Comments from readers
These comments are but a tiny sample of the mail we get every day. If you'd like to contribute to this page then just send us a line and we'll add it. The comments here below are chosen at random from our database containing 229 such items. This page reloads in 90 seconds.If your letter requires a reply you should use this address instead.
Much of the information is interesting and accurate. What is more, there is a lot of information which one is NOT likely to find in books. In fact some of his information is quite unique and I do NOT know where else one could find it. (Unless, of course, one goes back to original sources or to the U-boat Archive.) Obviously any collection of information of such vast magnitude is going to attract mistakes, but the interesting point about Gudmundur Helgason's pages is that he has taken the trouble to check much of the information. The usual fairy tales which have been made up after the war and perpetuated by a number of disgusting authors and groups are missing from Gudmundur's pages. The information is refreshingly good, interesting, useful and goes to considerable depths. I have enjoyed browsing the pages and recommend them to anyone." Jak P. Mallmann Showell 10 Oct 1999 I am a retired US serviceman and a volunteer assisting educators in our schools, I am using your site and several others for classroom work. In fact, in two class'es one is building ship models from the Atlantic and another class is constructing WW2 in the Pacific using ship models that were involved in the Battle of Midway. These kids are really keyed up about WW2 history.....I'm sure they will remember these class'es. I am 76 years old and would have a hell've time convincing my students about the events in WW2 if it were not for people like you constructing such a fine data-base of information. Thank you. 7 Sep 1997 25 Nov 2002 11 Jul 1999 |
This is, of course, just a fraction of supportive letters has received.
If you'd like to add your comments to this page then just send me a note.