvard (Norwegian, 4319 GRT, built 1925). It's escort from Sydney, the destroyer HMCS Saguenay (Cdr. G.R. Miles, RCN) had been detached around 0800P/30 when HMS Alaunia had temporarily joined the Sydney section (SHX 69) to guide it to the rendezvous with the Halifax section (HX 69).

Around 1000/1, in position 43°20'N, 48°20'W, the Bermuda section (Convoy BHX 69) of the convoy joined. This was made up of the following merchant vessels; Alhama (British, 1352 GRT, built 1938), Amakura (British, 1987 GRT, built 1924), Buesten (Norwegian, 5187 GRT, built 1927), Cape St. Andrew (British, 5094 GRT, built 1928), Condor (British, 4748 GRT, built 1920), Dolabella (British (tanker), 8142 GRT, built 1939), Dosinia (British (tanker), 8053 GRT, buil 1938), Gold Shell (British (tanker), 8208 GRT, built 1931), Olympos (Greek, 5216 GRT, built 1918), Oropesa (British, 14118 GRT, built 1920), San Casimiro (British (tanker), 8046 GRT, built 1936), Taron (British (tanker), 8054 GRT, built 1936), Traveller (British, 3963 GRT, built 1922, 3963 GRT, built 1922), Tricula (British (tanker), 3963 GRT, built 1922, 6221 GRT, built 1936) and Winamac (British (tanker), 8621 GRT, built 1926). It's escort from Bermuda, the armed merchant cruiser HMS Ascania (Capt.(Retd.) C.H. Ringrose-Wharton, RN) had been detached around 0715P/30 when HMS Alaunia had temporarily joined the Bermuda section (BHX 69) to guide it to the rendezvous with the main convoy (HX 69).

Around 2015N/8, in position 58°28'N, 19°05'W, HMS Alaunia parted company to return to Halifax.

Between 0700Z/9 - 0800Z/9, in position 58°47'N, 16°22'W, the destroyers HMS Arrow (Cdr. H.W. Williams, RN), HMS Ambuscade (Lt.Cdr. R.A. Fell, RN), HMS Winchelsea (Lt.Cdr. W.A.F. Hawkins, DSC, RN), sloop Fowey (Lt.Cdr. R.M. Aubrey, RN), corvettes HMS Camellia (Lt.Cdr. E.M. Mackay, RNR), HMS Clarkia (Lt.Cdr. F.J.G. Jones, RNR) and HMS Heartsease (Lt.Cdr. E.J.R. North, RNR) joined.

Around 1900Z/9, in position 56°34'N, 18°42'W, the east coast section of the convoy parted company. It was made up of the following merchant vessels; Alhama, Barrdale, Botlea, Cape St. Andrew, Dalfram, Kelbergen, Lord Byron, Martand, Parracombe, Roxby, Traveller, Tricula, Voco and Yselhaven. They took HMS Fowey and HMS Camellia with them as escorts. This section arrived in Methil Roads on 13 September. The two escorts then proceeded to Rosyth where they arrived later on 13 September.

Around 1000A/11, in position 55°09'N, 05°48'W, the Clyde section of the convoy parted company. It was made up of the following merchant vessels; Austvard, Buesten, Delilian, Dolabella, Narraganset, Pontfield, Rowanbank, San Casimiro, Tornus and Winamac. HMS Arrow and HMS Ambuscade also parted company and proceeded to Greenock.

Around 1315A/11, in position 54°48'N, 05°26'W, the Olympos parted company to proceed to Belfast Lough.

Around 2015A/11, in position 53°45'N, 05°08'W, the Liverpool section of the convoy parted company. It was made up of the following merchant vessels; Asbjorn, Condor, Dosinia, Haakon Hauan, Iddesleigh, Oropesa, Penrose, Siris, Tapanoeli, Taron and Vestvard and W.B. Walker. They took HMS Winchelsea, HMS Clarkia and HMS Heartsease with them as escorts.

Around 1200A/12, in position 50°35'N, 05°30'W, the Inger, and Lylepark parted company to proceed to Milford Haven.

Around 2300A/12, following ships arrived in Barry Roads; Amakura, Beaverdale, Bridgepool, Charles F. Meyer, Lapland, Gold Shell, Stad Maastricht and Ulysses. (27)

14 Sep 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 2315P/14, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Halifax from convoy escort duty. (28)

20 Sep 1940
Around 2100P/20, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) departed Halifax for Bermuda. (28)

23 Sep 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 0730Q/23, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) departed Halifax for Bermuda. (28)

24 Sep 1940

Convoy BHX 76.

This convoy departed Bermuda on 24 September 1940.

It was made up of the following merchant vessels;
Adula (British (tanker), 8040 GRT, built 1937), Confield (British, 4956 GRT, built 1940), Horn Shell (British (tanker), 8272 GRT, built 1931), Mosli (Norwegian (tanker), 8291 GRT, built 1935), Nailsea Meadow (British, 4962 GRT, built 1937), Port Hardy (British, 8897 GRT, built 1923), Queen Adelaide (British, 4933 GRT, built 1936), Rancher (British, 5882 GRT, built 1927), Standella (British (tanker), 6197 GRT, built 1936) and Sutlej (British, 5189 GRT, built 1940).

On departure from Bermuda the convoy was escorted by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN).

Around 0900Q/27, in position 39°10'N, 57°40'W, the Standella hove to and signalled that she was making good a defect. At 1145Q/27, she was seen attempting to rejoin but then dropped astern and never rejoined. She arrived at Halifax on 29 September to effect repairs.

Around 1000Q/29, in position 44°21'N, 51°37'W, HMS Alaunia parted company to return to Bermuda after having turned over the convoy to the armed merchant cruiser HMS Ausonia (Capt.(Retd.) G.H. Freyberg, OBE, RN).

Around 1215Q/29, convoy BHX 76 merged with the main convoy HX 76. (29)

2 Oct 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 1130Q/2, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Bermuda from convoy escort duty. (30)

6 Oct 1940

Convoy BHX 79.

This convoy departed Bermuda on 6 October 1940.

It was made up of the following merchant vessels;
Athelmonarch (British (tanker), 8995 GRT, built 1928), Baron Minto (British, 4637 GRT, built 1937), Empire Trader (British, 9957 GRT, built 1908), Hoyanger (Norwegian, 4624 GRT, built 1926), La Estancia (British, 5185 GRT, built 1940), Shirak (British (tanker), 6023 GRT, built 1926), Sitala (British (tanker), 6218 GRT, built 1937), Tribesman (British, 6242 GRT, 1937), Triton (Norwegian, 6607 GRT, built 1930) and Wandby (British, 4947 GRT, built 1940).

