Allied Warships


Q class

8 ships

The destroyer HMS Quentin (G 78) of the Royal Navy. She was lost on 2 Dec 1942.

Technical information

Displacement1692 BRT 
Length358 feet 
Complement175 men 
ArmamentAs designed;
4 4.7" guns (4x1)
4 2pdr AA (1x4)
6 20mm AA (2x2, 2x1)
8 21" torpedo tubes 
Max speed37 knots
EnginesGeared turbines, 2 shafts. 
Power40000 SHP 
Notes on class 

All ships of the Q class

Royal Australian Navy Royal Australian Navy (more on Royal Australian Navy)

HMAS Quiberon (G 81)
HMAS Quickmatch (G 92)

Royal Navy Royal Navy (more on Royal Navy)

HMS Quadrant (G 11)
HMS Quail (G 45) Lost on 18 Jun 1944
HMS Quality (G 62)
HMS Queenborough (G 70)
HMS Quentin (G 78) Lost on 2 Dec 1942
HMS Quiberon (G 81) (To Australia as HMAS Quiberon)
HMS Quickmatch (G 92) (To Australia as HMAS Quickmatch)

Flotilla leader

Royal Navy Royal Navy (more on Royal Navy)

HMS Quilliam (G 09)

8 Destroyers (10 names) of the Q class. 2 of them were lost.

Full wartime service history on this vessel.

See all Destroyer classes.

Q class ships hit by U-boats (1)

15 Nov 1943HMS QuailTotal lossU-453

Where Divers Dare

Randall Peffer

Books dealing with this subject include:

Arctic Convoy PQ8, Michael Wadsworth, 2010
The Battle of Tassafaronga, Russell Syndnor Crenshaw, 2010
A Blue Water Navy, WAB Douglas, R. Sarty, M. Whitby et al., 2007
British destroyers & frigates, Norman Friedman, 2006
British Destroyers 1892 to 1953, March, Edgar J, 2003
Destroyer Captain, Hill, Roger, 1986
Destroyer Squadron 23, Jones, Ken, 1997
A Hard Fought Ship, Moore, Robert J. and Rodgaard, John A., 2010
In Peril on the Sea, Kane, James S., 1994
Raising the Red Banner, Yakubov, Vladimir, 2008
South pacific destroyer, Russell Sydnor Crenshaw Jr., 2009
Submarine Grayback, Cline, Rick, 1999
The Victory at Sea, W. S. Sims, 2012
Tin Can Titans, John Wukovits, 2017
U-188, Klaus Willmann, 2015

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