Translated books by author
Alman, Karl - Graue Wölfe in blauer See
Ambrosius, Hans Heinrich - Die Schlacht im Atlantik
Antier, Jean Jacques - Le Pacifique ensanglanté
Bagnasco, Erminio - I sommergibili della seconda guerra mondiale
Ballard, Robert D. - The Discovery of the Bismarck
Barker, A.J. - Midway
Barker, A.J. - Pearl Harbor
Beach, Edward L. - Run Silent, Run Deep
Beach, Edward Latimer - Submarine!
Bekker, Cajus - Das Bildbuch der deutschen Kriegsmarine 1939-1945
Bekker, Cajus - Einzelkämpfer auf See
Bekker, Cajus - Kampf und Untergang der Kriegsmarine
Bekker, Cajus - Ostsee
Bekker, Cajus - Verdammte See
Bercuson, David Jay and Herwig, Holger H. - Deadly Seas
Berthold, Will - Getreu bis in den Tod
Blair, Clay - Silent Victory
Blond, Georges - Convois vers L'URSS
Blond, Georges - Le Survivant du Pacifique
Borghese, Iunio Valerio - Decima Flottiglia MAS
Botting, Douglas - The U-Boats
Bragadin, Marc'Antonio - La marina italiana nella seconda Guerra mondiale (1940-1943)
Bratbak, Bjørn - Svensgrunnen 12. april 1943 - uskyldige måtte ofte lide
Brennecke, Jochen - Gespensterkreuzer HK 33
Brennecke, Jochen - Jäger und Gejagte
Breyer, Siegfried - Handbuch für U-Boot-Kommandanten
Brustat-Naval, Fritz - Ali Cremer
Buchheim, Lothar-Günther - Das Boot
Buchheim, Lothar-Günther - U-Boot Krieg
Busch, Fritz-Otto - Schwerer Kreuzer Prinz Eugen
Busch, Fritz-Otto - Tragödie am Nordkap
Busch, Harald - So war der Ubootkrieg
Busch, Rainer and Röll, Hans Joachim - Der U-Bootkrieg 1939-1945 (Band 1)
Cocchia, Aldo - Sommergibili all'attacco
Collins, Max Allan - U-571
Costello, John and Hughes, Terry - The Battle of the Atlantic
Dalliès-Labourdette, Jean-Philippe - U-boote 1935-1945
de Hartog, Jan - The Captain
de la Sierra, Luis - Buques suicidas
de la Sierra, Luis - La Guerra naval en el Mediterraneo, 1940-1943
Donovan, Robert J. - PT 109: John F. Kennedy in World War II
Drummond, John D. - HM U-Boat
Dönitz, Karl - 40 Fragen an Karl Dönitz
Dönitz, Karl - Mein wechselvolles Leben
Dönitz, Karl - Zehn Jahre, Zwanzig Tage
Edwars, Kenneth - Operation Neptune
Ekman, Per-Olof - Havsvargar
Ekman, Per-Olof - Sjöfront
Ellis, Chris - Famous Ships of World War 2
Farago, Ladislas - The Broken Seal
Follett, James - Churchill's Gold
Follett, James - U-700
Ford, Brian J. - German Secret Weapons
Forester, C.S. - The Good Shepherd
Forsén, Björn and Forsén, Annette - Tysklands och Finlands hemliga ubåtssamarbete
Francis, Timothy L. - Submarines
Frank, Wolfgang - Der Stier von Scapa Flow
Frank, Wolfgang - Die Wölfe und der Admiral
Franks, Norman - Dark Sky, Deep Water
Fraschka, Günter - Mit Schwertern und Brillanten
Freiwald, Ludwig - Die verratene Flotte
Freyer, Paul Herbert - Der Tod auf allen Meeren
Frisch, Friedrich - Der Uberfall auf die Altmark
Fuchida, Mitsuo - Midway: The Battle that Doomed Japan, the Japanese Navy's Story
Fullerton, Alexander - The Gatecrashers
Fullerton, Alexander - A Share of Honour
Fullerton, Alexander - Surface!