On departure from Bermuda the convoy was escorted by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) which also conducted HA gunnery exercises on departure.

At 0815Q/9, the Baron Minto had straggled from the convoy and was just in sight. At 1030Q/9, she was no longer seen and had set course for Sydney, Cape Brenton Island where she arrived on 11 October.

Around 0945Q/11, in position 44°23'N, 50°45'W, HMS Alaunia parted company to proceed to Halifax after the armed merchant cruiser HMS Montclare (Capt.(Retd.) H.M. Spreckley, RN) had joined to guide the convoy to the main convoy HX 79.

Around 1130Q/11, convoy BHX 79 merged with convoy HX 79. (31)

13 Oct 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 0930Q/13, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Halifax from convoy escort duty. (30)

20 Oct 1940

Convoy HX 82.

This convoy departed Halifax on 20 October 1940.

It was made up of the following merchant vessels; Amstel (Dutch, 2115 GRT, built 1925), Caledonia (Norwegian (tanker), 9892 GRT, built 1936), City of Barcelona (British, 5787 GRT, built 1930), Empire Bison (British, 5972 GRT, built 1919), Erviken (Norwegian, 5019 GRT, built 1921), Manchester Exporter (British, 5277 GRT, built 1918), Murena (Dutch (tanker), 8252 GRT, built 1931) and Nova Scotia (British, 6796 GRT, built 1926).

On departure from Halifax the convoy was escorted by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) and the destroyers HMCS St Croix (Lt.Cdr. H. Kingsley, RCN) and HMCS St.Francis (Lt.Cdr. H.F. Pullen, RCN).

Around 1100Q/21, the Amstel and Erviken were detached from the convoy due to their slow speed. They proceeded to Sydney, Cape Brenton Island from where they were to be sailed in the slow SC convoy series. They both arrived at Sydney on 22 October.

Around 1800Q/21, HMCS St Croix and HMCS St.Francis were detached to return to Halifax.

Around 1100Q/22, the Sydney section of the convoy, SHX 82, joined. It was made up of the following merchant vessels; Bodegraven (Dutch, 5541 GRT, 1929), Cairnesk (British, 5007 GRT, built 1926), Chr. J. Kampmann (Canadian, 2281 GRT, built 1924), Dorelian (British, 6431 GRT, built 1923), Eskdalegate (British, 4250 GRT, built 1930), Esmond (British, 4976 GRT, built 1930), Gregalia (British, 5802 GRT, built 1929), Malaya (British, 8654 GRT, built 1921), Manchester Progress (British, 5620 GRT, built 1938), Maplewood (British, 4566 GRT, built 1930), Myson (British (former French, 4601 GRT, built 1927), Olaf Bergh (Norwegian, 5811 GRT, built 1921), Prins Frederik Hendrik (Dutch, 1288 GRT, built 1936), Ruckinge (British, 2869 GRT, built 1939), Scottish Monarch (British, 4719 GRT, built 1938), Tacoma City (British, 4738 GRT, built 1929) and Wearwood (British, 4597 GRT, built 1930).

HMS Alaunia had made rendezvous with convoy SHX 82 around 0900Q/22 in position 45°08'N, 56°02'W, and then guided it to the main convoy. On HMS Alaunia joining the escort of convoy SHX 82, the armed yachts HMCS Reindeer (Lt.Cdr. E.G. Skinner, RCNR) and HMCS Husky (Lt. H. Freeland, RCNR), parted company.

During the night of 22/23 October the Empire Bison straggled from the convoy in approximate position 44°40'N, 54°07'W. She never rejoined the convoy and continued her passage to the U.K. independently. She was however torpedoed and sunk on 1 November 1940 by the German submarine U-124.

On 23 October the convoy encountered heavy weather and around 1515Q/23, in position 44°10'N, 52°00'W, the Bodegraven and Scotish Morach were detached. The Bodegraven, with damage to her forecastle, returned to Halifax arriving on 26 October. The Scottish Monarch, with defects to her steering gear, also arrived at Halifax on 26 October.

Around 1500Q/24, in position 45°50'N, 49°15'W, the Olaf Berg broke down and parted company with the convoy. She was able to proceed to St. John's, Newfouldland for repairs where she arrived on 26 October.

Around 1600Q/24, convoy BHX 82, merged with convoy HX 82. The following merchant vessels then joined the convoy; Afrika (British, 8597 GRT, built 1920), Cape Horn (British, 5643 GRT, built 1929), City of Oxford (British, 2759 GRT, built 1926), Egba (British, 4989 GRT, built 1914), El Ciervo (British (tanker), 5841 GRT, built 1923), Elax (British (tanker), 7403 GRT, built 1927), Empire Gannet (British, 5630 GRT, built 1919), Governor (British, 5571 GRT, built 1918), Inverlee (British (tanker), 9158 GRT, built 1938), Onoba (British (tanker), 6256 GRT, built 1938), Opalia (British (tanker), 6195 GRT, built 1938), Orduna (British, 15507 GRT, built 1914), Patella (British (tanker), 7468 GRT, built 1927), Toorak (British (tanker), 8627 GRT, built 1927) and Toulouse (Norwegian, 7027 GRT, built 1934).

During the night of 28/29 October, in approximate position 56°00'N, 33°00'W, the Prins Frederik Hendrik straggled from the convoy. She arrived at Liverpool on 4 November 1941.

During the night of 30/31 October, in approximate position 59°00'N, 24°00'W, the Empire Gannet straggled from the convoy. She arrived at Greenock on 7 November 1941.

Around 0630O/31, in position 59°25'N, 23°09'W, HMS Alaunia parted company with the convoy to return to Halifax.

Around 1100A/1, in approximate position 57°00'N, 15°00'W, the A/S escort joined, it was made up of the destroyers HMS Veteran (Cdr. J.E. Broome, RN), HMS Verity (Cdr. R.H. Mills, RN), HMS Witherington (Lt.Cdr. J.B. Palmer, RN), HMS Broke (Cdr. B.G. Scurfield, RN), HMS Sardonyx (Lt.Cdr. R.B.S. Tennant, RN), HMS Chelsea (Lt.Cdr. R.D.H.S. Pankhurst, RN) and the corvettes HMS Arabis (Lt.Cdr. J.P. Stewart, RNR), HMS Camellia (Lt.Cdr. E.M. Mackay, RNR) and HMS Heliotrope (Lt.Cdr. J. Jackson, RNR).

On 3 November 1940, the following merchant vessels arrived at Oban; Cairnesk, Maplewood, Opalia, Ruckinge and Tacoma City.

