Errata Pages

German U-Boat Losses During World War II

by Niestle, Axel
Details of Destruction
1998, United States Naval Inst.
ISBN 1557506418
Hardcover, 160 pages
Axel Niestle is one of the biggest names when it comes to U-boat losses so this is a welcome and much awaited book indeed.

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Errata list

Please note: This listing may, or may not be complete.
We normally do not flip through a certain book cover to cover looking for mistakes.

98Re: U-1191. Reference to a previously recorded fate (note 118).Entry 118 actually refers to U-1008 and not U-1191 (the entry for U-1008 correctly points to this same entry).
This is a simple typo, the note for U-1191 should have been number 111.
124Re: U-172, positition of loss given as 26.29N, 24.58W.The correct position is 26.29N, 29.58W per US records.

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