Fullerton, Alexander - The Torch Bearers
Fullerton, Alexander - The Waiting Game
Gabler, Ulrich - Unterseebootsbau
Gallagher, Thomas - The X-Craft Raid
Gallery, Daniel V., RAdm., USN, ret. - Twenty Million Tons under the Sea
Gannon, Michael - Black May
Gannon, Michael - Operation Drumbeat
Gasaway, E. B. - Grey Wolf, Grey Sea
Gibson, Richard Henry - The German Submarine War 1914-1918
Gleeson, James and Waldron, Tom - Midget Submarines
Golovko, Arsenii Grigor'evich - Vmeste s flotom
Gretton, Peter - Crisis Convoy
Griffin, Gwyn - An Operational Necessity
Gröner, Erich - Die deutschen Kriegsschiffe 1815 - 1945, Bd. 3 U-Boote
Hadley, Michael - Count Not the Dead
Hadley, Michael - U-boats Against Canada
Harper, Stephen - Capturing Enigma
Harris, Robert - Enigma
Hashagen, Ernst - U-boote Westwärts!
Herlin Hans - Letzte Mann von der Doggerbank
Herlin, Hans - Verdammter Atlantik
Higgins, Jack - Storm Warning
Higgins, Jack - Thunder Point
Hoyt, Edwin - Raider 16
Hughes, Michael - The Gironde Incident
Humble, Richard - Hitler's High Seas Fleet
Högel, Georg - Embleme, Wappen, Malings Deutscher U-boote 1935-1945
Innes, Hammond - Wreckers Must Breathe
Irving, David - The Destruction of Convoy PQ-17
Jackson, Robert - Submarines of the World
Jenkins, Geoffrey - A Twist of Sand
Jones, David C. - The Enemy We Killed, My Friend
Jordan, David - Wolfpack
Kaplan, Philip and Currie, Jack - Wolfpack
Karschawin, Boris - Nemetskaia podvodnaia lodka U-250
Karweina - Geleitzug PQ 17
Kemp, Paul - U-Boats Destroyed
Kemp, Paul - Underwater Warriors
Kennedy, Ludovic - Pursuit
Kennedy, William P. - Rules of Encounter
Kiel, Kurt - Deutschlands U-Boote
Kijanen, Kalervo - Sukellushälytys
King, Ernest J. - U.S. Navy at War 1941-1945
Koop, Gerhard and Schmolke, Klaus-Peter - Die Leichten Kreuzer Königsberg, Karlsruhe, Köln, Leipzig, Nürnberg
Koop, Gerhard and Schmolke, Klaus-Peter - Die Panzerschiffe der Deutschland-Klasse
Koop, Gerhard and Schmolke, Klaus-Peter - Die Schweren Kreuzer der Admiral Hipper-Klasse
Korganoff, Alexandre - Le Mystere de Scapa Flow
Krancke, Theodor and Brennecke, Jochen - RRR, das gluckhafte Schiff
Krutein, Eva - Eva's War
Kurowski, Franz - Die Träger des Ritterkreuzes des Eisernen Kreuzes der U-Boot-Waffe
König, Paul - Die Fahrt der 'Deutschland'
Lamb, Charles, Cdr. - To War in a Stringbag
Lehnhoff, Joachim - Die Heimfahrt der U-720
Lenton, H.T. - Warships
Lewis, David - The Fight For the Sea
Lockwood, Charles - Hellcats of the Sea
Lund, Paul & Ludlam, Harry - PQ 17: Convoy to Hell
Lund, Paul and Ludlam, Harry - Night of the U-boats
Maas, Peter - The Terrible Hours
Macintyre, Donald - Aircraft Carriers
Macintyre, Donald - The Battle for the Mediterranean
Macintyre, Donald - The Battle of the Atlantic
Macintyre, Donald - Leyte Gulf
Macintyre, Donald - U-Boat Killer
Macksey, Kenneth - Military Errors of World War Two
MacLean, Alistair - Bear Island
MacLean, Alistair - H.M.S. Ulysses
Mars, Alastair, D.S.O, D.S.C. and bar. - Unbroken
Martienssen, Anthony K. - Hitler and His Admirals
Mason, David - U-Boat
Metzler, Jost - U-69, Die lachende Kuh
Michelsen, Andreas - Der U-bootskrieg, 1914-1918
Middlebrook, Martin - Convoy
Miller, David - Submarines of the World
Miller, David - U-Boats
Monsarrat, Nicholas - The Cruel Sea
Morison, Samuel Eliot - The Atlantic Battle Won, May 1943-May 1945
Muggenthaler, August Karl - German Raiders of World War II
Mulligan, Timothy P. - Lone Wolf
Mulligan, Timothy P. - Neither Sharks nor Wolves
Müllenheim-Rechberg, Burkard - Schlachtschiff Bismarck
Neureuther, Karl - Wir Leben Noch!