On 3 November 1940, the following merchant vessels arrived at Oban; Cairnesk, Maplewood, Opalia, Ruckinge and Tacoma City.

On 4 November 1940, the following merchant vessels arrived in the Clyde; Afrika, Caledonia, Chr. J. Kampmann, Dorelian, Elax, Inverlee, Myson, Patella, Toorak and Wearwood.

On 4 November 1940, the following merchant vessels arrived in Belfast Lough; Eskdalegate, Esmond, Malaya and Orduna.

On 4 November 1940, the following merchant vessels arrived at Liverpool; Cape Horn, City of Barcelona, City of Oxford, Egba, El Ciervo, Governor, Gregalia, Manchester Exporter, Manchester Progress, Murena, Nova Scotia, Onoba and Toulouse.

Of the escort HMS Camellia arrived at Oban on 3 November 1940 having escorted the Oban section of the convoy there.

On 3 November 1940, HMS Broke, HMS Sardonyx, HMS Arabis and HMS Heliotrope arrived at Londonderry.

On 3 November 1940, HMS Verity arrived at Greenock.

On 4 November 1940, HMS Veteran, HMS Witherington and HMS Chelsea arrived at Liverpool. (32)

5 Nov 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 1700Q/5, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Halifax from convoy escort duty. (33)

14 Nov 1940

Convoy HX 87.

This convoy departed Halifax on 14 November 1940.

It was made up of the following merchant vessels; Acavus (British (tanker), 8010 GRT, built 1935), Barrington Court (British, 4910 GRT, built 1924), Charles F. Meyer (British (tanker), 10516 GRT, built 1938), Corner Brook (British, 5767 GRT, built 1925), Edward F. Johnson (British (tanker), 10452 GRT, built 1937), Edwy R. Brown (British (tanker), 10455 GRT, built 1938), El Mirlo (British (tanker), 8092 GRT, built 1930), Generton (British, 4797 GRT, built 1936), Gitano (British, 3956 GRT, built 1921), John A. Brown (British (tanker), 10455 GRT, built 1938), Kelso (British, 3956 GRT, built 1924), Narragansett (British (tanker), 10389 GRT, built 1936), Nemea (Greek, 5101 GRT, built 1919), Nicolaou Virginia (Greek, 6869 GRT, built 1920), Ostende (Belgian, 4528 GRT, built 1903), Rapana (British (tanker), 8017 GRT, built 1935) and Rockpool (British, 4892 GRT, built 1927).

On departure from Halifax the convoy was escorted by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) and the destroyers HMCS Columbia (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) S.W. Davis, RN) and HMCS St.Francis (Lt.Cdr. H.F. Pullen, RCN).

Around 1700Q/15, both Canadian destroyers parted company to return to Halifax.

The Sydney section of the convoy (SHX 87) was to join around 1200Q/16 but it would take about a day before all ships had joined due to the thick fog encountered around this time. The Sydney section was made up of the following merchant vessels; Augvald (Norwegian, 4811 GRT, built 1920), Barrdale (British, 5072 GRT, built 1925), Bradburn (British, 4736 GRT, built 1930), Brant County (Norwegian, 5001 GRT, built 1915), Hel (Polish, 1066 GRT, buil 1935), Hercules (Dutch, 2317 GRT, built 1914), Lekhaven (Dutch, 4802 GRT, built 1921), Montreal City (British, 3066 GRT, built 1920), Nyanza (British, 4974 GRT, built 1928), Selvik (Norwegian, 1557 GRT, built 1920), Thirlby (British, 4888 GRT, built 1928) and Weirbank (British, 5150 GRT, built 1925).

At dawn on 22 November 1940, some ships were missing from the convoy but all except the Rockpool managed to rejoin the convoy. The Rockpool arrived at St. John's, Newfoundland with weather damage on 26 November 1940.

Around 1030O/22, the merchant vessels Helle (Norwegian, 2467 GRT, built 1918) and Michalis (Greek, 5685 GRT, built 1919) joined after they had become separated from convoy HX 88 in fog.

At dawn on the 24th, the Brant County (arrived in the Clyde on 28 November 1940), Helle (arrived in the Clyde on 28 November 1940) and Nemea (arrived at Liverpool on 29 November 1940) were seen to be missing from the convoy.

At dawn on the 25th, the Barrington Court and Selvik were seen to be missing from the convoy. They both arrived independently at Oban [exact date not known but possibly 2 December 1940].

Around 1100N/25, in position 55°02'N, 21°41'W, HMS Alaunia parted company to return to Halifax.

Around 1315Z/26, in position 55°50'N, 18°18'W, the Charles F. Meyer straggled from the convoy due to engine trouble. At 1220A/26, she reported having been attacked and damaged by a U-boat in position 56°00'N, 13°52'W. The destroyers HMS Witherington (Lt.Cdr. J.B. Palmer, RN) and HMS Verity (Cdr. R.H. Mills, RN) reported at 1244A/26 being in position 55°31'N, 15°11'W. HMS Verity was then detached to go to the aid of the damaged tanker but eventually could not find her [HMS Verity's signal timed 1931A/27]. At 1206A/28, the Charles F. Meyer reported that she was still being chased by the enemy submarine in position 55°33'N, 08°47'W but that the enemy was now dropping astern. Another submarine report was made by the Charles F. Meyer at 2145A/28 but this was false and soon cancelled. On 2 December 1940, it was reported that the damaged Charles F. Meyer had meanwhile arrived safely at Rothesay Bay. The attacker of the Charles F. Meyer must have been the German submarine U-104 which failed to return from patrol and is thought to have been mined in minefield SN 44 in approximate position 55°30'N, 08°00'W shortly afterwards. [This minefield had been laid by the 1st Minelaying Squadron on 8 November 1940.]

Around 1600Z/26, in approximate position 56°00'N, 17°00'W, the destroyers HMS Havelock (Cdr. E.H. Thomas, RN), HMS Hesperus (Lt.Cdr. D.G.F.W. MacIntyre, RN) and HMS Hurricane (Lt.Cdr. H.C. Simms, RN) joined the convoy as A/S escort.

Also part of the A/S escort were the destroyers HMS Witherington (Lt.Cdr. J.B. Palmer, RN), HMS Broke (Cdr. B.G. Scurfield, RN) and the corvettes HMS Anemone (Lt.Cdr. H.G. Boys-Smith, DSO, RNR) and HMS Mallow (Lt.Cdr. W.B. Piggott, RNR). [No further details are given in the convoy report.] HMS Broke, HMS Anemone and HMS Mallow were detached on 27 November 1940 to convoy HX 88.

