Recently republishedThis is a listing of books recently republished. This is by no means a complete listing so if you know of another title missing here just let me know. These titles are listed alphabetically.
 Buy this title at | by Lund, Paul (1992, APG Trade) ISBN 0572015771
book is in English language Description: Contents: PQ17: Convoy to Hell (originally published 1968). Trawlers Go to War (originally published 1971). Night of the U-boat (originally published ... Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Buchheim, Lothar-Günther (1999, Orion Military) ISBN 0304352314 Paperback, 563 pages
book is in English language Description: This well-known novel, stemming from the author's experiences as a war correspondent on U-96, describes a single U-boat patrol from beginning to end. ... - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
 | by Perepeczko, Andrzej (Struggle for the Atlantic) (1995, Wydawnictwo Lampart)
book is in Polish language Description: Novelized episodes, mainly about U-boats, but also descriptions of strategic situations at different stages of the war. Originally published 1972. Visit our page for this title |
 | by Buchheim, Lothar-Günther (The Boat) (1998, Piper Verlag, München) ISBN 3492021751 Hardcover, 603 pages
book is in German language Description: This well-known novel, stemming from the author's experiences as a war correspondent on U-96, describes a single U-boat patrol from beginning to end. ... - This book has been translated into other languages Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Kilbracken, John Swordfish Pilot at War, 1940-1945 (1997, Trans-Atlantic Publications, Inc.) ISBN 0850524954 Paperback, 245 pages, 17 b&w photos, 1 map
book is in English language Description: From the publisher: Vigorous, light-hearted and extraordinarily vivid, this account by Lord Kilbracken of his five years in the Fleet Air Arm during t ... Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Terraine, John The U-boat Wars, 1916-1945 (1997, Trans-Atlantic Publications, Inc.) ISBN 1840222018
book is in English language Description: Covers U-boat warfare from 1916-45. A good meaty book, extensive referencing and bibliography. Originally published 1989; simultaneously published as ... Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Follett, James (1993, Mandarin) ISBN 0749304960 Paperback, 223 pages
book is in English language Description: In early 1941, an American whaleman whose wife was killed in the sinking of the Athenia takes his revenge by sinking a U-boat by ramming. He is then p ... - This book has been translated into other languages Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at £ 30.99 | by Smith, Kevin Anglo-American Logistics Diplomacy in the Second World War (2002, Cambridge University Press, New York) ISBN 0521520304 Paperback, 318 pages, 2 maps, 17 tables
book is in English language Description: From the book: "Examines the Battle of the Atlantic from the perspective of Anglo-American diplomacy, deepening our understanding of Allied grand stra ... Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Franks, Norman Momentous Battles Fought by RAF and American Aircraft Against the U-Boats, Bay of Biscay May-August 1943 (1999, Grub Street, London) ISBN 1902304098 Hardcover, 288 pages, 16 pages of photos
book is in English language Description: First published 1986. Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Kemp, Paul Drama in Arctic Waters (2000, Sterling Publications) ISBN 0304354511 Paperback, 256 pages, 3 b&w photo sections, 5 appendices
book is in English language Description: A good book dealing with the 1941-1945 Arctic convoys. First published 1993. Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Lamb, James B. True Stories from Canada's Atlantic War (2000, Stoddart Publishing Co.) ISBN 077373225X Hardcover, 240 pages
book is in English language Description: Concentrates on the corvettes. Originally published 1977. Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by MacPherson, Ken and Milner, Marc (2001, Vanwell Publishing, Ontario) ISBN 1551250527 174 pages
book is in English language Description: First published 1993. Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Monsarrat, Nicholas (1999, United States Naval Inst.) ISBN 1580800467 Paperback, 520 pages
book is in English language Description: The story is about convoy escorts, first aboard the corvette H.M.S. Compass Rose, and later on the frigate H.M.S. Saltash. The story follows the men o ... - This book has been translated into other languages Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Sellwood, Arthur V. The Sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff (1996, United States Naval Inst.) ISBN 1557507422 Paperback, 159 pages
book is in English language Description: In January 1945 the large passenger liner Wilhelm Gustloff departed port in the Bay of Danzig packed full with refugees, soldiers and service people. ... Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at See more sellers | by Gibson, John Frederick HM Submarine Taurus (2000, Tempus Publishing Ltd.) ISBN 0752420186 Paperback, 160 pages, 13 b&w photographs
book is in English language Description: The story of the war at sea as seen by a young submarine officer. Originally published shortly after the end of WWII (1947). Visit our page for this title |