Niemöller, Martin - vom U-Boot zur Kanzel
Nowarra, Heinz - Graue Wölfe auf allen Meeren, U-VII
Ott, Wolfgang - Haie und kleine Fische
O\'Kane, Richard H. - Wahoo
Padfield, Peter - Dönitz, The Last Fuhrer
Padfield, Peter - War Beneath the Sea
Peillard, Léonce - L' affaire du Laconia, 12 septembre 1942
Peillard, Léonce - La bataille de l'Atlantique (1939-1945)
Peillard, Léonce - Coulez le Tirpitz!
Peillard, Léonce - Histoire générale de la guerre sous-marine (1939-1945)
Pitt, Barrie - The Battle of the Atlantic
Poolman, Kenneth - Allied Submarines of World War Two
Preston, Antony - U-Boats
Preston, Antony - The World's Great Submarines
Price, Alfred - Aircraft Versus Submarine
Prien, Günther - Mein Weg nach Scapa Flow
Raeder, Erich - Mein Leben
Rayner, D. A. - The Enemy Below
Reeman, Douglas - With Blood & Iron
Robertson, Terence - Escort Commander
Robertson, Terence - The Golden Horseshoe
Rogge, Bernhard - Schiff 16
Rohwer, Jürgen - Chronik des Seekrieges 1939-1945
Rohwer, Jürgen - U-Booterfolge der Achsenmächte
Roscoe, Theodore - United States Submarine Operations In World War II
Roskill, S. W. - The Secret Capture
Ruge, Friedrich - Der Seekrieg, 1939-1945
Ruge, Friedrich - The Soviets as Naval Opponents, 1941-1945
Ruhe, William J. - War in the Boats
Rössler, Eberhard - Geschichte des deutschen U-Bootbaues
Rössler, Eberhard - U-Boottyp XXI
Sauer, Herbert - Die Höllenmaschine im U-boot
Savas, Theodore P. (editor) - Silent Hunters
Scalia, Joseph M. - Germany's Last Mission to Japan
Schmeelke, Karl-Heinz - Deutsche U-Bootbunker gestern und heute
Schneider, Gerd Dietrich - U-Boot Wilhelm Bauer
Schulz, Wilhelm - Über dem nassen Abgrund
Sellwood, Arthur - Ship 16
Showell, Jak P. Mallmann - The German Navy in World War Two
Showell, Jak P. Mallmann - U-Boat Commanders and Crews 1935-1945
Showell, Jak P. Mallmann - U-Boats under the Swastika
Simpson, George and Burger, Neal - Ghostboat
Snyder, Gerald S. - The Royal Oak Disaster
Southall, Ivan - Softly Tread the Brave
Spiegel von und zu Peckelsheim, Edgar - "U 202" Kriegstagebuch
Spiess, Johannes - Sechs Jahre U-bootfahrten
Spindler; Arno - Der Handelskrieg mit U-Booten
Steinert, Marlis - Die 23 tage der Regierung Dönitz
Stern, Robert C. - Type VII U-boats
Tarrant, V.E. - The U-Boat Offensive 1914-1945
Taylor, J. E. - Northern Escort
Thomas, Lowell - Raiders of the Deep
Topp, Erich - Fackeln über dem Atlantik
Treadwell, Terry C - Submarines with Wings
Trew, Anthony - Kleber's Convoy
Trumbull, Robert - The Raft
Tuleja, Thaddeus V. - Twilight of the Sea Gods
Valentiner, Max - 300000 Tonnen versenkt!
Valentiner, Max - Der Schrecken der Meere
Van der Vat, Dan - The Atlantic Campaign
Vause, Jordan - U-Boat Ace: The Story of Wolfgang Lüth
Vause, Jordan - Wolf
Von Forstner, Georg Gunther - Als U-Boots-Kommandant gegen England
Von Mücke, Hellmuth - Das Schwarze Schiff
Warren, C.E.T. and Benson, James - Above Us the Waves
Wentzel, Fritz - Single or Return?
Werner, Herbert A. - Die Eisernen Särge
Westwood, David - The Type VII U-Boat
Wheeler, Keith - War Under the Pacific
Wilson, Sloan - Ice Brothers
Yoshida, Mitsuru - Senkan Yamato no saigo220 books found
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