Barry Loraine Dudley Rowe DSC, RN

Born  2 Sep 1922
Died  25 Oct 1979(57)

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1 Jan 1940 Cadet
1 May 1940 Mid.
1 Jan 1942 A/S.Lt.
16 Apr 1942 S.Lt.
16 Apr 1943 Lt.
16 Apr 1951 Lt.Cdr.
31 Dec 1954 Cdr.

Retired: 14 Jul 1959


8 Feb 1944 DSC
5 Sep 1944 Bar to DSC

Warship Commands listed for Barry Loraine Dudley Rowe, RN

HMS Tactician (P 314)Lt.Submarine26 Apr 19453 May 1945

Career information

First Lt. Rowe, DSC and Bar was in command of Tactician when the CO Lt.Cdr. Jewell was sick.

Events related to this officer

Submarine HMS Tactician (P 314)

27 Apr 1945
Around 1615B/27, HMS Trespasser (Lt. L.E. Herrick, DSC, RN) and HMS Tactician (Lt. B.L.D. Rowe, DSC, RN) departed Loch Alsh for Holy Loch.

Around 2015B/27, they made rendezvous near the Trodday lighthouse with HMS Amphion (Cdr. R.H. Dewhurst, DSO and 2 Bars, RN) and her escort HMS Shikari (Lt. E.A. Tyrer, DSC, RN) which were coming from Scapa Flow. (1)

28 Apr 1945
Around 1830B/28, HMS Amphion (Cdr. R.H. Dewhurst, DSO and 2 Bars, RN), HMS Trespasser (Lt. L.E. Herrick, DSC, RN), HMS Tactician (Lt. B.L.D. Rowe, DSC, RN) and their escort HMS Shikari (Lt. E.A. Tyrer, DSC, RN) arrived at Holy Loch. (2)

30 Apr 1945
HMS Tactician (Lt. B.L.D. Rowe, DSC, RN) conducted trials in the Clyde area. (3)


  1. ADM 173/19808 + ADM 173/19975
  2. ADM 173/19463 + ADM 173/19808 + ADM 173/19975
  3. ADM 173/19808

ADM numbers indicate documents at the British National Archives at Kew, London.

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