Douglas Lambert DSC, RN

Birth details unknown

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1 Sep 1938 Lt.
1 Jul 1946 Lt.Cdr.


5 May 1942 DSC
19 Dec 1944 Bar to DSC

Warship Commands listed for Douglas Lambert, RN

HMS H 33 (N 33)Lt.Submarine11 May 194230 Jul 1942
HMS Sealion (N 72)Lt.SubmarineJul 194212 Jan 1943
HMS Surf (P 239)Lt.Submarine14 Jan 19435 Dec 1944
HMS Thermopylae (P 355)Lt.Submarine25 Jul 1945early 1946

Career information

We currently have no career / biographical information on this officer.

Events related to this officer

Submarine HMS H 33 (N 33)

11 May 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. M.E. Faber, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. Upon completion of these exercises Lt. Lambert took over command of HMS H 33 from Lt. Faber. (1)

12 May 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (1)

13 May 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (1)

14 May 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (1)

15 May 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (1)

17 May 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (1)

18 May 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (1)

19 May 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (1)

20 May 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (1)

21 May 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (1)

22 May 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (1)

24 May 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (1)

25 May 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (1)

26 May 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. Upon completion of these exercises HMS H 33 proceeded to Rothesay. (1)

28 May 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area. (1)

2 Jun 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted torpedo firing exercises in the Clyde area. (2)

3 Jun 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) shifted from Rothesay to Ardrishaig. (2)

4 Jun 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Ardrishaig. (2)

5 Jun 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Ardrishaig. Upon completion of these exercises HMS H 33 proceeded to Campbeltown. (2)

7 Jun 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (2)

8 Jun 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (2)

9 Jun 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (2)

10 Jun 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (2)

11 Jun 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (2)

12 Jun 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (2)

14 Jun 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (2)

15 Jun 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (2)

17 Jun 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (2)

18 Jun 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (2)

19 Jun 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (2)

21 Jun 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (2)

22 Jun 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (2)

23 Jun 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (2)

24 Jun 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (2)

25 Jun 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (2)

26 Jun 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (2)

28 Jun 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (2)

29 Jun 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (2)

30 Jun 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (2)

1 Jul 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (3)

2 Jul 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (3)

3 Jul 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (3)

4 Jul 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) shifted from Campbeltown to Ardrishaig. (3)

5 Jul 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Ardrishaig. Upon completion of these exercises she proceeded to Campbeltown. (3)

6 Jul 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (3)

7 Jul 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (3)

8 Jul 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (3)

9 Jul 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (3)

10 Jul 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. (3)

12 Jul 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Campbeltown. Upon completion of these exercises HMS H 33 proceed to Rothesay. (3)

23 Jul 1942
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted torpedo firing exercises in the Clyde area. (3)

25 Jul 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) shifted from Rothesay to Ardrishaig. (3)

26 Jul 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Ardrishaig. (3)

27 Jul 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Ardrishaig. (3)

28 Jul 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Ardrishaig. (3)

29 Jul 1942
HMS H 33 (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Ardrishaig. Upon completion of these exercises HMS H 33 proceeded to Rothesay. (3)

30 Jul 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 33 (Lt. C.A. Pardoe, RNR) conducted exercises in the Clyde area. Early that morning Lt. Pardoe had taken over command of HMS H 33 from Lt. Lambert. Upon completion of the exercises HMS H 33 proceeded to Campbeltown. (3)

Submarine HMS Sealion (N 72)

4 Sep 1942
With her refit completed, HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN), ran engine trials off Blyth. (4)

7 Sep 1942
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) ran engine trials off Blyth. (4)

8 Sep 1942
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted trials off Blyth. (4)

9 Sep 1942
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted trials off Blyth. (4)

11 Sep 1942
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted trials off Blyth. (4)

13 Sep 1942
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted exercises off Blyth. (4)

14 Sep 1942
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) departed Blyth for Holy Loch. She made the passage together with HMS Tuna (Lt. R.P. Raikes, RN). They were escorted by HMS ML 300 (T/Lt. F.C.R. Piesse, RNVR) until 0725/15 when HMS Loch Monteith (T/Lt. K.W. Richardson, RNR) took over the escort. (4)

16 Sep 1942
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) arrived at Scapa Flow. (4)

17 Sep 1942
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) and HMS Tuna (Lt. R.P. Raikes, RN) departed Scapa Flow for Holy Loch. They were escorted by HMS White Bear (Cdr. (Retd.) C.C. Flemming, RN). (4)

