AK | Äusserste Kraft (voraus). Command for "full speed". |
Ato | Atmosphärisch getriebener Torpedo (also A-Torpedo) A compressed-air-driven torpedo. |
BdU | Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote Commander-in-Chief of U-boats, Karl Dönitz from 19 September, 1939. |
BRT | Bruttoregistertonne Gross register ton (also as GRT). |
ES | Erkennungssignal Recognition signal given by flags, signal lamp or signal pistol (the latter was usual for U-boats). |
Eto | Elektrischer Torpedo Electrically propelled torpedo. |
FAT | Flächenabsuchender Torpedo A torpedo that was capable of running in pre-programmed patterns and loops. |
FdU | Führer der Unterseeboote Commander of U-boats. |
FT | Funktelegramm Radio message. |
FuMB | FUnk-Mess-Beobachtung Radar detection. |
FuMO | FUunk-Mess-Ortung Radar. (RadioDetection). |
G 7a | Geradlaufapparat 7 (meters length) a (atmosphärisch) A compressed air propelled torpedo. |
G 7e | Geradlaufapparat 7(meters length) e (elektrisch) Electrically propelled torpedo. |
GHG | GruppenHorchGerät Hydrophone underwater sound detector. |
I WO | Erster Wachoffizier First Watch Officer. |
II LI | Zweiter Ingenieur Second Engineering Officer. |
II WO | Zweiter Wachoffizier Second Watch Officer. |
III WO | Dritter Wach-Offizier Third Watch Officer (as a rule the "Obersteuermann"). |
Kaleu | Kapitänleutnant (also Kaleun or Kaleunt). |
Kaptlt. | Kapitänleutnant (also Kl, KL, Kptlt.) Lieutenant Commander. |
Korvkpt. | Korvettenkapitän Commander (also KK). |
KTB | Kriegstagebuch Log Book. (war diary). |
LI | Leitender Ingenieur Chief Engineering Officer. |
Ltnt. z. S. | Leutnant zur See Lieutenant (also L, Ltn. or Lt.). |
LUT | Lagenunabhängiger Torpedo A torpedo that could be preset to steer itself on a particular bearing. |
MND | Marine-Nachrichten-Dienst German naval radio intelligence service. |
ObdM | Oberbefehlshaber der Marine Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. |
Oblt. z. S. | Oberleutnant zur See Lieutenant (also OL, Oblnt. z. S.). |
OKM | Oberkommando der Marine Naval High Command, equivalent of British Admiralty. |
OKW | Oberkommando der Wehrmacht High Command of the Armed Forces. |
SKL | Seekriegsleitung German Supreme Naval Command. |
TEK | Torpedo-Erprobungs-Kommando Torpedo proving section. |
TVA | Torpedo-Versuchs-Anstalt Experimental torpedo section |
UAA | Unterseeboots-Ausbildung-Abteilung Section responsible for training U-boat crew. |
UAK | Unterseeboots-Abnahme-Kommando Unit which took over and commissioned newly constructed U-boats from the shipyards. |
UJ | Unterseeboots-Jäger German submarine chasers, often converted trawlers. |
ULD | U-Boots-Lehr-Division U-boats training division. |
UT | Unterwasser-Telefonie Device for communicating with U-boats or surface vessels while submerged.(underwater telephone). |
UZO | U-Boot-Ziel-Optik U-boat target optic (aiming binoculars). |
VO | Verwaltungsoffizier Administrative officer. |
Glossary list |
Commander nicknames |
Special thanks to Bob Connolly for language editing and additions.