On 28 November 1940, the following merchant vessels arrived at Oban; Augvald, Barrdale, Bradburn, Gitano, Hercules, Kelso and Nyanza.

On 28 (29 ?) November 1940, the following merchant vessels arrived in the Clyde; Generton, Hel, Nicolaou Virginia, Ostende and Rapana.

On 28 November 1940, the following Thirlby arrived in Belfast Lough.

On 29 November 1940, the following merchant vessels arrived at Liverpool; Corner Brook, Edward F. Johnson, El Mirlo, John A. Brown, Lekhaven, Michalis and Weirbank.

On 20 November 1940, the following merchant vessels arrived in Barry Roads; Acavus, Edwy R. Brown, Montreal City and Narragansett.

Of the escort; HMS Havelock, HMS Hesperus and HMS Hurricane arrived at Liverpool on 29 November 1940. HMS Witherington arrived there on 30 November 1940. (34)

1 Dec 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 0900Q/1, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Halifax from convoy escort duty. (35)

2 Dec 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 2015Q/2, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) departed Halifax for Bermuda. (35)

5 Dec 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 0830Q/5, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Bermuda from Halifax. (35)

12 Dec 1940

Convoy BHX 96.

This convoy departed Bermuda on 12 December 1940.

It was made up of the following merchant vessels;
Algenib (Dutch, 5483 GRT, built 1937), Alioth (Dutch, 4583 GRT, built 1937), Amsterdam (Dutch (tanker), 7329 GRT, built 1922), Athelking (British (tanker), 9557 GRT, built 1926), Catrine (British, 5218 GRT, built 1940), Cistula (Dutch (tanker), 8097 GRT, built 1939), Dorcasia (British (tanker), 8053 GRT, built 1938), Eastgate (British, 5032 GRT, built 1940), Industria (British, 4850 GRT, built 1940), Kantara (British, 3237 GRT, built 1925), Madras City (British, 5080 GRT, built 1940), Madrono (Norwegian (tanker), 5894 GRT, built 1917), Maridal (Norwegian (tanker), 6479 GRT, built 1934), Merchant Prince (British, 5229 GRT, built 1939), Noreg (Norwegian (tanker), 7605 GRT, built 1931), Olympos (Greek, 5216 GRT, built 1918), San Conrado (British (tanker), 7982 GRT, built 1936), Sveve (Norwegian (tanker), 6313 GRT, built 1930) and Winamac (British (tanker), 8621 GRT, built 1926).

Of these the San Conrado had sailed late, having been delayed with engine defects. But she was able to overtake join the convoy a few hours after its departure.

On departure from Bermuda the convoy is escorted by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN).

Around 0700Q/16, the San Conrado again developed engine trouble. Later that day, at 1700Q/16, she had to stop for repairs. She was ordered to proceed to Halifax on completion of these repairs. She arrived at Halifax on 19 December 1940.

At 1045Q/16, the Olympus developed problems with her rudder and was also ordered to proceed to Halifax where she arrived on 19 December 1940.

Around 0720Q/18, the armed merchant cruiser HMS Ranpura (A/Capt.(Retd.) R.I. Money, RN) joined to guide the Bermuda section to the main convoy. HMS Alaunia then parted company in position 46°40'N, 48°43'W, to proceed to Halifax.

Around 1430P/18, the Bermuda section (BHX 96) had joined up with the main convoy (HX 96). (36)

20 Dec 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 0800Q/20, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Halifax from convoy escort duty. (35)

26 Dec 1940

Convoy HX 99.

This convoy departed Halifax on 26 December 1940.

It was made up of the following merchant vessels; A.D. Huff (British, 5866 GRT, built 1920), Aelybryn (British, 4986 GRT, built 1938), Alderpool (British, 4313 GRT, built 1936), Cape Nelson (British, 3807 GRT, built 1929), Eastern Star (Norwegian, 5658 GRT, 1920), Ittersum (Dutch, 5199 GRT, built 1938), Olympos (Greek, 5216 GRT, built 1918), Penrith Castle (British, 6369 GRT, built 1929), Teneriffa (Norwegian, 5655 GRT, built 1922), Thysville (Belgian, 8351 GRT, built 1922), Tower Field (British, 4241 GRT, built 1935), Warkworth (British, 4941 GRT, built 1924), West Ekonk (British, 5631 GRT, built 1918) and Yselhaven (Dutch, 4802 GRT, built 1921).

On departure from Halifax the convoy was escorted by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN), destroyer HMCS Columbia (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) S.W. Davis, RN) and the armed yacht HMCS Otter (T/Lt. D.S. Mossman, RCNR).

Around 1830Q/26, the submarine HMS Porpoise (Lt.Cdr. J.G. Hopkins, RN) also joined the convoy as escort.

HMCS Otter was detached later on the 26th to return to Halifax.

Around 1645Q/27, HMCS Columbia parted company to return to Halifax.

Between 29 and 31 December 1940, the convoy encountered very thick for and during this period the Cape Nelson and Teneriffa lost contact with the convoy and never rejoined. They both continued her passage to the U.K. independently and arrived at Oban on 9 January 1941 and at Avonmouth on 10 January 1941 respectively.

Also on 29 December 1940, the Bermuda section of the convoy, convoy BHX 99, was to join. This convoy was made up of the following merchant vessels; Abraham Lincoln (Norwegian, 5784 GRT, built 1929), Blankaholm (Swedish, 2845 GRT, built 1930), Cowrie (British (tanker), 8197 GRT, built 1931), Daytonian (British, 6434 GRT, built 1922), Duke of Athens (British, 5217 GRT, built 1940), Karabagh (British (tanker), 6427 GRT, built 1932), Kinross (British, 4956 GRT, built 1935) and Rokos Vergottis (Greek, 5202 GRT, built 1919).

They had departed Bermuda unescorted on 24 December 1940.

The Bermuda section was late at the rendezvous and were not sighted. The main convoy then retired northwards to await them. However due to the thick for then setting in which lasted until the morning of 31 December the Bermuda section was unable to join.

When the fog finally lifted, HMS Alaunia had 13 ship in sight, 2 of which were from the Bermuda section, the Blankaholm and Duke of Athens. The A.D. Huff of the Halifax section was able to rejoin on 4 January. She had suffered from engine defects during her absence.

Around 0900P/1, HMS Alaunia left the convoy to search for the missing ships of the Bermuda section. sh found five of them and by 1330P/5, the following ships had joined the main convoy; Abraham Lincoln, Cowrie, Daytonian, Kinross and Rokos Vergottis. The last ship missing, the Karabagh was able to join on 4 January 1941.