19 Sep 1942
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) arrived at Holy Loch to begin a training period. (4)

21 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area. (4)

23 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted noise trials in Loch Goil. (4)

24 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted speed trials on the Arran measured mile. (4)

25 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted a deep dive trial in the Clyde area following which a practice attack was made on HMS Otway (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) J.R.G. Harvey, RN). (4)

28 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted torpedo firing trials in Loch Long following which night attack exercises were carried out in the Clyde area with HMS Breda (Capt.(Retd.) A. E. Johnston, RN). (4)

29 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted attack exercises for the C.O.Q.C. (Commanding Officers Qualifying Course) in the Clyde area with HMS Breda (Capt.(Retd.) A. E. Johnston, RN). Later attacks were carried out on HMS Cyclops (Capt. R.L.M. Edwards, RN) which was screened by HMS Breda and HMS Z 5 (T/A/Lt.Cdr. S.T. Wenlock, RNR). (4)

30 Sep 1942 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted attack exercises for the C.O.Q.C. (Commanding Officers Qualifying Course) in the Clyde area. practice attacks were carried out on HMS Cyclops (Capt. R.L.M. Edwards, RN).

[As no log is available for October 1942, no details for her training programme can be given for this month.] (4)

8 Oct 1942
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) departed Holy Loch for her 26th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the Bay of Biscay. Passage south through the Irish Sea was made together with HMS Ursula (Lt. R.B. Lakin, DSC, RN), HMS Unique (Lt. R.E. Boddington, RN) and HMS Graph (Lt. P.B. Marriott, RN). They were escorted by HMS La Capricieuse (Lt.Cdr. G.W. Dobson, RNR).

No log is available for this period so no map can be displayed. (5)

26 Oct 1942 (position 47.16, -5.07)
At 0007 hours, while in position 47°16'N, 05°07'W, HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) was attacked in error by a British Hudson aircraft. Sealion immediately dived and when she was at 20 to 25 feet two explosions were heard in quick succession causing some damage and the loss of depth control. (5)

27 Oct 1942
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) ended her 26th war patrol at Falmouth. After fuelling she proceeded back to sea to rendez-vous with HMS HMS Graph (Lt. P.B. Marriott, RN) and their escort towards Holy Loch, HMS Cutty Sark (Cdr.(Retd.) R.H. Mack, RN). (5)

29 Oct 1942
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) arrived at Holy Loch. (6)

15 Nov 1942
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) departed Holy Loch for her 27th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the Bay of Biscay. Passage south through the Irish Sea was made together with HrMs Dolfijn (Lt.Cdr. H.M.L.F.E. van Oostrom Soede, RNN). They were escorted by HMS Scimitar (Lt.Cdr. C.G. Cuthbertson, DSC, RNR).

For the daily positions of HMS Sealion during this patrol see the map below.


29 Nov 1942
The Italian blockade breaker Cortellazzo had departed Bordeaux bound for Japan on 29 November 1942. The next day the ship was spotted by a Sunderland flying boat. The British submarines HMS Graph (Lt. P.B. Marriott, RN), HMS Clyde (Lt. R.S. Brookes, DSC, RN), and HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN), were ordered to intercept but failed to do so. (5)

3 Dec 1942
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) ended her 27th war patrol at Falmouth. (5)

6 Dec 1942
Around 0100A/6, HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) and HrMs Dolfijn (Lt.Cdr. H.M.L.F.E. van Oostrom Soede, RNN) departed Falmouth for Holy Loch. They were escorted by HMS White Bear (Cdr.(Retd.) C.C. Flemming, RN).

Around 0800A/6, near Biships Rock, HMS Graph (Lt. P.B. Marriott, RN) joined company. (7)

8 Dec 1942
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) arrived at Holy Loch. (7)

17 Dec 1942
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) was docked at Kames Bay. (7)

18 Dec 1942
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) was undocked at Kames Bay. She then returned to Holy Loch. (7)

23 Dec 1942
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) returned to Holy Loch with damage to her starboard main ballast tanks. (7)

29 Dec 1942
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) was now assigned to the 7th Submarine Flotilla for training duties. (6)

5 Jan 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted attack exercises in the Clyde area with HMS Breda (Capt.(Retd.) A. E. Johnston, RN). (8)

