Johan Willem Ort, RNN

Born  10 Sep 1902Meester Cornelis, Batavia Netherlands East Indies (now Jatinegara, Jakarta, Indonesia)
Died  19 Nov 1940(38)HrMs O 22

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13 Aug 1925 luitenant ter zee 3e klasse (S.Lt.)
13 Aug 1927 luitenant ter zee 2e klasse (Lt.)
1 Apr 1936 luitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.)


Warship Commands listed for Johan Willem Ort, RNN

HNMS O 12luitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.)Submarine23 Aug 193922 Sep 1939
HNMS O 22 (P 22)luitenant ter zee 1e klasse (Lt.Cdr.)Submarine18 May 194019 Nov 1940 (+)

Career information

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Events related to this officer

Submarine HNMS O 22 (P 22)

13 Jun 1940
HrMs O 22 (Lt.Cdr. J.W. Ort) was docked at Portland. (1)

15 Jun 1940
HrMs O 22 (Lt.Cdr. J.W. Ort) was undocked. (1)

28 Jun 1940
HrMs O 22 (Lt.Cdr. J.W. Ort) conducted exercises off Dundee. (1)

6 Jul 1940
HrMs O 21 (Lt.Cdr. J.F. van Dulm, RNN) and HrMs O 22 (Lt.Cdr. J.W. Ort, RNN) proceeded from Dundee to Rosyth where they are both docked in No.2 graving dock at the Rosyth Dockyard.

Both were taken in hand for some modifications. (2)

28 Jul 1940
HrMs O 21 (Lt.Cdr. J.F. van Dulm, RNN) and HrMs O 22 (Lt.Cdr. J.W. Ort, RNN) were both undocked at the Rosyth Dockyard. (3)

30 Jul 1940
Around 1900A/30, HrMs O 21 (Lt.Cdr. J.F. van Dulm, RNN) and HrMs O 22 (Lt.Cdr. J.W. Ort, RNN) both depart from Rosyth for their 1st war patrols.

Both are to patrol in the central North Sea. For both submarines this was a work-up patrol.

Around 0515A/31, they parted company to proceed to their respective patrol areas.

It is not possible to display a map for HrMs O 22. The patrol report holds no daily positions and the ships log is not available. (4)

1 Aug 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
At 1800A/1, HrMs O 22 (Lt.Cdr. J.W. Ort, RNN) picked up the HE of screws bearing 215°. After a few minutes the conning tower of a submarine came into sight on bearing 231°. This submarine, thought the be a German U-boat passed O 22 at a great distance on the surface. An enemy report was subsequently sent giving the U-boat's position as 56°06'N, 02°26'E, course 340°, speed 12 knots.

This must have been the German submarine U-60 which was passing through this area at the time.

U-60 had already been attacked by HrMs O 21 less then two hours before. This attack was not noticed by the Germans. (5)

2 Aug 1940 (position 56.15, 2.35)
HrMs O 22 (Lt.Cdr. J.W. Ort, RNN) sighted a southbound enemy submarine passing at a great distance on the surface. It was not possible to attack. This must have been the German U-34 which was passing through this area, homebound, at this time.

Later this day, HrMs O 22, fired two torpedoes at a submarine in the North Sea in position 56°15'N, 02°35'E. The submarine in question was either the German U-37 or U-38 which were both passing through this area around this time. Neither reported being attacked though.

0750A/2, Sighted a U-boat passing at great distance on the surface. The enemy was southbound. Made an enemy report giving the enemy's position as 56°13'N, 02°26'E.

1620A/2 - In position 56°15'N, 02°35'E attacked a German U-boat with two torpedoes. Range was 5000 yards. No explosions were heard but the enemy submarine was seen to alter course to starboard and to increase speed. [Neither of these two U boats reported the encounter though.] (6)

8 Aug 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 2100A/8, HrMs O 22 (Lt.Cdr. J.W. Ort, RNN) left patrol to return to Dundee. (4)

19 Aug 1940
Around 2030A/19, HrMs O 22 (Lt.Cdr. J.W. Ort, RNN) departed from Dundee for her 2nd war patrol. She was ordered to patrol off the Norwegian Coast near Bergen.

It is not possible to display a map for O 22. The patrol report holds no daily positions and the ships log is not available. (4)

29 Aug 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 2200A/29, HrMs O 22 (Lt.Cdr. J.W. Ort, RNN) left patrol to return to Dundee. (4)

30 Aug 1940
Around 2015A/29, in position 58°06'N, 00°24'E, HrMs O 22 (Lt.Cdr. J.W. Ort, RNN) picked up HE of fast screws baring 246°. Nothing could however be seen through the periscope. The noise grew louder and louder and the direction shifted very slowly to the northward. It was now getting dark so still nothing was seen.