Around 1500O/5, in position 60°18'N, 25°00'W, HMS Porpoise parted company to return to Halifax.

Around 0800O/5, in position 61°17'N, 21°24'W, HMS Alaunia parted company to return to Halifax.

The first of the Western Approaches A/S escort joined on 1330Z/7 in position 60°25'N, 16°00'W. These were the corvettes HMS La Malouine (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) R.W. Keymer, RN) and HMS Anemone (Lt.Cdr. H.G. Boys-Smith, DSO, RNR). The remainder of the A/S escort, the destroyers HMS Sardonyx (Lt.Cdr. R.B.S. Tennant, RN), HMS Shikari (Lt.Cdr. H.N.A. Richardson, RN) and A/S trawler HMS Lady Elsa (T/Lt. S.G. Phillips, RNVR) joined on the 8th.

Around 1815A/9, in position 57°05'N, 08°07'W, the Oban section parted company. They arrived at Oban, unescorted, later the same day. The Oban section was made up of the following merchant vessels; A.D. Huff, Alderpool, Duke of Athens, Karabagh, Kinross, Towerfield and Warkworth.

At 1930A/10, in position 53°46'N, 05°08'W, the following merchant vessels parted company; Cowrie (arrived at Holyhead on 11 January), Ittersum (arrived at Milford Haven on 11 January) and Yselhaven (arrived at Milford Haven on 11 January). To escort them the A/S trawler HMS Derby County (Skr. W.J.P. Soloman, RNR) had joined.

The remainder of the convoy arrived at Liverpool on 11 January 1941. (37)

12 Jan 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 1800Q/12, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Halifax from convoy escort duty. (38)

14 Jan 1941
Around 1330Q/14, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) departed Halifax for Bermuda. (38)

16 Jan 1941
Around 0900Q/16, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Bermuda from Halifax. (38)

11 Feb 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 1130Q/11, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Halifax from convoy escort duty. (39)

13 Feb 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 1130Q/13, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) departed Halifax for Bermuda. (39)

16 Feb 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 0800Q/16, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Bermuda from Halifax. (39)

17 Feb 1941

Convoy BHX 110.

This convoy departed Bermuda on 17 February 1941.

On departure from Bermuda the convoy was made up of the following merchant vessels; Athelcrown (British (tanker), 11999 GRT, built 1929), Athelnight (British (tanker), 8940 GRT, built 1930), Baron Elphinstone (British, 4635 GRT, built 1937), Bente Maersk (British (tanker), 5772 GRT, built 1928), Brasil (Norwegian (tanker), 8130 GRT, built 1935), British Fusilier (British (tanker), 6943 GRT, built 1923), City of Oxford (British, 2759 GRT, built 1926), Clavella (British (tanker), 8097 GRT, built 1939), El Grillo (British (tanker), 7264 GRT, built 1922), Elusa (Dutch (tanker), 6235 GRT, built 1936), F.J. Wolfe (British (tanker), 12190 GRT, built 1932), Ferncourt (British (tanker), 9918 GRT, built 1938), Hindustan (British, 5245 GRT, built 1940), Holmside (British, 3433 GRT, built 1930), Juno (Dutch, 1753 GRT, built 1908), Koenjit (Dutch, 4551 GRT, built 1929), Lavington Court (British, 5372 GRT, built 1940), Torvanger (Norwegian, 6564 GRT, built 1920), Trader (British, 6087 GRT, built 1940) and Vimeira (British, 5728 GRT, built 1927).

On departure from Bermuda the convoy was escorted by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN).

During the night of 17/18 February 1941, the City of Oxford straggled from the convoy. She arrived at Halifax on 24 February 1941.

During the night of 18/19 February 1941, the Holmside became separated from the convoy in bad weather. This ship arrived at Liverpool on 11 March 1941.

Around 1730P/23, in position 43°31'N, 48°03'W, convoy BHX 110, coming merged with convoy HX 110 coming from Halifax.

HMS Alaunia did not join convoy HX 110 but set course to proceed to Halifax. (40)

25 Feb 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 1615Q/25, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Halifax from convoy escort duty. (39)

5 Mar 1941

Convoy HX 113.

This convoy departed Halifax on 5 March 1941.

It was made up of the following merchant vessels; Agia Marina (Greek, 4151 GRT, built 1912), Barrington Court (British, 4910 GRT, built 1924), Benedick (British (tanker), 6978 GRT, built 1928), Bradburn (British, 4736 GRT, built 1930), Breedijk (Dutch, 6861 GRT, built 1922), Dagrun (Norwegian, 4562 GRT, built 1928), Dalfram (British, 4558 GRT, built 1930), Dorelian (British, 6431 GRT, built 1923), Empire Lightning (British, 6942 GRT, built 1940), Empire Razorbill (British, 5620 GRT, built 1920), King Frederick (British, 5106 GRT, built 1920), Lancastrian Prince (British, 1914 GRT, built 1940), Lylepark (British, 5186 GRT, built 1929), Nicoya (British, 5364 GRT, built 1929), Romney (British, 5840 GRT, built 1929), Torfinn Jarl (Norwegian, 1480 GRT, built 1922) and Wanstead (British, 5486 GRT, built 1928).

On departure from Halifax the convoy was escorted by HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) and the corvettes HMCS Bittersweet (A/Lt.Cdr. J.A. Woods, RCNR) and HMCS Fennel (Lt. J.N. Smith, RCNR).

Around 1100Q/6, the merchant vessel Salando (Dutch, 5272 GRT, built 1920), which had sailed late, overtook and joined the convoy.

Around 0700P/8, HMS Alaunia left the convoy to guide the Bermuda section of the convoy (Convoy BHX 113) towards the rendezvous with the convoy.

Around 1230P/8, HMS Alaunia rejoined the convoy together with convoy BHX 113. This convoy was made up of the following merchant vessels;
Acavus (British (tanker), 8010 GRT, built 1935), Amsterdam (Dutch (tanker), 7329 GRT, built 1922), British Prestige (British (tanker), 7106 GRT, built 1931), British Yeoman (British, (tanker), 6990 GRT, built 1923), Bronnoy (Norwegian, 4791 GRT, built 1926), Oporto (British, 2352 GRT, built 1928), Solsten (Norwegian (tanker), 5379 GRT, built 1929), Surrey (British, 8581 GRT, built 1919) and Tigre (Norwegian, 5498 GRT, built 1926).

Around 1145O/13, in approximate position 55°09'N, 36°42'E, the battleship HMS Royal Sovereign (Capt. H.B. Jacomb, RN) joined the convoy. She left again around 1700O/13 in position 55°45'N, 36°00'W.