6 Jan 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area with a training class of new submariners. (8)

7 Jan 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted attack exercises on a convoy in the Clyde area for the C.O.Q.C. (Commanding Officers Qualifying Course). (8)

8 Jan 1943
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted attack exercises for the C.O.Q.C. (Commanding Officers Qualifying Course) in the Clyde area with HMS Breda (Capt.(Retd.) A. E. Johnston, RN). These included night exercises. (8)

10 Jan 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted attack exercises on a convoy in the Clyde area for the C.O.Q.C. (Commanding Officers Qualifying Course). (8)

11 Jan 1943
HMS Sealion (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted attack exercises in the Clyde area for the C.O.Q.C. (Commanding Officers Qualifying Course) with HMS Breda (Capt.(Retd.) A. E. Johnston, RN). (8)

12 Jan 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Sealion (Lt. D.S.M. Verschoyle-Campbell, DSC, RN) conducted attack exercises on a convoy in the Clyde area for the C.O.Q.C. (Commanding Officers Qualifying Course). (8)

Submarine HMS Surf (P 239)

16 Mar 1943
Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) departed her builders yard for Holy Loch. She was escorted by HrMs Jan van Gelder (Lt.Cdr. P.L.M. van Geen, RNN). (9)

17 Mar 1943
Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) arrived at Holy Loch to begin a period of trials and training. (9)

18 Mar 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted full power trials on the Arran measured mile following which she was commissioned at Holy Loch. (9)

19 Mar 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted trials in the Clyde area. (9)

21 Mar 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area. (9)

22 Mar 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area. (9)

23 Mar 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area. (9)

25 Mar 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) shifted from Holy Loch to the torpedo firing range at Arrochar (Loch Long). (9)

27 Mar 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted torpedo discharge trials off Arrochar. (9)

28 Mar 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted torpedo discharge trials off Arrochar. (9)

29 Mar 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted torpedo discharge trials off Arrochar. (9)

30 Mar 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted torpedo discharge trials off Arrochar. On completion of these trials she proceeded to Holy Loch. (9)

1 Apr 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) again proceeded to the torpedo firing range at Arrochar for full salvo firing. On completion she returned to Holy Loch. (10)

2 Apr 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) shifted from Holy Loch to Campbeltown. She was escorted by HMS Z 5 (T/A/Lt.Cdr. S.T. Wenlock, RNR). (10)

3 Apr 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted RDF (radar) exercises off Campbeltown with aircraft. (10)

4 Apr 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) shifted from Campbeltown to Holy Loch. She then went to Loch Goil where she conducted noise trials. (10)

5 Apr 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted gunnery trials in the Clyde area. (10)

8 Apr 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted attack exercises in the Clyde area during which and HMS Breda (Capt.(Retd.) A.E. Johnston, RN) and HMS Z 5 (T/A/Lt.Cdr. S.T. Wenlock, RNR) served as the targets. (10)

9 Apr 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted log trials in Loch Long. (10)

10 Apr 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted night bombardment exercises off Arran. (10)

11 Apr 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted attack exercises in the Clyde area. (10)

17 Apr 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) departed Holy Loch for Scapa Flow. She was escorted by HMS Shikari (Lt.Cdr. D.A. Rayner, DSC, VRD, RNVR). (10)

20 Apr 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) arrived at Scapa Flow to participate in A/S exercises. (10)

21 Apr 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises at Scapa Flow. (10)

22 Apr 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises at Scapa Flow. In the morning A/S exercises were carried out with (at least) HMCS Iroquois (Cdr. W.B.L. Holms, RCN). (11)

24 Apr 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises at Scapa Flow. (10)

26 Apr 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises at Scapa Flow. (10)

27 Apr 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises at Scapa Flow. (10)

28 Apr 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises at Scapa Flow. (10)

29 Apr 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises at Scapa Flow. (10)

30 Apr 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises at Scapa Flow. (10)

1 May 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises at Scapa Flow. (12)

2 May 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) departed Scapa Flow for Lerwick. She was escorted by HMS Hayling (T/Lt. G.B. Christie, RNR). (12)

3 May 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) arrived at Lerwick. (12)

7 May 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) departed Lerwick for her 1st war patrol. She was ordered to patrol to the North-East of Iceland to intercept German warships that might try to break out into the North Atlantic.

For the daily positions of HMS Surf during this patrol see the map below.


