Robert Roy Simpson, RNR
Birth details unknown |
| Ranks
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for Robert Roy Simpson, RNR
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
HMS St. Kenan (FY 264) | T/Lt. | ASW Trawler | 20 Jan 1941 | 24 Sep 1942 |
HMS Mull (T 110) | T/Lt. | MS Trawler | 25 May 1943 | 18 Mar 1944 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
ASW Trawler HMS St. Kenan (FY 264)
13 Sep 1942
HMS St. Kenan (T/Lt. R.R. Simpson, RNR) picks up survivors from the American merchant Oliver Ellsworth that was torpedoed and sunk by German U-boat U-408 about 100 nautical miles south-west of Spitsbergen in position 75°52'N, 07°55'E.
MS Trawler HMS Mull (T 110)
10 Mar 1944 (position 38.07, 9.41)
German U-boat U-343 was sunk in the Mediterranean south of Sardinia, in position 38°07'N, 09°41'E, by depth charges from the British minesweeping trawler HMS Mull (T/Lt. B.J. Gordon, RNVR).
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