Ships hit by U-boats

Crew lists from ships hit by U-boats


British steam merchant

Photo Courtesy of Library of Contemporary History, Stuttgart

This is a listing of people associated with this ship.
We also have a detailed page on the British steam merchant Gogra.

Aboard Gogra when hit on 2 Apr 1943

You can click on any of the names for possible additional information

NameAgeRankServed on
IndianAbdul Salam, , Merchant Navy20FiremanGogra +
IndianAhmad Mian, , Merchant Navy47OilerGogra +
IndianAhmad Ullah, , Merchant Navy39FiremanGogra +
IndianAkhtar Zaman, , Merchant Navy23FiremanGogra +
IndianAkhtar-Ul-Zaman, , Merchant Navy22TrimmerGogra +
BritishAlabaster, Robert Alfred Douglas, RN20Able Seaman (DEMS gunner)Gogra +
IndianAmir-Ud-Din, , Merchant Navy62Fireman’s SerangGogra +
IndianAslam Mian, , Merchant Navy29FiremanGogra +
IndianAtar Mian, , Merchant Navy49FiremanGogra +
BritishBennett, James, British Army37Gunner (DEMS gunner)Gogra +
IndianBhim Bhawal, , Merchant Navy42SeacunnyGogra +
BritishChambers, Frederick William, British Army36Gunner (DEMS gunner)Gogra +
ChineseChan Duk Chee, , Merchant Navy34CarpenterGogra +
IndianChania Budhia, , Merchant Navy22LascarGogra +
IndianClementi, Rogue, Merchant Navy24General ServantGogra +
IndianD'Souza, Augustin, Merchant Navy47Chief CookGogra +
IndianDenis, Jose P., Merchant Navy22General ServantGogra +
IndianDewa Bhim, , Merchant Navy22LascarGogra
IndianDitta Jogel, , Merchant Navy27LascarGogra +
IndianDitta Valla, , Merchant Navy32SeacunnyGogra +
BritishDrummond, John, Merchant Navy53MasterGogra +
IndianFarzand Ali, , Merchant Navy42BhandaryGogra +
BritishFenwick, Charles, Merchant Navy39First Radio OfficerGogra +
IndianFernandes, Avertano, Merchant Navy33Second Cook and BakerGogra +
IndianFernandes, Domingos, Merchant Navy22Fourth CookGogra +
IndianFernandes, Francis, Merchant Navy25General ServantGogra +
IndianFernandes, Martin, Merchant Navy36ButlerGogra +
IndianFernandes, Minino, Merchant Navy28General ServantGogra +
IndianFernandes, Rozario, Merchant Navy22TopassGogra +
IndianHabib Ullah, , Merchant Navy22TrimmerGogra +
IndianHaidar Ali, , Merchant Navy61CassabGogra +
IndianHariya Banji, , Merchant Navy50BhandaryGogra +
IndianHashmat Ullah, , Merchant Navy51Lamp TrimmerGogra +
IndianHira Lal, , Merchant Navy31LascarGogra +
IndianHira Nathu, , Merchant Navy62LascarGogra +
BritishHughes, Joseph Henry, British Army40Gunner (DEMS gunner)Gogra +
IndianIsmail, , Merchant Navy39FiremanGogra +
IndianJewa Panchia, , Merchant Navy37WinchmanGogra +
IndianJogi Narayan, , Merchant Navy23LascarGogra +
IndianKesa Valla, , Merchant Navy42LascarGogra +
IndianKika Daya, , Merchant Navy21LascarGogra +
BritishKnox, George, Merchant Navy20Third Radio OfficerGogra +
IndianLachhman Nathu, , Merchant Navy48TindalGogra +
IndianLala Nathu, , Merchant Navy28LascarGogra +
BritishLangdon, Frederick Richard Kent, Merchant Navy39Chief OfficerGogra +
BritishMacTavish, Alastair Neill, Merchant Navy34Second OfficerGogra +
BritishMcGeachy, John, Merchant Navy30Supernumerary Third Engineer OfficerGogra +
IndianMubarak Ullah, , Merchant Navy20TrimmerGogra +
IndianMumtaz Mian, , Merchant Navy37OilerGogra +
IndianMunir Ahmad, , Merchant Navy28TrimmerGogra +
IndianMunir Ahmad, , Merchant Navy39FiremanGogra +
IndianMuslim, , Merchant Navy46Second TindalGogra +
IndianNarayan Jewa, , Merchant Navy27CassabGogra +
IndianNarayan Virji, , Merchant Navy46SeacunnyGogra +
IndianNasir Mian, , Merchant Navy20TrimmerGogra +
IndianNathia Ghurai, , Merchant Navy26TopassGogra +
IndianNazir Mian, , Merchant Navy41FiremanGogra +
IndianNazir Mian, , Merchant Navy42FiremanGogra +
IndianPanchia Munji, , Merchant Navy54LascarGogra +
BritishPatterson, Thomas Biggar, Merchant Navy45Chief Engineer OfficerGogra +
IndianPereira, L., Merchant Navy50Chief Engineer’s BoyGogra +
IndianPereira, S., Merchant Navy53Master’s BoyGogra +
IndianPhagua, , Merchant Navy23TopassGogra +
IndianRam Bhaia, , Merchant Navy58Deck SerangGogra +
IndianRama Hari, , Merchant Navy22LascarGogra +
IndianRama Jewa, , Merchant Navy22LascarGogra +
IndianRashid Mian, , Merchant Navy22TrimmerGogra +
IndianRodrigues, R.F., Merchant Navy42PantrymanGogra +
IndianRodrigues, Rosario M., Merchant Navy20General ServantGogra +
BritishRoss, Thomas Gillespie, Merchant Navy30Third Engineer OfficerGogra +
IndianRustam Ali, , Merchant Navy48First TindalGogra +
IndianSalamat Ullah, , Merchant Navy40OilerGogra +
IndianSalamat Ullah, , Merchant Navy23TrimmerGogra +
IndianSheikh Bhiku, , Merchant Navy22LascarGogra +
IndianSheraz-Ul-Haq, , Merchant Navy22TrimmerGogra +
BritishSimpson, Douglas Foch, British Army24Bombardier (DEMS gunner)Gogra +
IndianTobrak Ali, , Merchant Navy27TrimmerGogra +
BritishUnsworth, Andrew, Merchant Navy30Second Radio OfficerGogra +
IndianValla Jewa, , Merchant Navy34LascarGogra +
IndianWali Mian, , Merchant Navy22TrimmerGogra +
BritishWestlake, Frederick James Alonzo, Merchant Navy44Second Engineer OfficerGogra +
BritishWinter, Walter Edward, RN26Leading Seaman (DEMS gunner)Gogra +
IndianYunis Mian, , Merchant Navy49FiremanGogra +

83 persons found.

Served on indicates the ships we have listed for the person, some were stationed on multiple ships hit by U-boats.

People missing from this listing? Or perhaps additional information?
If you wish to add a crewmember to the listing we would need most of this information: ship name, nationality, name, dob, place of birth, service (merchant marine, ...), rank or job on board. We have place for a photo as well if provided. You can e-mail us the information here.