22 May 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) ended her 1st war patrol at Lerwick. (12)

23 May 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) departed Lerwick for the Clyde. She made the passage together with the Dutch submarine HrMs O 10 (Lt. D.T. Mackay, RNN). They were escorted by HMS La Capricieuse (Lt.Cdr. G.W. Dobson, RNR).

26 May 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) arrived at Holy Loch. (12)

4 Jun 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted exercises in the Clyde area during which she also served as target for HMS Usurper (Lt. D.R.O. Mott, DSC, RN). (13)

5 Jun 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) shifted from Holy Loch to Londonderry, Northern Ireland for another program of exercises. (13)

6 Jun 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Loch Foyle. (13)

7 Jun 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Loch Foyle. (13)

8 Jun 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Loch Foyle. (13)

9 Jun 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Loch Foyle. (13)

10 Jun 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Loch Foyle. (13)

11 Jun 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Loch Foyle. (13)

13 Jun 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) departed Londonderry for Holy Loch. (13)

14 Jun 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) arrived at Holy Loch. (13)

15 Jun 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted attack exercises in the Clyde area. First, HMS Kingfisher (Lt.Cdr.(Retd.) G.H. Gandy, RN), served as target and later the target was HMS Ramillies (Capt. G.M.K. Keble-White, RN). (13)

21 Jun 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) was docked in AFD 20 at Kames Bay. (13)

22 Jun 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) was undocked and returned to Holy Loch. (13)

28 Jun 1943 (position 0.00, 0.00)

For the daily positions of HMS Surf during her 2nd war patrol see the map below.

28 Jun 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) departed Holy Loch for Gibraltar. She was to join the 8th Submarine Flotilla based at Algiers.

The passage South throught the Irish Sea was made together with HMS Sea Nymph (Lt. J.P.H. Oakley, DSC, RN). The submarines were escorted by HMS Cutty Sark (Cdr.(Retd.) R.H. Mack, RN).

En route Surf was diverted to patrol in the Bay of Biscay and along the Portugese coast making this her 2nd war patrol. (13)

11 Jul 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) arrived at Gibraltar. (14)

17 Jul 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted exercises off Gibraltar. (14)

22 Jul 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted exercises off Gibraltar. (14)

23 Jul 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted A/S exercises off Gibraltar with aircraft. (14)

24 Jul 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted exercises off Gibraltar. (14)

25 Jul 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted A/S exercises off Gibraltar with aircraft. (14)

26 Jul 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted A/S exercises off Gibraltar with aircraft. (14)

27 Jul 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted A/S exercises off Gibraltar with aircraft. (14)

28 Jul 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted exercises off Gibraltar. (14)

29 Jul 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted exercises off Gibraltar. (14)

6 Aug 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted A/S exercises off Gibraltar with aircraft. (15)

8 Aug 1943
During 8 and 9 August 1943 HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted exercises off Gibraltar. These included night exercises. (15)

11 Aug 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in special A/S trials off Gibraltar. (15)

12 Aug 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in special A/S trials off Gibraltar. (15)

13 Aug 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) departed Gibraltar for Algiers.

For the daily positions of HMS Surf during this passage see the map below.


18 Aug 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) arrived at Algiers. She arrived with a defective air compressor that needed repairs before she could go on patrol. She had already spent several weeks at Gibraltar for repairs to the air compressor. (15)

18 Sep 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) was docked in No. 2 dock at Algiers. (16)

21 Sep 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) was undocked. (16)

23 Sep 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted exercises off Algiers. (16)

25 Sep 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) departed Algiers for Port Said. She was to proceed to Colombo to join the 4th Submarine Flotilla in the Far East.

For the daily positions of HMS Surf during this passage see the map below.


2 Oct 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) arrived at Port Said. She immediately passed through the Suez Canal and arrived at Suez early in the evening. (17)

3 Oct 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) departed Suez for Aden. (17)

4 Oct 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) was recalled and returned to Suez where she arrived later the same day. She was to proceed to Beirut to join the 1st Submarine Flotilla based there due to the worsening situation in the Aegean. (17)

5 Oct 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) transited the Suez Canal Northbound and arrived at Port Said. She almost immediately departed for Beirut. (17)

6 Oct 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) arrived at Beirut. (17)

11 Oct 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) departed Beirut for her 3rd war patrol (1st in the Mediterranean). She was ordered to patrol in the Aegean.