By 2140A/29, the direction of the HE was 286°. O 22 surfaced with a dark horizon behind her to try to attack but still nothing was seen and at 2200A/29 O 22 continued her passage to Dundee.

At 2245A/29, a signal was received that two destroyers were searching for 4 men in an open boat in position 58°07'N, 00°05'E. This explains the HE of fast screws that had been picked up.

This were the destroyers HMS Kashmir (Cdr. H.A. King, RN) and HMS Kipling (Cdr. A. St. Clair-Ford, RN). They located the boat and picked up five Norwegians which were trying to escape from Norway to the U.K. (4)

1 Sep 1940
Around 1030A/1, HrMs O 22 (Lt.Cdr. J.W. Ort, RNN) ended her 2nd war patrol, which had been uneventful, at Dundee. (4)

8 Sep 1940
HrMs O 22 (Lt.Cdr. J.W. Ort, RNN) departed from Dundee for her 3rd war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the North Sea.

It is not possible to display a map for O 22. The patrol report holds no daily positions and the ships log is not available. (4)

21 Sep 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 2100A/21, HrMs O 22 (Lt.Cdr. J.W. Ort, RNN) left patrol to return to Dundee. (4)

22 Sep 1940
HrMs O 22 (Lt.Cdr. J.W. Ort, RNN) ended her 3rd war patrol at Dundee. (4)

6 Oct 1940
In the afternoon, HrMs O 22 (Lt.Cdr. J.W. Ort, RNN) departed from Dundee for her 4th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol off the Norwegian Coast near Bergen.

It is not possible to display a map for O 22. The patrol report holds no daily positions and the ships log is not available. (4)

19 Oct 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
Around 1800A/19, HrMs O 22 (Lt.Cdr. J.W. Ort, RNN) left patrol to return to Dundee. (4)

21 Oct 1940
HrMs O 22 (Lt.Cdr. J.W. Ort, RNN) ended her 4th war patrol at Dundee. (4)

5 Nov 1940
HrMs O 22 (Lt.Cdr. J.W. Ort, RNN) departed from Dundee for her 5th war patrol. She was ordered to patrol off the Norwegian Coast near Stavanger.

6 Nov 1940
HrMs O 22 (Lt.Cdr. J.W. Ort, RNN) was ordered to take up a patrol position further south, off Lindesnes, 18 nautical miles from the coast. (4)

13 Nov 1940
At 2030B/13, [Berlin time] the German submarine U-28, which was on the return trip to Germany after her last operational war patrol (she was to be used as a training boat after her return), reported a torpedo attack on her in German naval grid AN 3438. [The center of this grid is position 57°57'N, 05°36'E.]

The logbook of U-28 gives the following; ' In a timespan of 30 seconds heard two heavy explosions very near to the boat. Most likely we were attacked by a submarine. The torpedoes must have passed behind the boat and most likely exploded at the end of their run or on hitting the bottom. '

If this was indeed a torpedo attack by a submarine, and given the double explosion this seems very likely to us, the attacker can only have been HrMs O 22. No other Allied submarine was operating in this area. No other Allied submarine failed to return to base around this time and finally no other Allied submarine reported this attack. Also the position where the wreck of HrMs O 22 was found in 1993 is only a few miles from the centre of German naval grid AN 3438 and within the boundaries of this grid.

Given the above we (Mr. Alexiades and crew) consider it very likely that HrMs O 22 made this attack and was therefore still operational on the evening of 13 November 1940. It is even possible that something went wrong during this attack and that this resulted in the loss of O 22, although this is just an hypothesis on our part.

We would like to thank Mr. Platon Alexiades for informing us on the entry in the logbook of U-28.
We have informed the Dutch Navy of this find.


  1. File (Dutch Archives, The Hague, Netherlands)
  2. File (Dutch Archives, The Hague, Netherlands)
  3. Rosyth Dockyard docking register
  4. ADM 199/1856
  5. ADM 199/1856 + KTB U 60 from 30 July to 18 August 1940 (NARA, T 1022, roll 2881, PG 30057)
  6. ADM 199/1856 + KTB U 34 from 19 July to 3 August 1940 (NARA, T 1022, roll 3039, PG 30031) + + KTB U 34 from 1 to 30 August 1940 (NARA, T 1022, roll 3039, PG 30034) +

ADM numbers indicate documents at the British National Archives at Kew, London.

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