 | by Enders, Gerd (U-Boats to the Black Sea 1942-44: A One-Way Journey) Eine Reise ohne Wiederkehr (2001, Mittler & Sohn Verlag) ISBN 3813207617 130 pages, 13 maps, 185 b&w photos and pictures
book is in German language Description: This revised edition of the original 1997 book describes the transport of the six type IIB boats overland and via the Danube to the Black Sea. The sec ... Visit our page for this title |
 | by Schmeelke, Karl-Heinz (German U-boat bunkers yesterday and today) (2001, Podzun-Pallas) ISBN 3790907146 48 pages, numerous illustrations
book is in German language Description: First published 1996. - This book has been translated into other languages Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Edwards, Bernard The U-boats at War (1999, Cassell Academic) ISBN 0304352039 Paperback, 240 pages
book is in English language Description: The U-boat story, from early victory to final defeat. Originally published 1996. Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at See more sellers | by Rayner, D. A. The Battle of the Atlantic (1999, United States Naval Inst.) ISBN 1557506965 258 pages
book is in English language Description: Autobiography of an RN officer and his involvement in convoy protection in the Atlantic. Edited by S.W. Roskill with an introduction and appendix by E ... Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Hoehling, Adolph A. A Memoir (1996, United States Naval Inst.) ISBN 1557503699
book is in English language Description: Originally published 1990. Visit our page for this title |
 | by Hochstuhl, William C. 60th Anniversary Edition (2001, Aruba Scholarship Foundation) Paperback, 49 pages, photos
book is in English language Description: This is a well-documented account of the U-156 attack on the refinery and lake tankers in Aruba on 16 February, 1942. It includes pictures of the cre ... Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Robertson, Terence (2000, Tempus Publishing Ltd.) ISBN 0752420194 Paperback, 192 pages, 23 b&w photographs
book is in English language Description: Covers Kretschmer's career in the U-boat arm and as a prisoner of war in England and Canada. Later re-issued under the title Night Raider of the Atlan ... - This book has been translated into other languages Visit our page for this title |
 | by Breyer, Siegfried (Instruction manual for U-boat commanders) (1996, Podzun-Pallas) ISBN 379090581X 160 pages, 10 b&w photos
book is in German language Description: This is a reprint of the original wartime handbook which was written by the High Command of the Navy in 1942/43, with some additional information. It ... - This book has been translated into other languages Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Poyer, D.C. (a.k.a David Poyer) (1992, St. Martin's Press, New York) ISBN 0312927495 227 pages
book is in English language Description: Reader's comment: Very, very good. I read it twice. It has given me my first knowledge of Walter Boats. Originally published 1989. Visit our page for this title |
 | by Brennecke, Jochen (Auxiliary cruiser Thor) Hecht im Atlantik (2001, Koehler Verlag, Herford) ISBN 3782208242 Hardcover, 232 pages, photos, charts, facsimiles, maps
book is in German language Description: First published 1967. Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by N/A (1991, R.J. Leach & Co, London) ISBN 1873050062 Paperback, 64 pages, 25 photos
book is in English language Description: Originally published in 1945 by the Ministry of Information for HMSO. Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Macksey, Kenneth The Alternate History of the German Invasion of England, July 1940 (1999, Greenhill Books, London) ISBN 1853673617 Paperback, 223 pages
book is in English language Description: Originally published 1980. Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Werner, Herbert A. A Personal Account of the German U-Boat Battles of World War II (2002, Da Capo Press) ISBN 030681160X Paperback, 388 pages
book is in English language Description: Herbert A. Werner was the Commander of U-415 and U-953. This book tells the story of his wartime career, including his service on U-557 and U-230 as w ... - This book has been translated from another language - Translated into Polish as Zelazne trumny Visit our page for this title |
 | by Buchheim, Lothar-Günther (Hunter at sea) (1996, Berlin) ISBN 3455111726
book is in German language Description: The author describes his patrols aboard U-96. Originally published 1943. Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Everitt, Don (1999, United States Naval Inst.) ISBN 1557504679 Paperback, 144 pages, 24 plates, 8 drawings
book is in English language Description: From the publisher: "Only today's atomic submarines have outstripped the fabulous twin-funneled K boats--the
biggest, fastest su ... Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Trew, Anthony (2002, Robert Hale) ISBN 0709070217 Hardcover
book is in English language Description: Kleber, commanding a 15-boat wolfpack, is determined to destroy a 35-ship convoy to Murmansk. A British Vice-Admiral with twenty-six escort vessels is ... - This book has been translated into other languages Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Holmes, Harry (2001, United States Naval Inst.) ISBN 1557504784 Paperback