For the daily and attack positions of HMS Surf during this patrol see the map below.


14 Oct 1943 (position 35.21, 26.29)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) attacked the German auxiliary patrol vessels K 2 and K 5 in the Kaso Strait in position 35°21'N, 26°29'E.

(All times are zone -3)
1530 hours - Sighted two masts, altered course to close.

1630 hours - Surfaced and opened fire on one small caique and one small vessel that looked like an HDML from a range of 5000 yards.

1635 hours - Dived after firing 20 rounds for no hits. (18)

16 Oct 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) encountered the British drifter Hedgehog. After firing warning shots her identity was established and she was taken in tow as her engine had broken down. After her engine was repaired she continued on her own.

Later on the same day Surf was depth charged while trying to attack an escorted enemy merchant vessel to the West of Kalymnos.

(All times are zone -3)
0605 hours - Sighted a darkened ship.

0627 hours - Fired two rounds over a caique. She flashed 'English' and shortly afterwards 'Hedgehog'. She was then closed and it was found out it was the British 'drifter' Hedgehog with British Commandos ad 52 German Pow's. Her engine had broken down.

0648 hours - Took Hedgehog in tow for Levitha.

0725 hours - Sighted an aircraft 'wavehopping' towards. Slipped the tow and dived in position 36°58'N, 26°36'E.

0742 hours - Surfaced and closed Hedgehog again. Her engine was now working and she proceeded independently.


1557 hours - Sighted two mast and smoke bearing 270°. Also 3 Arado 196 and 3 JU 88 aircraft were seen patrolling the area.

1602 hours - One of the ships was seen to be a merchant vessel in ballast of about 3000 tons. She was escorted by what looked like a minesweeper of the British Abingdon-class. Started attack. [This was the German merchant Trapani (1855 GRT, built 1926). She was escorted by UJ-2109, the former British minesweeper HMS Widnes. So this was a very much correct identification by Lt. Lambert).]

1633 hours - The escort obtained contact. She turned towards so went deep.

1635 hours - Two depth charges were dropped.

1650 hours - The escort had lost contact so started to come up. Shortly afterwards the escort however regained contact and she came overhead dropping three depth charges. One of these was very close causing minor damage.

1705 hours - Two more depth charges were dropped but these were not very close.

1745 hours - Returned to periscope depth. Saw the merchant vessel in the Kalymnos Channel and the escort off the South end of Kalymnos Island.

1951 hours - Surfaced in position 36°58'N, 26°37'E. (18)

25 Oct 1943 (position 37.00, 26.04)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) engages the German auxiliary patrol vessel GA 54 / Chiaros with gunfire North-East of Amorgos, Greece. No hits were obtained and Surf was forced to dive by return fire from the German ship.

(All times are zone -3)
0714 hours - Sighted a ship against Amorgos, close inshore. Bearing 170°, range 4000 yards

0730 hours - Surfaced in position 37°00'N, 26°04'E and closed at speed. Opened fire with the 3" gun from 5000 yards.

0737 hours - Dived after having fired four rounds, no hits were obtained. The enemy meanwhile had turned towards and opened fire with a 6pdr or 12pdr gun. Her gunfire was getting close. The enemy dropped three depth charges but these were a long way off.

0750 hours - The enemy made off at speed making a lot of smoke. (18)

29 Oct 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) twice attacked the German merchant Gertrud (1960 GRT, built 1930, former Danish Gerda Toft) with two torpedoes (so four in total) while she is anchored in Port Panormos, Kalimnos, Greece. No hits were obtained.

(All times are zone -3)
1205 hours - Sighted a merchant ship and one escort bearing 250 degrees. Also 2 Arado 196 aircraft were sighted patrolling the area. Started attack.

1250 hours - Broke off the attack as the ships entered Port Panormos, Kalimnos, Greece.

1345 hours - Sighted one F-lighter entering Port Panormos.

1457 hours - Fired two torpedoes from 4500 yards into the harbour aimed at the merchant ship. Nothing however happened.

1825 hours - Fired two more torpedoes into the harbour from 3400 yards. The torpedoes were heard to hit the shore just Westward of the ship.

1834 hours - The escort (this was UJ 2102) came out searching for the attacker so retired from the area. (18)

3 Nov 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) ended her 3rd war patrol (1st in the Mediterranean) at Beirut. She returned from patrol with once again problems with the Port air compressor. (19)

5 Dec 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) departed Beirut for her 4th war patrol (2nd in the Mediterranean). She was ordered to patrol in the Aegean.

