Allied Warships


Queen Elizabeth class

5 ships

The battleship HMS Valiant (02) of the Royal Navy.

Technical information

Length600 feet 
Complement1124 men 
ArmamentAll ships armament as reconstructed between the wars;
8 15" guns (4x2).
12 6" guns (12x1).
8 4" AA guns (4x2).
16 2pdr AA (2x8).
2 21" Torpedo tubes (2x1 fixed).
1 aircraft.
1 catapult.

8 15" guns (4x2).
12 6" guns (12x1).
8 4" AA guns (4x2).
16 2pdr AA (2x8).
4 aircraft.
1 catapult.

8 15" guns (4x2).
8 6" guns (8x1).
8 4" AA guns (4x2).
32 2pdr AA (4x8).
16 .5" AA (4x4).
4 aircraft.
1 catapult.

Queen Elizabeth, Valiant;
8 15" guns (4x2).
20 4.5" DP guns (10x2).
32 2pdr AA (4x8).
16 .5" AA (4x4).
4 aircraft.
1 catapult. 

Max speed24 knots
EnginesGeared turbines, 4 shafts 
PowerBarham 75000 SHP, others 80000 SHP 
Notes on classDisplacement:
Barham, Malaya 31.100 tons.
Warspite 30.600 tons.
Queen Elizabeth, Valiant 32.700 tons. 

All ships of the Queen Elizabeth class

Royal Navy Royal Navy (more on Royal Navy)

HMS Barham (04) Lost on 25 Nov 1941
HMS Malaya (01)
HMS Queen Elizabeth (00)
HMS Valiant (02)
HMS Warspite (03)

5 Battleships of the Queen Elizabeth class. 1 of them was lost.

Full wartime service history on this vessel.

See all Battleship classes.

Queen Elizabeth class ships hit by U-boats (2)

25 Nov 1941HMS BarhamSunkU-331
20 Mar 1941HMS MalayaDamagedU-106

Books dealing with this subject include:

A Midshipman's War, Wade, Frank, 1994

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