Allied Warships in World War Two

The E class destroyer HMS Encounter (H 10) of the Royal Navy. She was lost on 1 Mar 1942.

Allied Warship finder

All Allied warships in WWII, in all theatres
(21,199 vessels listed).

Events on this day

A lookup into the databases all the noteworthy events listed for this day.

Navies involved in WWII

  Royal NavyHMSRoyal Navy (9,521)
  US NavyUSSUS Navy (9,234)
  Royal Canadian NavyHMCSRoyal Canadian Navy (560)
  Soviet NavyUSSRSoviet Navy (421)
  French NavyFRFrench Navy (241)
  Royal Indian NavyHMISRoyal Indian Navy (230)
  Royal Australian NavyHMASRoyal Australian Navy (169)
  Royal Dutch NavyHNMSRoyal Dutch Navy (146)
  Italian NavyItalian Navy (120)
  Free French NavyFFLFree French Navy (104)
  United States Coast GuardUSCGCUnited States Coast Guard (96)
  Royal Norwegian NavyHNoMSRoyal Norwegian Navy (81)
  Royal Hellenic NavyRHSRoyal Hellenic Navy (76)
  Royal New Zealand NavyHMNZSRoyal New Zealand Navy (59)
  Brazilian NavyBrazilian Navy (54)
  Polish NavyORPPolish Navy (39)
  South African NavyHMSASSouth African Navy (17)

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Warships by type

   Landing Craft Tanks (3,241)
   Motor Torpedo Boats (1,492)
   Minesweepers (1,455)
   Landing Craft Infantrys (1,393)
   Destroyers (1,294)
   Tank landing ships (1,283)
   Motor Fishing Vessels (1,241)
   ... more types

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Allied Warship Losses

Allied warships lost in the war. See also Allied warships lost to U-boats.

Recently updated warships

This database in always in very heavy maintenance and this page shows the latest updates on Allied warships.