book is in English language Description: Covers the last patrols of the 52 US submarines lost in World War Two. These are stories not often told and are a great read. Originally published 199 ... Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at £ 18.50 | by Stafford, Edward P. The Saga of De343 (2000, United States Naval Inst.) ISBN 1557508909 Paperback, 336 pages
book is in English language Description: The story of USS Abercrombie from commissioning to decommissioning, and an account of the author's service on that vessel in World War II. First publi ... Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Whittingham, Richard The Last Mass Execution in the United States (1997, United States Naval Inst.) ISBN 155750945X 281 pages, 29 photos
book is in English language Description: This is in regards to the mass execution of seven U-boat sailors in August 1945 at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Originally published 1971. Visit our page for this title |
 | by Dönitz, Karl (My ever-changing life) (1998, Verlag S. Bublies, Schnellbach) ISBN 3926584483 Hardcover, 285 pages, 36 b&w photos, 4 facsimiles
book is in German language Description: This memoir by Karl Dönitz covers in detail his experiences through 1934. Only a brief overview is given of his career from that date onward, as the ... - This book has been translated into other languages Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Kemp, Paul (1999, Chatham, London) ISBN 1861760426 Hardcover, 125 pages
book is in English language Description: Covers midget submarines of various nations. Also some very interesting photos of German midgets. Originally published 1990. Visit our page for this title |
| by McCammon, Robert R. (1990, Avon Books) ISBN 0671732811 261 pages
book is in English language Description: A horror novel based on a Type VIIC on patrol in the Caribbean. Basically the U-boat gets trapped underwater and the crew are put under a curse by the ... Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Lamb, James B. The Fighting Spirit of Canada's Navy (2000, Stoddart Publishing Co.) ISBN 0773732551 Hardcover, 240 pages
book is in English language Description: An absorbing book by an officer of the RCN who commanded corvettes in WWII. New York, Halifax and St. Johns and a predetermined point to the East defi ... Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Griffin, Gwyn (1999, Harvill Press) ISBN 186046596X Paperback, 416 pages
book is in English language Description: This book deals with the subject of the U-852 (U-996 in the book) which sank a ship and then fired on the wreckage killing many of the ship's crew. T ... - This book has been translated into other languages Visit our page for this title |
 | by Keegan, John (1990, Pimlico, London) ISBN 0140096507 Paperback, photos, maps
book is in English language Description: This book is 25% about the Battle of The Atlantic. Cover blurb: "'Rich in unexpected facts and insights... Keegan's historical command is dazzling.' J ... Visit our page for this title |
 | by Lehnhoff, Joachim (Mercury) U- Boot mit tödlicher Fracht (1998, Bastei Lübbe, Bergisch Gladbach) ISBN 3548244750 415 pages
book is in German language Description: Tells the story of the last patrol of U-859, its sinking off Penang and its raising in the 1980s. Well-written novel where firsthand information from ... Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Trumbull, Robert The Courageous Struggle of Three Naval Airmen Against the Sea (1992, United States Naval Inst.) ISBN 1557508275 Paperback, 213 pages, map
book is in English language Description: Experiences of three downed U.S. Navy flyers, H.F. Dixon, Tony Pastula, and Gene Aldrich, who spent 34 days on a rubber raft in the Pacific, as told b ... - This book has been translated into other languages Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Yoshida, Mitsuru and Richard H. Minear (Translator), Mitsuru Yoshida (1999, United States Naval Inst.) ISBN 1557505446 Paperback, 152 pages
book is in English language Description: The history and eventual demise of this largest battleship ever built. Originally published 1985. - This book has been translated from another language - Translated into English as Requiem for battleship Yamato Visit our page for this title |
| by Antier, Jean Jacques (The scuttling of the French fleet at Toulon) (1991, Editions Ouest-France, Rennes) 160 pages
book is in French language Description: First published 1986. Visit our page for this title |
 | by Brennecke, Jochen (Battleship Bismarck) (1997, Koehler Verlag, Herford) ISBN 3782203682 Hardcover, 619 pages
book is in German language Description: The story of the pursuit and sinking of the German battleship Bismarck. Originally published 1960. Visit our page for this title |
| by Schaeffer, Heinz (The secret of U-977) (2001, ) Paperback, 259 pages, photos, 1 map
book is in Spanish language Description: Autobiography of the commander. It tells the story of U-977's last voyage at the end of the war which culminated in a marathon escape to Argentina. Fi ... - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at £ 27.50 | by Blair, Clay The U.S. Submarine War against Japan (2001, United States Naval Inst.) ISBN 155750217X Paperback
book is in English language Description: First published 1975.
