German Language books

This list contains all books published in German language which have their as main topic Naval Warfare. There are also books which contain related themes and novels which either center around or somehow touch upon the U-boat War.

Recent books

Here I'll list the recently released books (since 1997). Hopefully most of them will be given a good coverage and probably a full review as well.

Suppliers of the Grey Wolves

by Urbanke, Axel

Die Torpedos der deutschen U-Boote

by Rössler, Eberhard

Die deutschen U-Kreuzer und Transport-U-Boote

by Rössler, Eberhard

U-boat Related Novels

Amazingly many novels have been written about our subject. These should be most of them.

Der Abschied

by Lothar-Günther Buchheim

Ernstfall in der Tiefe

by Kent, Alexander


by Collins, Max Allan

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