Around 1115N/16, in position 62°00'N, 24°58'W, HMS Alaunia parted company with the convoy to proceed to Hvalfjord, Iceland.

Around 1330Z/17, south of Iceland, in position 62°10'N, 19°38'W, the destroyers HMS Keppel (Cdr. A.M. Sheffield, RN), HMS Sabre (Lt. Sir P.W. Gretton, DSC, RN), HMS Venomous (Cdr. H.P. Henderson, RN), HMS Lincoln (Lt. R.J. Hanson, RN), escort destroyer HMS Woolston (Lt.Cdr. W.J. Phipps, OBE, RN) and the corvette HMS Sunflower (Lt.Cdr. J.T. Jones, RNR) joined the convoy.

Around 1600Z/17, the rescue ship Hontestroom (Dutch, 1857 GRT, built 1921) and the A/S trawler HMS Wellard (Lt.Cdr. A. Johnson, RNVR) also joined.

At daylight on the 19th, HMS Wellard was detached to assist in the attempted salvage of the torpedoed Norwegian tanker Ferm.

On 20 March 1941, the following merchant vessels arrived at Loch Ewe;
Acavus, Amsterdam, Benedick, Empire Razorbill, Lylepark, Nicoya, Oporto, Romney, Wanstead. HMS Lincoln and HMS Venomous also arrived at Loch Ewe on 20 March 1941. The Loch Ewe section had parted company with the convoy around 0045A/20 in the Minches in position 58°00'N, 05°59'W.

On 21 March 1941, the Empire Lightning arrived at Oban. She had parted company around 1600A/20 in position 56°15'N, 07°27'W.

On 21 March 1941, the following merchant vessels arrived in the Clyde;
Breedijk, British Yeoman, Dorelian and Surrey. Also HMCS Bittersweet and HMCS Fennel arrived in the Clyde.

On 21 March 1941, the British Prestige arrived in Belfast Lough.

On 21 March 1941, the British Prestige arrived in Belfast Lough.

On 22 March 1941, the following merchant vessels arrived at Liverpool;
Agia Marina, Barrington Court, Bronnoy, Dalfarm, King Frederick, Lancastrian Prince and Tigre.

On 22 March 1941, the Solsten arrived at Milford Haven.

On 22 March 1941, the following merchant vessels arrived in Barry Roads;
Bradburn, Dagrun and Salando.

On 24 March 1941, Torfinn Jarl arrived at Preston, possibly via Liverpool [to be investigated].

The remaining escorts had arrived at Londonderry on 21 March 1941, this were the following ships;
HMS Keppel, HMS Sabre, HMS Woolston and HMS Sunflower. (41)

17 Mar 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 0830Z/17, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Hvalfjord from convoy escort duty. (42)

18 Mar 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 1630Z/18, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) departed Hvalfjord for the Northern Patrol. She was to patrol in the Denmark Strait. (42)

29 Mar 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 1100Z/29, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Hvalfjord from patrol.

Around 1800Z/29, after having fuelled from the tanker Athelempress (British, 8941 GRT, built 1930) she departed Hvalfjord for Halifax. (42)

5 Apr 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 0715Q/5, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Halifax from Hvalfjord. (43)

7 Apr 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 0845Q/7, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) departed Halifax for Bermuda. (43)

10 Apr 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 1000Q/10, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Bermuda from Halifax. (43)

16 Apr 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 1015Q/16, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) departed Bermuda for Halifax. (43)

18 Apr 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 1615Q/18, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Halifax from Bermuda. (43)

5 May 1941
Around 0630Z/5, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN), HMS Amazon (Lt.Cdr. N.E.G. Roper, RN) and HMS Broadway (Lt.Cdr. T. Taylor, RN) arrived at Hvalfjord from convoy escort duty.

Around 2330Z/5, after having fuelled from the tanker Athelempress (British, 8941 GRT, built 1930), HMS Alaunia departed Hvalfjord for the Northern Patrol. She was ordered to patrol to the north of Iceland just east of the Denmark Strait. (44)

14 May 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 0545Z/14, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Hvalfjord from patrol.

She then left Hvalfjord around 1800Z/14 for Halifax. (44)

22 May 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 0800P/22, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Halifax from Hvalfjord. (44)

24 May 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 2345P/24, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) departed Halifax for Bermuda. (44)

27 May 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 0645Q/27, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Bermuda from Halifax. (44)

30 May 1941

Convoy BHX 130.

This convoy departed Bermuda on 30 May 1941.

On departure from Bermuda the convoy was made up of the following merchant vessels; Amastra (British (tanker), 8031 GRT, built 1935), Athelduchess (British (tanker), 8940 GRT, built 1929), Athelprince (British (tanker), 8782 GRT, built 1926), British Courage (British (tanker), 6952 GRT, built 1928), British Dominion (British (tanker), 6983 GRT, built 1928), British Engineer (British (tanker), 6993 GRT, built 1922), British Tenacity (British (tanker), 8439 GRT, built 1939), Cape Wrath (British, 4512 GRT, built 1940), Donax (British (tanker), 8036 GRT, built 1938), D.L. Harper (British (tanker), 12223 GRT, built 1933), Iroquois (British (tanker), 8937 GRT, built 1907), Laurits Swenson (Norwegian, 5725 GRT, built 1930), Narragansett (British (tanker) 10389 GRT, built 1936), Nyholt (Norwegian (tanker), 8087 GRT, built 1931), Refast (British (tanker) 5189 GRT, built 1914), Samuel Bakke (Norwegian, 4719 GRT, built 1929), San Arcadio (British (tanker), 7419 GRT, built 1935), San Ernesto (British (tanker), 8078 GRT, built 1939) and Scottish Heather (British (tanker), 7087 GRT, built 1928).

On departure from Bermuda the convoy was escorted by the armed merchant cruiser HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN).

Around 2135Q/30, when in position 32.50'N, 64.00'W, HMS Alaunia sighted a darkened tanker which subsequently collided with the D.L. Harper. Due to the damage sustained the D.L. Harper was ordered to proceed to Halifax where she arrived on 3 June 1941.

Around 1050P/4, the San Ernesto was detached to Halifax due to a broken piston. She arrived at Halifax on 7 June 1941.

Around 0900P/5, convoy BHX 130 merged with the convoy HX 130 coming from Halifax. HMS Alaunia then parted company to proceed to Halifax. (45)

7 Jun 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 0900P/7, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Halifax from convoy escort duty. (46)

8 Jun 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 1700P/8, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) departed Halifax for Boston, USA, where she is to be taken in hand for refit. (46)

9 Jun 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 2240Q/9, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at the Boston Navy Yard from Halifax.

