Richard John Hollis Couch DSC, RN
Born | 16 Nov 1907 | | |
Died | 1 Sep 1940 | (32) | HMS Esk |
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| Ranks1 Jan 1928 | | A/S.Lt. | 16 Oct 1928 | | S.Lt. | 16 Feb 1931 | | Lt. | 16 Feb 1939 | | Lt.Cdr. |
Decorations |
Warship Commands listed for Richard John Hollis Couch, RN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
HMS Esk (H 15) | Lt. | Destroyer | 14 Feb 1938 | 1 Sep 1940 (+) |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
Destroyer HMS Esk (H 15)
9 May 1940
The mine laying destroyers HMS Express (Cdr. J.G. Bickford, DSC, RN), HMS Esk (Lt.Cdr. R.J.H. Couch, RN) and HMS Intrepid (Cdr. R.G. Gordon, RN) lay 180 mines in known German swept channels in operation XMG.
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