For the daily and attack positions of HMS Surf during this patrol see the map below.


8 Dec 1943 (position 37.45, 25.33)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) made an unsuccesful torpedo attack on the German merchant Leda (4572 GRT, built 1943, former Italian Leopardi) in position 37°45'N, 25°33'E.

(All times are zone -3)
0930 hours - In position 37°45'N, 25°33'E heard HE bearing 084°.

0940 hours - Sighted mast bearing 080°.

0945 hours - Sighted a merchant ship of about 3500 tons. Started attack.

0948 hours - Sighted two escorts on each beam. Several Arado 196 and JU 88's were also patrolling overhead.

1007 hours - Fired four torpedoes from about 3000 yards. Unfortunately the 3rd torpedo of the salvo did not left the tube but this was not realised at the time. Went deep upon firing. It was thought that a possible hit on one of the escorts was obtained.

1040 hours - 10 Depth charges were dropped but none were close [These were dropped by the destroyer TA 16 (former Italian Turbine)]. The other escorts were the destroyer TA 15 (former Italian Francesco Crispi) and the motor minesweeper R 8.

1055 hours - Returned to periscope depth. Nothing in sight, not even aircraft. (18)

9 Dec 1943 (position 39.43, 25.23)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) torpedoed and sank the German merchant Sonia (2719 GRT, built 1928, former French S.N.A. 9) south of Lemnos Island, Greece.

(All times are zone -3)
1840 hours - Sighted a ship bearing 310°. Range was 8000 yards. Started attack.

1854 hours - Fired three torpedoes from 4800 yards at this ship of about 3000 tons. It was intended to fire four torpedoes but like yesterday no.5 torpedo tube did not fire o fired the stern torpedo also.

1859 hours - The stern torpedo hit the ship in the stern. She sank vertically in 8 minutes in position 39°43'N, 25°23'E. Retired to the Southward. (18)

23 Dec 1943
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) ended her 4th war patrol (2nd in the Mediterranean) at Beirut. (20)

7 Jan 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) departed Beirut for Port Said. She is (now finally) to proceed to the Far East. (21)

8 Jan 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) arrived at Port Said where she was immediately docked. (21)

16 Jan 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) was undocked. (21)

20 Jan 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) transited the Suez Canal Southbound and arrived at Suez. (21)

21 Jan 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) departed Suez for Aden.

For the daily positions of HMS Surf during this passage see the map below.


26 Jan 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) arrived at Aden. (21)

29 Jan 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) departed Aden for Colombo. This was later changed to Trincomalee. (21)

8 Feb 1944
At 1815 hours (zone -6), HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN), made rendez-vous with HMS Sea Rover (Lt. J.P. Angell, RN) and her escort, the Italian sloop Eritrea, which both came from Colombo. They then proceeded in company towards Trincomalee. (22)

10 Feb 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) arrived at Trincomalee. (22)

22 Feb 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted exercises off Trincomalee. These included a practice attack on HMS Emerald (Capt. F.J. Wylie, RN). (22)

23 Feb 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
For the daily and attack positions of HMS Surf during her 5th war patrol see the map below.

23 Feb 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) departed Trincomalee for her 5th war patrol (1st in the Far East). She was ordered to patrol in the Malacca Strait. She was escorted out by HMS Maid Marion (T/Lt. F.R. Crawford, RNVR). (22)

5 Mar 1944 (position 3.32, 99.50)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) sank a small Japanese tug and a barge with gunfire off the East coast of Sumatra.

(All times are zone -6.5)
0829 hours - Near position 03°32'N, 99°50'E sighted masts of two ships bearing 162°. Closed. These ships turned out to be a fuel lighter and a tug of about 250 tons. The tug went alongside an armed motor sampan.

0935 hours - The lighter began to circle surf, probably she had sighted the periscope.

0940 hours - Surfaced for gun action. 35 Rounds were fired for at least 25 hits. The lighter was now on fire fore and aft.

0947 hours - By now the tug and two armed sampans had scattered. Chased the tug and engaged one of the sampans while passing it firing 10 rounds for unfortunately no hits.