She completed de-ammunitioning at the Navy Yard the following day after which she proceeded to the Bethlehem Atlantic Works shipsyard at East Boston where she was taken in hand for refit. (46)

19 Jul 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) is docked in No.2 graving dock at the Boston Navy Yard. (47)

4 Aug 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) is undocked. (48)

19 Aug 1941
With the first part of her refit completed, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) departed Boston around 2030Q/19 for Halifax.

HMS Alaunia was to complete her refit in the U.K. which would also include work to make her fit for operations in tropical waters as it was the intention to send her to the East Indies Station on completion of the refit. (48)

21 Aug 1941 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 0715P/21, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Halifax from Boston. (48)

4 Sep 1941

Convoy HX 148.

This convoy departed Halifax on 4 September 1941.

On departure from Halifax the convoy was made up of the following merchant vessels; Acavus (British (tanker), 8010 GRT, built 1935), Anglo-Indian (British, 5609 GRT, built 1938), Ardenvohr (British, 5025 GRT, built 1940), Argos Hill (British, 7178 GRT, built 1939), Atlantian (British, 6549 GRT, built 1928), Beaverhill (British, 10041 GRT, built 1928), British Confidence (British (tanker), 8494 GRT, built 1936), British Faith (British (tanker), 6955 GRT, built 1928), Brittany (British, 4772 GRT, built 1928), Celtic Star (British, 5575 GRT, built 1918), City of Barcelona (British, 5787 GRT, built 1930), Clan Alpine (British, 5442 GRT, built 1918), Corilla (Dutch (tanker), 8096 GRT, built 1939), Cornish City (British, 4952 GRT, built 1936), Diloma (British (tanker), 8146 GRT, built 1939), Edward F. Johnson (British (tanker), 10452 GRT, built 1937), Egda (Norwegian (tanker), 10050 GRT, built 1939), Empire Day (British, 7242 GRT, built 1941), Empire Hawk (British, 5033 GRT, built 1919), Empire Silver (British, 8602 GRT, built 1941), Gefion (Norwegian (tanker), 9475 GRT, built 1938), Grey County (Norwegian, 5194 GRT, built 1918), Harpasa (British, 5082 GRT, built 1934), Idefjord (Norwegian, 4287 GRT, built 1921), James Hawson (British (tanker), 6074 GRT, built 1930), Kaipaki (British, 7660 GRT, built 1939), Kars (British (tanker), 8888 GRT, built 1939), Laurelwood (British (tanker), 7347 GRT, built 1929), Leerdam (Dutch, 8815 GRT, built 1921), Lochkatrine (British, 9419 GRT, built 1922), Manchester Merchant (British, 7264 GRT, built 1940), Mirlo (Norwegian (tanker), 7455 GRT, built 1922), New Zealand Star (British, 10740 GRT, built 1935), Nicoya (British, 5364 GRT, built 1929), Norvinn (Panamanian (tanker), 6322 GRT, built 1930), Ornefjell (British, 1334 GRT, built 1937), Pomella (British (tanker), 6766 GRT, built 1937), San Demetrio (British (tanker), 8073 GRT, built 1938), Socony (British (tanker), 4404 GRT, built 1936), Stigstad (Norwegian (tanker), 5964 GRT, built 1927), Talthybius (British, 10254 GRT, built 1912), Tongariro (British, 8729 GRT, built 1925), Tornus (British (tanker), 8054 GRT, built 1936), Vancouver (British (tanker), 5729 GRT, built 1928), Vivi (Norwegian (tanker), 6546 GRT, built 1932) and Wayfarer (British, 5068 GRT, built 1925).

On departure from Halifax the convoy was escorted by HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) and the corvettes HMCS Lethbridge (T/Lt. R. Hocken, RCNR), HMCS Shediac (Lt. J.O. Every-Clayton, RCNR) and HMCS Sherbrooke (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) E.G.M. Donald, RN).

Around 0800P/5, the merchant vessel Tuscan Star (British, 11449 GRT, built 1930), which had sailed late from Halifax, joined the convoy.

Around 1000P/5, the merchant vessel Herbrand (Norwegian (tanker), 9108 GRT, built 1935), which had sailed late from Halifax, joined the convoy.

Around 0545P/7, the destroyer HMS Richmond (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) W.A. Moens, RN) and corvettes HMS Candytuft (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) F.B. Collinson, RD, RNR), HMCS Bittersweet (A/Lt.Cdr. J.A. Woods, RCNR) and HMCS Fennel (Lt. J.N. Smith, RCNR) joined company coming from St. Johns, Newfoundland. HMCS Lethbridge, HMCS Shediac and HMCS Sherbrooke then parted company.

Around 1000O/9, the convoy ran into thick for. By that time HMS Richmond and HMCS Fennel had already lost contact with the convoy.

Around 1040O/9, in position 51°06'N, 41°10'W, the Socony and Tongariro collided in the thick fog. HMCS Bittersweet was ordered to stand by them but the Socony soon foundered and sank. HMS Bittersweet picked up 18 survivors and the Tongariro 25. The Tongariro was holed beneath the waterline but was able to continue. She and HMCS Bittersweet rejoined the convoy around 1800O/9.

Around 1925Z/9, HMS Candytuft suffered a boiler explosion and dropped astern of the convoy. HMCS Bittersweet was ordered to stand by. Later HMS Candytuft reported that she could not steam and had many casualties and thus asked for medical aid. HMCS Bittersweet was then ordered to tow the stricken vessel to Newfoundland where they arrived on 14 September 1941.

Around this time the Mirlo also lost contact with the convoy. She arrived independently at Loch Ewe on 16 September.

HMS Richmond and HMCS Fennel did not manage to find the convoy due to the thick fog which lasted until 11 September.

Around 1215N/12, the destroyer HMS Montgomery (Lt.Cdr.(Emgy.) W.L. Puxley, RN) joined the convoy despite the thick fog the convoy again encountered.

Around 1830N/12, the corvette HMS Anemone (Lt.Cdr. H.G. Boys-Smith, DSO and Bar, RD, RNR) also joined.

At dawn the following morning, the destroyers HMS Whitehall (Lt.Cdr. A.B. Russell, RN), HMS Winchelsea (Lt.Cdr. W.A.F. Hawkins, OBE, DSC, RN), HMS Witch (Lt.Cdr. C.H. Holmes, RN), corvettes HMS Abelia (T/Lt. F. Ardern, RNR), HMS Veronica (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) D.F. White, RNR) and A/S trawler HMS St. Zeno (T/Lt. J.K. Craig, RNVR) were also seen to have joined the convoy during the evening / night. It was now also seen that the Argos Hill (arrived independently at Liverpool on 16 September), Celtic Star (arrived independently at Loch Ewe on 15 September), Grey County (arrived independently in Belfast Lough on 15 September) and Tuscan Star (arrived independently at Liverpool on 16 September) were not in company.

