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Silent warriors

Submarine Wrecks of the United Kingdom Vol 3: Wales and the West

By Ron Young and Pamela Armstrong
2011, The History Press
ISBN 0752455427
Paperback, 224 pages

Descripton: This is the story of the submarines which failed to come home in both war and peace. In both wars submarine warfare transformed the coastline into a pitiless arena where a life or death struggle was played out between U-boats attempting to close the sea-lanes and Allied ships striving to keep them open. Combining years of international archival research and expert analysis, this series describes how these submarine wrecks came to be here. In Volume 3 Ron Young and Pamela Armstrong recount the submarines lost along the North Cornwall coast to the Isle of Man. Authoritative and meticulously sourced, wherever possible accounts are told in the words of those who were present, relating miraculous escapes from stricken submarines, relentless pursuit and merciless attack. Most poignantly of all, the book re-evaluates one of the darkest episodes of British maritime history, the loss of HMS Thetis in Liverpool Bay, June 1939, revealing crucial new information on this disaster.

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