1012 hours - Engaged the tug. Fired 54 rounds before it sank at 1027 hours. (18)

12 Mar 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) ended her 5th war patrol (1st in the Far East) at Trincomalee. She was escorted in by the Italian sloop Eritrea. (23)

1 Apr 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted exercises off Trincomalee. These included A/S exercises with and a practice attack on HMS Maid Marion (T/Lt. F.R. Crawford, RNVR). (24)

2 Apr 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted noise trials at Trincomalee. (24)

4 Apr 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) departed Trincomalee for her 6th war patrol (2nd in the Far East). She was ordered to patrol the Northern entrance to the Malacca Strait on an anti-submarine patrol.

Before proceeding on patrol A/S exercises were carried out with HrMs Tjerk Hiddes (Lt.Cdr. G.A. Cox, RNethN) and HMAS Nepal (Lt.Cdr. J. Plunkett-Cole, RAN).

HMS Surf was escorted out by the Italian sloop Eritrea. (24)

4 Apr 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
For the daily positions of HMS Surf during her 6th war patrol see the map below.

20 Apr 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) ended her 6th war patrol (2nd in the Far East) at Trincomalee. She was escorted in by the Italian sloop Eritrea. On returning to harbour noise trials were carried out. (24)

28 Apr 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) was docked in AFD 26 at Trincomalee. (24)

30 Apr 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) was undocked. (24)

4 May 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted exercises off Trincomalee. These included attack exercises on HMAS Quickmatch (Lt.Cdr. O.H. Becher, DSC, RAN). (25)

5 May 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted exercises off Trincomalee. Like yesterday these included attack exercises on HMAS Quickmatch (Lt.Cdr. O.H. Becher, DSC, RAN). (25)

6 May 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
For the daily positions of HMS Surf during her 7th war patrol see the map below.

6 May 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) departed Trincomalee for her 7th war patrol (3rd in the Far East). She was ordered to patrol the off the South-West coast of Siam and to lay a minefield off Tatutao Island. Before proceeding on patrol A/S exercises were carried out with HMAS Quickmatch (Lt.Cdr. O.H. Becher, DSC, RAN). She was escorted out by the Italian sloop Eritrea. (25)

13 May 1944 (position 6.35, 6.33)
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) laid two minefields of four mines each off Tarutao Island.

(All times are zone -6.5)
0100 hours - Sighted the Butang Islands.

0458 hours - Dived and proceeded to the laying position submerged.

1643 hours - Laid four mines in direction 060°, spaced 520 feet apart from position 06°35'N, 99°32'7"E.

1812 hours - Laid four mines in direction 240°, spaced 520 feet apart from position 06°35'2"N, 99°34'8"E. Retired to the North.

1842 hours - Surfaced. (18)

19 May 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) ended her 7th war patrol (3rd in the Far East) at Trincomalee. (25)

1 Jun 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted exercises an noise trials off / at Trincomalee. (26)

5 Jun 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted exercises off Trincomalee with the Indian sloop HMIS Godavari (A/Cdr. A.B. Goord, RIN) and her escort group. (26)

9 Jun 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
For the daily positions of HMS Surf during her 8th war patrol see the map below.

9 Jun 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) departed Trincomalee for her 8th war patrol (4th in the Far East). She was ordered to patrol the off the South-West coast of Siam, to conduct a special operation and to lay a minefield. She was escorted out by HMS Maid Marion (T/Lt. F.R. Crawford, RNVR). (26)

11 Jun 1944
In the evening HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) carried out special operation 'Councillor'.

At 2020 hours, in position 05°04'N, 90°13'E, HMS Surf began broadcasting and also sent a dummy message to Ceylon. This was a diversion to simulate the presence of a task force threatening Sabang. In fact the aircraft carriers HMS Illustrious and escort carrier HMS Atheling had sortied for a deception operation but were already returning home when HMS Surf began the simulation. Eight days later, HMS Illustious raided Port Blair in the Andamans (operation 'Pedal'). (18)

14 Jun 1944 (position 6.30, 98.35)
In the morning HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) lays mines in the Strait of Malacca about 30 nautical miles to the West of the Butang Island near position 06°30'N, 98°35'E (details 'hopefully' to follow). (18)

18 Jun 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) ended her 8th war patrol (4th in the Far East) at Trincomalee. She was escorted in by the Italian sloop Eritrea. (26)

20 Jun 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) departed Trincomalee for Colombo for the installation of air conditioning and a docking.

For the daily positions of HMS Surf during this passage see the map below.


