Comments from readers

These comments are but a tiny sample of the mail we get every day. If you'd like to contribute to this page then just send us a line and we'll add it. The comments here below are chosen at random from our database containing 229 such items. This page reloads in 90 seconds.

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19 Nov 1998
When I discovered your net I was hooked and have been visiting it every day. Keep up the wonderful work!
  Javier Rubio

1 Feb 1998
Very fascinating! Found site a few months ago before crash. Glad to see it again. Data is profound.
  Frank A. McCann

8 Jul 1999
I just stumbled across this web page by accident and it is VERY well done! Lots of interesting information that I haven't seen elsewhere and it is definitely one of the better designed WebPages that I have seen.
  Tony Scott

11 Jul 1999
I am an avid fan/follower of WWII facts, stories and recovery of armaments/artifacts. About two years ago I had been searching the internet for information on u-boots and I came to your site and was quite impressed by your work . Now, I decided to investigate again and was glad to rediscover your tremendous site. It is always a pleasure to encounter web sites such as yours that demonstrate the incredible amount of data available on the Internet. Once again I would like to thank you for a great job and hope to see more of it. If you were to charge a fee to gain access to your data I would gladly be in favour, as this would probably be only a minor recompense for the very time consuming and exhausting work you have performed. Thanks again.
  Louis Pico

18 Feb 2000
I just bought a computer and this is where I spend 95% of my time. I do not know of any where else. I have read a few good books on u boats and visited some off shore. On L. I. and NC FLA. the facts are great and accurate. Pretty soon the Captain's and the crews will be gone but there history will remain. Don't stop yet. There are a lot more storiess out there.
  Don Chiodo

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This is, of course, just a fraction of supportive letters has received.

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