| | Name | Age | Rank | Served on |
 | | Burton, Alfred Thomas, Merchant Navy | 28 | Sailor | Empire Adventure + |
 | | Crosland, Herbert Claud, Merchant Navy | 26 | Fireman and Trimmer | Empire Adventure + |
 | | Hall, George William, Merchant Navy | 31 | Fireman and Trimmer | Empire Adventure + |
 | | Hope, Matthew, Merchant Navy | 27 | Steward | Empire Adventure + |
 | | Hughes, Charles William, Merchant Navy | 34 | Fireman and Trimmer | Empire Adventure + |
 | | Jackson, James Albert, Merchant Navy | 18 | Cabin Boy | Empire Adventure + |
 | | Jacobsen, Harold Edwin Marinius, Merchant Navy | 35 | Carpenter | Empire Adventure + |
 | | Johnston, Robert Henry, Merchant Navy | 36 | Fireman and Trimmer | Empire Adventure + |
 | | Kazoglan, George Niclio, Merchant Navy | 52 | Greaser | Empire Adventure + |
 | | Kearney, Thomas Alexandria, Merchant Navy | 21 | Fourth Engineer Officer | Empire Adventure + |
 | | Leck, Richard, Merchant Navy | 37 | Fireman and Trimmer | Empire Adventure + |
 | | Mather, William John, Merchant Navy | 24 | Able Seaman | Empire Adventure + |
 | | McCormack, William Nicholson, Merchant Navy | 46 | Steward | Empire Adventure + |
 | | McKie, Stanley, Merchant Navy | 24 | Third Engineer Officer | Empire Adventure + |
 | | McKimmie, William, Merchant Navy | 21 | Able Seaman | Empire Adventure + |
 | | McLean, Owen Frederick, Merchant Navy | 23 | Assistant Cook | Empire Adventure + |
 | | Morris, Thomas Turnbull Shanks, Merchant Navy | 26 | Second Officer | Empire Adventure + |
 | | Phinn, Thomas Orange, Merchant Navy | 37 | Master | Empire Adventure + |
 | | Richardson, John Matthewson, Merchant Navy | 23 | Fireman and Trimmer | Empire Adventure + |
 | | Somer, August, Merchant Navy | 61 | Greaser | Empire Adventure + |
 | | Swan, Alex Garroway, Merchant Navy | 39 | Second Engineer Officer | Empire Adventure + |
21 persons found.
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