Edward Francis Baines DSO, RN
Birth details unknown |
| Ranks
Retired: 1 Nov 1956 Decorations
Warship Commands listed for Edward Francis Baines, RN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
HMS Bramham (L 51) | Lt. | Escort destroyer | 5 May 1942 | Mar 1943 |
HMS Talybont (L 18) | Lt. | Escort destroyer | 30 Mar 1943 | 31 Jul 1944 |
HMS Kimberley (F 50) | Lt.Cdr. | Destroyer | 10 Mar 1945 | mid 1945 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Escort destroyer HMS Bramham (L 51)
10 Aug 1942
HMS Bramham (Lt. E.F. Baines, RN) was part of the convoy of Operation Pedestal, comprising of fourteen merchant ships on their way to the island of Malta to bring greatly needed supplies. For the next three days, the convoy endured the most ferocious and heaviest bombardment of any convoy in World War II. An American tanker, Ohio, had valuable cargo for the island, and was damaged on three separate occasions. Together with the HMS Penn, and other destroyers, the HMS Bramham latched itself to the side of the Ohio to keep it afloat, and guided it to Malta, while being bombarded by German and Italian aircraft, U-Boats and E-Boats. (1)
20 Oct 1942
HMS Bramham left for Gibraltar on escort duties in connection with Operation Torch. On November 20th, Bramham was hit by a bomb which penetrated the ship and exploded in the sea beneath her. She received a lot of structural damage, and was flooded, requiring temporary repairs at Algiers. (1)
24 Jan 1943
Sailed for the UK as additional escort for MK56, after being repaired in Gibraltar. (1)
- Personal communication
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