Around 1430N/13, in position 57°55'N, 18°20'W, the destroyers HMS Boadicea (Cdr. H.P. Henderson, RN) and HMS Beagle (Lt.Cdr. R.T. White, DSO and Bar, RN) joined the convoy. HMS Alaunia, HMS Montgomery, HMS Winchelsea, HMS Witch and HMS Whitehall parted company with the convoy to proceed direct to the U.K. These four destroyers all arrived at Londonderry on 15 September. HMS Alaunia coninued to Greenock where she also arrived on 15 September. During the passage, at 1300A/1, HMS Winchelsea and HMS Witch were detached to hunt a reported enemy submarine. At 1226B/14, the German submarine U-98 was attacked in approximate position 55°57'N, 11°45'W [German grid AM 4365] by a Hudson aircraft which dropped three bombs causing no damage. This was an RAF Hudson from 224 Sq. (aircraft R) which reported attacking an enemy submarine at 1129A/14 in position 56°08'N, 11°50'W. Then at 1515A/14, an RAF Catalina from 210 Sq. (aircraft J) reported attacking an enemy submarine in position 56°39'N, 12°22'W. This attack was on the German submarine U-95 which was attacked at 1551B/14 in approximate position 56°27'N, 012°48'W [German grid AM 0189]. She sustained heavy damage and was forced to abandon her war patrol. The British operational command of the Western Approaches thought that the two aircraft sightings referred to the same enemy submarine but this was not the case.

In the morning of the 14th, the destroyers HMS Sabre (Lt. P.W. Gretton, OBE, DSC, RN) and HMS Shikari (Lt.Cdr. H.N.A. Richardson, RN) also joined the convoy.

Around 1500A/15, the Loch Ewe section of the convoy parted company while the convoy was passing through the Minches. This section arrived at Loch Ewe on 15 September 1941 and was made up of the following merchant vessels;
Acavus, British Confidence, British Faith, Clan Alpine, Corilla, Empire Hawk, Empire Silver, Kars, Laurelwood, Nicoya, Pomella and Vancouver.

On 16 September 1941, the following merchant vessels arrived in the Clyde;
Cornish City, Edward F. Johnson, Norvinn and Talthybius.

On 16 September 1941, the following merchant vessels arrived in Belfast Lough;
Ardenvohr, Gefion, Herbrand, Idefjord, James Hawson, Leerdam, San Demetrio, Tongariro, Tornus and Vivi.

On 17 September 1941, the following merchant vessels arrived at Holyhead;
Beaverhill, Kaipaki and Manchester Merchant

On 17 September 1941, the following merchant vessels arrived at Liverpool;
Anglo-Indian, Atlantian, Brittany, City of Barcelone, Diloma, Egda, Empire Day, Harpasa, Lochkatrine, New Zealand Star, Ornefjell, Stigstad and Wayfarer.

The remaining escorts all arrived at Londonderry on 16 September 1941 except HMS Boadicea which arrived there on the 15th and HMS Shikari which arrived there on the 17th. (49)

15 Sep 1941
Around 0845A/15, HMS Alaunia (Capt.(Retd.) H.J. Woodward, DSO and Bar, RN) arrived at Greenock from convoy escort duty.

She is then taken in hand to make her fit for operations in tropical waters. (50)


  1. ADM 199/2545
  2. ADM 53/107361
  3. ADM 53/107362 + ADM 53/108360 + ADM 53/108907 + ADM 53/110939 + ADM 53/110992 + ADM 199/61
  4. ADM 53/107362 + ADM 199/2545
  5. ADM 53/107362
  6. ADM 53/107363
  7. ADM 53/107363 + ADM 53/111026 + ADM 53/111050 + ADM 53/111100 + ADM 53/111159 + ADM 199/52
  8. ADM 53/107364
  9. ADM 53/107364 + ADM 53/110956 + ADM 53/110982 + ADM 53/111059 + ADM 53/111157 + ADM 199/52 + Patrol report of Achille
  10. ADM 53/107364 + ADM 199/2554
  11. ADM 53/111332
  12. ADM 199/48 + ADM 199/53
  13. ADM 53/111333
  14. ADM 53/111333 + ADM 53/111334 + ADM 199/48 + ADM 199/53
  15. ADM 53/111334
  16. ADM 53/111334 + ADM 53/111335 + ADM 199/48 + ADM 199/53
  17. ADM 53/111335
  18. ADM 53/111335 + ADM 53/111336 + ADM 199/49 + ADM 199/53
  19. ADM 53/111336 + ADM 199/2545
  20. ADM 53/111336
  21. ADM 53/111337
  22. ADM 53/111337 + ADM 53/111338 + ADM 199/49 + ADM 199/50
  23. ADM 53/111338
  24. ADM 53/111338 + ADM 199/54
  25. ADM 53/111339 + ADM 199/54
  26. ADM 53/111339
  27. ADM 53/111339 + ADM 53/111340 + ADM 199/50
  28. ADM 53/111340
  29. ADM 53/111340 + ADM 199/54
  30. ADM 53/111341
  31. ADM 53/111341 + ADM 199/54
  32. ADM 53/111341 + ADM 199/50 + ADM 199/51
  33. ADM 53/111514
  34. ADM 53/111514 + ADM 199/50 + ADM 199/51 + ADM 199/372 + ADM 199/2217 + ADM 199/2218
  35. ADM 53/111343
  36. ADM 53/111343 + ADM 199/54
  37. ADM 53/111343 + ADM 53/113537 + ADM 173/16441 + ADM 173/16901 + ADM 199/50 + ADM 199/51
  38. ADM 53/113537
  39. ADM 53/113538
  40. ADM 53/113538 + ADM 199/1215
  41. ADM 53/113539 + ADM 199/718 + ADM 199/1144
  42. ADM 53/113539
  43. ADM 53/113540
  44. ADM 53/113541
  45. ADM 53/113541 + ADM 53/113542 + ADM 199/1215
  46. ADM 53/113542
  47. ADM 53/113543
  48. ADM 53/113544
  49. ADM 53/113545 + ADM 199/718 + ADM 199/1145 + ADM 199/2099
  50. ADM 53/113545

ADM numbers indicate documents at the British National Archives at Kew, London.

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