22 Jun 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) arrived at Colombo. (26)

11 Jul 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) was docked at Colombo. (27)

20 Jul 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) was undocked. (27)

20 Aug 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) departed Colombo for Trincomalee.

For the daily positions of HMS Surf during this passage see the map below.


22 Aug 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) arrived at Trincomalee. She was escorted in by HMS Maid Marion (T/Lt. F.R. Crawford, RNVR). (28)

25 Aug 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted exercises off Trincomalee which included a practice attack on HMS Maidstone (Capt. L.M. Shadwell, RN). (28)

27 Aug 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) was docked at Trincomalee. (28)

29 Aug 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) was undocked. (28)

1 Sep 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted noise trials and gunnery exercises off Trincomalee. (29)

2 Sep 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted exercises off Trincomalee which included a practice attack on HMIS Pansy (Lt. R.G. Main, RINR). During these exercises a main motor was flooded damaging it beyond the repair capacity of the depot ship. It was therefore decided to sent HMS Surf back to the U.K. to refit. (29)

12 Sep 1944 (position 0.00, 0.00)
For the daily positions of HMS Surf during the passage from the Far East to the U.K. see the map below (though inclomplete).

12 Sep 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) departed Trincomalee for Colombo. HMS Maid Marion (T/Lt. F.R. Crawford, RNVR). (29)

14 Sep 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) arrived at Colombo. (29)

19 Sep 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) participated in A/S exercises with aircraft off Colombo. (29)

21 Sep 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted A/S exercises off Colombo with HMIS Hindustan (A/Cdr. H.C. Bird, OBE, RIN) and HMAS Geraldton (Lt.Cdr. L.M. Carter, RANR). (29)

23 Sep 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) conducted A/S exercises off Colombo with HMIS Hindustan (A/Cdr. H.C. Bird, OBE, RIN) and HMAS Geraldton (Lt.Cdr. L.M. Carter, RANR). (29)

27 Sep 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) departed Colombo for Aden. This was the first leg of the trip back to the U.K. (29)

5 Oct 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) arrived at Aden. (30)

6 Oct 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) departed Aden for Suez. (30)

12 Oct 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) departed Port Said for Malta. (30)

12 Oct 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) arrived at Suez. She transited the Suez Canal Northbound and arrived at Port Said later the same day. (30)

16 Oct 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) arrived at Malta. (30)

22 Oct 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) departed Malta for Gibraltar. She made the passege in convoy MKS 65. (30)

27 Oct 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) arrived at Gibraltar. (30)

30 Oct 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) departed Gibraltar for Falmouth. She made part of the passage in convoy MKS 65. (30)

6 Nov 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) arrived at Falmouth. (31)

7 Nov 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) shifted from Falmouth to Portland. She was escorted by HMS Gateshead (T/Lt. R.B. Hughes, RNVR). (31)

8 Nov 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) shifted from Portland to Portsmouth. She was escorted by HMS Gateshead (T/Lt. R.B. Hughes, RNVR). (31)

4 Dec 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. D. Lambert, DSC, RN) shifted from Portsmouth to Portland. She was escorted by HMS Watchman (T/A/Lt.Cdr. J.R. Clarke, DSC, RNVR). (32)

5 Dec 1944
HMS Surf (Lt. H.W. Wilkinson, RN) conducted exercises off Portland. (32)


  1. ADM 173/17225
  2. ADM 173/17226
  3. ADM 173/17227
  4. ADM 173/17558
  5. ADM 199/1835
  6. ADM 199/424
  7. ADM 173/17560
  8. ADM 173/18011
  9. ADM 173/18148
  10. ADM 173/18149
  11. ADM 173/18149 + File RG24-D-2 / Vol. 7418 (Library and Archives Canada)
  12. ADM 173/18150
  13. ADM 173/18151
  14. ADM 173/18152
  15. ADM 173/18153
  16. ADM 173/18154
  17. ADM 173/18155
  18. ADM 199/1870
  19. ADM 173/18156
  20. ADM 173/18157
  21. ADM 173/18898
  22. ADM 173/18899
  23. ADM 173/18900
  24. ADM 173/18901
  25. ADM 173/18902
  26. ADM 173/18903
  27. ADM 173/18904
  28. ADM 173/18905
  29. ADM 173/18906
  30. ADM 173/18907
  31. ADM 173/18908
  32. ADM 173/18909

ADM numbers indicate documents at the British National Archives at Kew, London.

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