Ships hit by U-boats


British Steam tanker

Photo Courtesy of Library of Contemporary History, Stuttgart

Type:Steam tanker
Tonnage5,548 tons
Completed1919 - R. Duncan & Co Ltd, Port Glasgow 
OwnerAnglo-American Oil Co Ltd, London 
Date of attack8 Sep 1939Nationality:      British
FateSunk by U-34 (Wilhelm Rollmann)
Position49° 18'N, 8° 13'W - Grid BF 1673
Complement22 (0 dead and 22 survivors).
RouteAruba - Avonmouth 
Cargo7000 tons of fuel oil 
History In August 1919 completed as War Mogul for Shipping Controller, managed by Anglo-American Oil Co, London. 1920 sold by the manager and renamed Kennebec
Notes on event

On 8 Sep 1939 the unescorted Kennebec was stopped by U-34 with two shots across her bow about 70 miles west by south of the Scilly Isles. After the crew abandoned ship in lifeboats, the tanker was hit by a coup de grâce at 18.13 hours and broke in two. The next day, parts of the wreck were sunk by gunfire by the HMS Verity (D 63) (LtCdr A.R.M. Black). The 22 crew members were picked up by the Breedijk and landed at Milford Haven on 10 September.


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