Comments from readers

These comments are but a tiny sample of the mail we get every day. If you'd like to contribute to this page then just send us a line and we'll add it. The comments here below are chosen at random from our database containing 229 such items. This page reloads in 90 seconds.

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18 Sep 1997
Contributing to history-awareness, duty irrespective of nationalism, up to best internet standards. We have been watching your page since the beginning and are happy about your continued improvements.
  Gabor Fabricius

19 Feb 2000
Well what can I say ? The best just got so much better.

I have visited your site frequently until a long term work commitment got the better of me last year. Now that I have Internet access during the day, a browse at the site now shows so much more. Just fantastic absolutely brilliant. I think the extra contributions and help must be most welcome for yourself (and your family) Congratulations, and of course, well done.

Best wishes and good luck.
  Tim Applegarth

21 Aug 2000
Your site is great.
I was discussing about submarines with a friend because of the Kursk and decided to fetch some information from the internet. When I found your site, I stopped searching!
  Karim Belhalfaoui

27 Dec 1997
I am writing to tell you that your page is the best ever assembled. I am an avid U-boat fan and your page has given me everything I have needed to model my IXC/40 U-boat. The history of my boat the U-534 was found in your archives. In case your wondering I'm only 18 so all the kids who think this is an "old people page" think again.
  C.S Houlihan

10 Sep 2005

Hello Captain and Crew,

You have a very well researched site, full of a lot of detailed information. I cam across your site while looking for information about a British Merchant Navy vessel lost during WW2. You give more details than what I already had. You have all put a lot of work into it!

  Joseph Ritson

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This is, of course, just a fraction of supportive letters has received.

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