- This book has been translated into other languages Visit our page for this title |
| by Bagnasco, Erminio (Submarines of World War II) (1996, Albertelli, Parma) 333 pages, many photos
book is in Italian language Description: This is a very good book. Each submarine has its own section with all the units of the class, its design with external silhouette and characteristics, ... - This book has been translated into other languages Visit our page for this title |
| by Antier, Jean Jacques (The submariners) (1994, Editions Ouest-France, Rennes) ISBN 2737315042 275 pages
book is in French language Description: New and expanded edition of book originally published in 1977. History of the submarine war and the experiences of some well-known submariners since ... Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by van der Vat, Dan (1998, Replica Books) ISBN 0735100497 Hardcover, 374 pages, 24 b&w photos, 5 drawings/diagrams
book is in English language Description: This book describes the history of the submarine from 1465 until the end of World War II, and from my point of view it's very interesting and well wor ... Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at £ 6.86 | by Higgins, Jack (2000, Berkley Publishing Group) ISBN 042517607X
book is in English language Description: A U-boat appears briefly in this book. The commander of this U-boat is one of the main characters in the book. After his capture and subsequent escape ... - This book has been translated into other languages Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Compton-Hall, Richard (2000, Macmillan) ISBN 0333443454 Hardcover, 345 pages
book is in English language Description: First published 1991. Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by O'Neill, Richard Axis and Allied Special Attack Weapons of World War II: their Development and their Missions (1999, Salamander Books, London) ISBN 1840650826 Paperback, 272 pages, 120 b/w photos, 54 line drawings, 8 maps
book is in English language Description: The book includes sections about German midget submarines and manned torpedoes (technology and operation), among others.
The book covers the followin ... Visit our page for this title |
 | by Herlin, Hans The True Story of the Sinking of the Doggerbank (1995, United States Naval Inst.) ISBN 0850524091
book is in English language Description: About U-43 (Schwantke) and the accidental sinking of the German blockade-runner Doggerbank on 3 March, 1943. Originally published 1979. - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
 | by Valentiner, Max (Mortal danger above: U-38 in action) U 38 im Einsatz (2002, Ullstein-Verlag, Berlin) ISBN 3548254365 Paperback, 282 pages
book is in German language Description: First published in 1934 as U-38: Wikingefahrten eines deutschen U-Bootes. Visit our page for this title |
 | by Romanowski, Boleslaw (Torpedo on target!) (1997, Oficyna wydawnicza) ISBN 8390507323 391 pages
book is in Polish language Description: The author, a famous Polish submarine commander, recounts his adventures in this book, which covers the Wilk incident, the Jastrzab incident, and the ... Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at See more sellers | by Smith, Ron (1999, Ron Smith) ISBN 0964339005 Paperback, 195 pages, 3 illustrations
book is in English language Description: From the publisher: A story about life in the U.S. Submarine Service during World War ll. TORPEDOMAN differs from most submarine war stories because i ... Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at See more sellers | by Gallery, Daniel V., RAdm., USN, ret. (2001, United States Naval Inst.) ISBN 1557508062 Hardcover, 344 pages
book is in English language Description: This book details the history and eventual capture of the U-505 during WWII. The author was the Commanding Officer of the task group (TG 22.3) that ex ... - This book has been translated into other languages Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Vause, Jordan (2001, United States Naval Inst.) ISBN 1557508631 Paperback, 264 pages
book is in English language Description: A study of the highly-decorated and controversial U-boat commander. First published 1992. - This book has been translated into other languages Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Prien, Günther (2000, Tempus Publishing Ltd.) ISBN 0752420259 Paperback, 128 pages, 11 b&w photographs
book is in English language Description: Wartime autobiography of the most famous U-boat commander, probably ghost-written by Wolfgang Frank. - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
 | by Breyer, Siegfried (1989, ) ISBN 0939631210 Paperback, 115 pages
