By Hubacek, Milos
(The sea in flames)
2001, Paseka, Praha ISBN 807185350X Hardcover, 318 pages
book is in Czech language
Descripton: Biography of four big German warships which took part in the Battle of
the Atlantic during World War II. Because the main enemy of the German fleet was
the British Royal Navy, the book is also about encounters with British
warships and mariners defending merchant ships supplying the British Isles and the Soviet Union with vitally important materiel. Many times the destiny of
thousands of men on board seemingly indestructible armoured
vessels was influenced chance events. For mariners imprisoned between
steely plates there remained only two options: to win or to die.
Biografie ctyr nemeckych velkych lodi ucastnicich se za druhe svetove valky boju v Atlanitku a v severnich vodach. A protoze hlavnim protivnikem nemeckeho lodstva bylo britske Kralovske namornictvo, jde i o setkani s britskymi lodmi a namorniky, kteri svadeli tvrde boje o zajisteni bezpecnosti namornich cest, po nichz prichazely na britske ostrovy zivotne dulezite suroviny, i cest po nichz pluly na sever konvoje s dodavkami pro Sovetsky svaz. Mnohdy osudy tisicu muzu na palubach zdanlive neznicitelnych mohutnych obrnencu ovlivnovaly nahody a pro námorniky uveznene mezi pancerovymi platy zbyvaly jen dve moznosti: vitezstvi, nebo smrt.