| | Name | Age | Rank | Served on |
 | | A'Court, Ernest Richard, RN | 29 | Engine Room Artificer 2nd Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Andrew, John William, RN | 28 | Steward | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Andrews, Walter James, RN | 40 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Anthony, Charles Arthur, RFR | 35 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Ashman, Frank Emery, RFR | 39 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Bailey, William Edward, RFR | 36 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Baker, Harold Nelson, RN | 40 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Ball, Frederick Gerald, RN | 38 | Leading Stoker | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Barry, Alfred Edward, RFR | 35 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Barter, Henry George Thomson, RN | | Gunner | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Batchelor, Leonard Charles, RN | 30 | Petty Officer Stoker | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Bates, Egbert George Kent, RN | 28 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Benson, Richard Stoddart, RN | 47 | Captain | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Benstead, Walter Frederick, RFR | | Telegraphist | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Bessant, Percy Charles, RN | 31 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Bicknell, Stanley George, RN | 18 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Blakeborough, Wilfred, RN | | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Boggis, Alan John, RNVR | | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Booth, Edward John, RN | 34 | Petty Officer | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Bosomworth, Donald William, RN | 22 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Bowen, Derek David, RNVR | 22 | Sub-Lieutenant (S) | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Brightman, Herbert, RN | 35 | Leading Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Broad, Jesse, RNR | 22 | Stoker 2nd Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Brookfield, William, RN | 22 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Brown, Alfred Henry, RFR | 43 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Brown, James Mcguire, RN | | Leading Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Brunning, Frederick Walter, RFR | 36 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Budd, William Frederick, RFR | 34 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Budden, Alfred Henry, RN | | Commissioned Gunner | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Burt, Frank Walter, RN | 23 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Butler, Albert Samson, RNVR | 19 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Butterfield, Robert William, RN | 45 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Campbell, Donald, RNR | | Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Cattell, William Edward, RN | 38 | Petty Officer Stoker | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Chamberlin, Laurence Victor, RN | 22 | Electrical Artificer 4th Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Clowes, Edward Noel, RFR | 39 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Coomber, Leonard Alfred, RNVR | 22 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Crombie, Charles Henry, RN | 27 | Lieutenant | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Cross, Stanley, RNR | 33 | Engine Room Artificer 2nd Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Darton, Leslie Charles, RN | 31 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Davey, George Stanley, RFR | 29 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Davies, Eric Alexander, RN | 33 | Petty Officer Supply | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Davies, Ernest Victor Joseph, RN | 38 | Chief Petty Officer | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Dibden, Frederick Arthur, RFR | | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Dodson, Arthur William, RFR | | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Downs, Leonard Ernest, RFR | | Leading Stoker | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Duncan, William Forsyth Proctor, RN | 20 | Cook (O) | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Dunn, William Henry, RFR | 35 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Edge, Francis George, RN | 27 | Leading Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Elkins, Frederick Andrew, RFR | 43 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Evans, Horace Walter Jack, RNVR | 20 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Evans, William Arthur, RN | 40 | Leading Telegraphist | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Gambrell, Daniel Alfred, RN | 48 | Leading Stoker | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Gates, Frederick James, RN | 20 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Gibson, John Lawrence, RN | 41 | Petty Officer Cook (O) | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Gill, Ian William Macdonald, RN | 28 | Lieutenant | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Golder, Frederick, RN | | Petty Officer | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Gore-Booth, Brian, RN | 27 | Sub-Lieutenant | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Gough, Ralph Bernard, RNVR | 28 | Telegraphist | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Gough, Samuel, RFR | 44 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Graves, Stanley Fleming, RN | 38 | Chief Stoker | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Grimes, Harry, RN | 20 | Signalman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Gustar, Leonard, RN | 36 | Chief Engine Room Artificer | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Guttridge, William Alfred, RN | 40 | Shipwright 1st Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Hadley, Harold, RN | | Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Hales, Cyril John, RN | 36 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Hall, Arnold Boynton, RNVR | 29 | Telegraphist | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Hannah, John Walker, RN | | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Harold, Martin, RN | | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Hawkins, Caesar Charles, RN | 24 | Lieutenant | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Hawkins, William Douglas, RN | 23 | Signalman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Hawley, George Francis, RFR | 43 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Hayes, Henry James, RN | 31 | Leading Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Heap, Ronald, RN | | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Higgins, William, RN | 33 | Petty Officer Cook | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Hiscock, Gordon Trevor, RN | | Petty Officer Stoker | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Hodder, William Edward, RNVR | | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Holford, Bernard Arthur, RN | 20 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Holliwell, Laurence Harry, RN | 27 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Hudson, Albert Edward, RN | 23 | Engine Room Artificer 4th Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Hurley, Joseph, RN | 33 | Petty Officer Stoker | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Hurren, Reginald Bertram, RN | 21 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Hutcheson, Allen Galloway, RNR | 26 | Engine Room Artificer 4th Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Hutchinson, William Henry, RFR | 43 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Hyde, John Noel, RFR | 38 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Jamieson, James, RNVR | 24 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Jerred, William Henry, RN | 36 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Johnston, Aaron Robert, RN | 32 | Leading Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Kedge, Herbert Robert, RFR | 39 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Keighron, John, RNVR | | Signalman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Kelly, Thomas J., RN | 18 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Kirk, Edgar Samuel, RN | 21 | Steward | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Lang, Frederick Montague, RN | | Leading Sick Berth Attendant | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Lindfield, Arthur George Bateman, RN | 35 | Chief Petty Officer Writer | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Loveday, John, RN | 28 | Lieutenant | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Lowe, Frederick W., RN | 18 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Lowery, Thomas William, RFR | | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Macaskill, Malcolm, RNR | | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Macdonald, Hector, RNR | 22 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | MacDonald, Norman, RNR | 20 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Mackay, Hector, RNR | 34 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | MacLeod, John Daniel, RNR | 22 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Maxwell-Smith, George Alexander Maxwell, RN | | Surgeon Lieutenant | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | McCarter, Robert John Girvan, RNVR | 23 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | McCullough, Robert James, RN | | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | McQuillan, James, RN | | Petty Officer | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Miller, George Walker Hall, RN | 39 | Yeoman of Signals | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Mitchell, Harry Thomas, RN | 20 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Mitchell, Sidney George, RN | 38 | Telegraphist | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Morgan, Guy Evans, RFR | 44 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Morgan, John Alfred, RN | 29 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Morrison, John, RNR | 36 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Morton, Cyril John, RN | | Warrant Engineer | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Myles, James Wishart, RNVR | 22 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Nash, Robert William, RN | 33 | Petty Officer Stoker | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Neal, William Arthur, RN | | Engine Room Artificer 3rd Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Newby, Frank, RN | 27 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Newman, James, RN | 50 | Petty Officer Steward | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Nougher, Arthur Edwin, RN | 19 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | O'Brien, Joe, RN | 27 | Petty Officer | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Olive, John Roland, RN | 28 | Lieutenant (S) | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Owen, Richard Gwynedd, RN | | Petty Officer Stoker | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Payne, Percy Leonard, RFR | | Petty Officer Stoker | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Pead, Walter, RN | 42 | Leading Signalman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Phennah, Brynmor, RN | 20 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Pitt, James Henry, RN | 19 | Stoker 2nd Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Pragnell, Eric Bernard, RN | 24 | Leading Signalman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Pretty, Donald, RN | 18 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Pye, Charles, RFR | | Signalman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Randall, Sidney, RN | | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Rayner, Albert Cyril, RN | | Petty Officer | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Read, Percy Clifford, RN | 20 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Richards, Frederick, RFR | | Petty Officer Stoker | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Rickard, James Clarence, RN | 21 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Riddell, David Robert, RN | 20 | Telegraphist | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Roberts, James Guye Francklin Watkinson, RN | 29 | Lieutenant | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Robinson, Jack, RN | 19 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Rollitt, Charles Frederick, RN | 20 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Russell, Herbert, RFR | 42 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Russell, John Dickson, RNVR | 27 | Signalman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Sait, Henry John, RN | 25 | Petty Officer Supply | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Scott, Sidney, RFR | 31 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Sergant, George James, RFR | 43 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Sharp, Albert Edward, RN | 39 | Chief Yeoman of Signals | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Sharp, Donald James, RN | 37 | Leading Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Shepperd, John Thomas, RN | 36 | Leading Steward | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Shorthouse, Herbert, RN | 26 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Siddals, Eric, RN | | Cook (S) | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Skidmore, Alfred George, RN | 23 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Smith, Arthur, RFR | | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Smith, Cyril, RN | 19 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Smith, Percival Charles, NAAFI | | Canteen Manager | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Smith, Sydney, RFR | 31 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Stennett, Leonard Bertie, RN | 41 | Leading Signalman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Stephen, George Power, RN | | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Stevens, Owen, RN | 37 | Petty Officer Stoker | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Street, Cecil George Albert, RFR | 35 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Strevens, Gordon Frank, RN | | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Sutherland, Leslie, RN | | Lieutenant (S) | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Tarry, Herbert, RFR | 41 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Taylor, James Edward, RFR | 33 | Leading Stoker | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Thompson, Albert, RN | 49 | Petty Officer Steward | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Tingle, Albert, RN | | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Topp, Frederick, RN | 20 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Tritton, Kenneth Arthur Frederick, RN | 18 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Turner, Sydney, RN | 46 | Yeoman of Signals | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Turton, Samuel, RN | | Ordnance Artificer 4th Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Uphill, Reginald Wilfred, RN | 40 | Chief Electrical Artificer | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Vaughan, Ifor William, RN | | Leading Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Vaughan, Wallace, RN | | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Vincent, Sidney Edward Crawford, RN | 39 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Walker, Harry, RN | 40 | Leading Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Watson, Frederick Raymond, RFR | 38 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Watson, Pete Leslie, RNR | 19 | Midshipman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Watts, John Richard, RFR | 39 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Webb, Henry James, RN | 35 | Petty Officer | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Weeks, Leslie Frank, RN | 26 | Leading Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Wheddon, Alfred John, RFR | 38 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Whelan, William Roy, RN | 21 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Whitelock, Sydney George, RFR | 35 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Whittle, Francis James, RN | 33 | Petty Officer | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Wild, Arthur Leslie, RN | 20 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Wilson, John Walter, RN | 22 | Telegraphist | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Wisdom, John Walter, RFR | 38 | Telegraphist | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Wishart, Henry George Crease, RN | 23 | Leading Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Woodham, Alfred G., RN | 36 | Able Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Wooding, Daniel, RFR | 40 | Signalman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Wright, Albert, RN | 18 | Ordinary Seaman | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Young, Cyril Albert, RN | 22 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
 | | Zebedee, Alan James, RN | 36 | Stoker 1st Class | HMS Exmouth (H 02) + |
190 persons found.
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