book is in English language Description: This is a reprint of the original wartime handbook which was written by the High Command of the Navy in 1942/43, with some additional information. It ... - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Macintyre, Donald (2000, Cassell Academic) ISBN 0304352357 179 pages, no photos
book is in English language Description: U-boat action from the destroyer's point of view. Very interesting and well-written memoir by the commander of the HMS Walker, the British destroyer w ... - This book has been translated into other languages Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Tarrant, V.E. (2000, Cassell Academic) ISBN 185409520X Hardcover, 192 pages, 114 pictures, 16 maps, 8 graphs
book is in English language Description: A good general account of U-boats in both wars, contains good analysis and details of losses and flotillas. First published 1989. - This book has been translated into other languages Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Whinney, Bob A Fight for Survival (1999, Cassell Academic) ISBN 0304351326 192 pages
book is in English language Description: Originally published in 1986. Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Rössler, Eberhard Evolution and Technical History of German Submarines (2002, Cassell Academic) ISBN 0304361208 Hardcover, 384 pages, many b&w photos and drawings
book is in English language Description: A massive history of the evolution of the first U-boat (the "Holland") to the advanced Walter Boats. Goes into great depth about construction programs ... - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Grant, Robert M. The Effect of Anti-Submarine Warfare, 1914-1918 (2002, Periscope Publishing) ISBN 1904381006 172 pages, maps
book is in English language Description: From the publisher: This book, the first of R. M. Grant's great trilogy, covering every aspect of the struggle against the U-boats, looks at the visib ... Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Kemp, Paul (2000, Arms & Armour) ISBN 1854095153 Paperback, 288 pages
book is in English language Description: This book covers all U-boat fates; very detailed and according to the newest sources, including time spent in the U-Boot Archiv. First published 1997. - This book has been translated into other languages Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at £ 24.95 | by King, Ernest J. (2001, Government Reprints Pr) ISBN 1931641420 Paperback, 305 pages
book is in English language Description: Provides details on all US naval operations in all theatres of World War II. First published 1946. - This book has been translated into other languages Visit our page for this title |
 | by Gabler, Ulrich (U-boat Construction) (1996, Bernard & Graefe Verlag, Koblenz) ISBN 3763759581 150 pages, 42 b&w photos, 196 drawings
book is in German language Description: This very comprehensive book about the design and construction of submarines is written by a German professor of engineering, the former LI (chief eng ... - This book has been translated into other languages Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Rohwer, Jürgen (2001, Caxton Editions) ISBN 1840673621 Hardcover, 192 pages
book is in English language Description: From the publisher: A superb illustrated history of the naval operations of the Second World War. Two hundred and fifty photographs and an accompanyin ... - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Winton, John An Anthology of Personal Experience (1994, Pimlico, London) ISBN 071266064X Paperback, 416 pages
book is in English language Description: Volume 1 of Freedom's Battle. Originally published 1967. Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Padfield, Peter Submarine Conflict during World War II (1998, John Wiley & Sons) ISBN 0471249459 Paperback, 560 pages
book is in English language Description: Covers submarine conflict 1939-1945, across all theatres and nations, but mainly focusing on German, British, US and Japanese operations, with some co ... - This book has been translated into other languages Visit our page for this title |
 Buy this title at | by Innes, Hammond (1992, Collins, London) ISBN 0854566449 Hardcover, large print, 343 pages
book is in English language Description: A bit far-fetched story about a secret undersea U-boat base in Cornwall, England(!) and its destruction by a British Intelligence officer in 1939. Ori ... - This book has been translated into other languages Visit our page for this title |
 | by Frank, Wolfgang (The wolves and the Admiral) (2001, Lübbe Verlag Bergisch-Gladbach) ISBN 3404650255 746 pages, 20 b&w photos
book is in German language Description: An excellent personal account of the U-boat War 1939-1945. During that time Frank attended several meetings of Dönitz' staff and served aboard severa ... - This book has been translated into other languages Visit our page for this title |