Swedish language books
| by Borgenstam, Curt and Nyman, Bo (Attack at sea) (1985, CB Marinlitteratur) ISBN 9197070009 Hardcover, 210 pages, many photos and maps Description: Covers Swedish navy torpedo boats from 1882-1982. Visit our page for this title |
| by Gallagher, Thomas (Attack on the Tirpitz) (1971, Forum) ISBN 9137051741 Hardcover 160 pages, 2 maps Description: Describes the attack of mini-submarines against the German battleship Tirpitz in Kaafjord near Alta in the north of Norway. - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
| by Smith, Wilbur (The Burning Shore) (1985, Heinemann Ltd., London) Paperback, 518 pages Description: World War I fiction with very good description of U-32 bunkering/supplying in German West-Africa and sinking the British vessel Protea Castle from Uni ... Visit our page for this title |
| by Klintebo, Roderick (Swedish submarines 1904-2004) (2004, Literatim) ISBN 9197307521 Hardcover, 310 pages, many pictures Description: Covers the Swedish navy submarines. Visit our page for this title |
| by Åberg, Georg, and Edwardsson, Dag (They had no choice) (1985, ) ISBN 9176860256 Hardcover, 250 pages Description: The story of Swedish fishermen's struggles to avoid mines, torpedoes, and gunfire from U-boats, warships and aircraft during World War II. 91 Swedish ... Visit our page for this title |
 | by Wetterholm, Claes-Göran (The sea of death - Baltic 1945) (2002, Prisma) ISBN 9151839687 Hardcover, 279 pages, many photos Description: Describes the sinking of Wilhelm Gustloff, Cap Arcona, Deutschland, and the rescue of people from occupied Russian territory over the Baltic Sea. Visit our page for this title |
| by Jacobsen Alf R (Scharnhorst) Scharnhorst (2006, Natur & Kultur) ISBN 978-91-27-08842 Hardcover 283 pages, 4 maps Description: One part is about the allies naval forces trying to sink Scharnhorst, the other part is from 1999 when the Norwegian trying to find her in the bottom ... Visit our page for this title |
| by Kijanen, Kalervo (Finland's submarines in peace and war) (1986, Karlskrona) ISBN 918594402 80 photos Description: Excellent book! More than 80 photos, a list of known crew members 1930-1944, and fascinating reading. One example is the occasion (5 November 1942) ... - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
| by Halldin, Gustaf (From the Shark of 1904 to the Shark of 1954) (1954, Kockums mekaniska verkstad, Malmö) 145 pages Description: Published to commemorate the launch of Hajen on December 11, 1954. Visit our page for this title |
 | by Ellsén, Jarl and Westermark, Hans (A foreign submarine sinks in Swedish waters) (Ehrenblad Editions AB, Box 6004, S-181 06 LIDINGÖ, SWEDEN) ISBN 9187026546 Description: About U-3503 and Hans Westermark (then a young officer on the Swedish destroyer Stockholm) and how he took part in this situation, what then happened ... Visit our page for this title |
 | by Ott, Wolfgang (Sharks and little fishes) (1957, Bonniers) Description: This highly acclaimed novel realistically describes the life of a German U-boat officer in WWII. A movie based on the book was released in 1957. - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
| by Hughes, Michael (The Gironde incident) (1984, Wahlströms) ISBN 9132311214 Hardcover, 240 pages Description: Novel about Allies capturing a German U-boat, replacing the crew with British officers, and trying to get into Bordeaux. - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
| by Borgenstam, Curt and Insulander, PerKaudern Gösta (Destroyer) (1989, CB Marinlitteratur) ISBN 91-970700-41 Hardcover, 224 pages, many photos Description: Covers Swedish navy destroyers from 1902-1984. Visit our page for this title |
| by Borgenstam, Curt; Insulander, Per; Åhlund, Bertil (Cruisers) (1993, CB Marinlitteratur) ISBN 9197070068 Hardcover 224 pages many photos Description: Covers Swedish navy cruisers from the first built in 1896 to the last built 75 years later. Visit our page for this title |
 | by Prien, Günther (My way to Scapa Flow) (1941, Gebers Förlag) Description: Wartime autobiography of the most famous U-boat commander, probably ghost-written by Wolfgang Frank. - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
| by Bergström, Hans and Swahn, Paul (Minesweeper) (1996, CB Marinlitteratur) ISBN 919707005X Hardcover, 289 pages, many photos and maps Description: Covers Swedish navy minesweepers on guard and on duty through 100 years. Visit our page for this title |
| by Borgenstam, Curt and Nyman, Bo (Motortorpedoboat) (1981, CB Marinlitteratur) ISBN 9186224026 Hardcover, 255 pages, many photos and maps Description: Covers Swedish navy motortorpedoboats/MTB.
The flying brigade at sea. Visit our page for this title |
 | by Linder, Jan and Lundberg, Lennart (Unpeaceful sea - Baltic Sea 1939 - 1992) (2002, Infomanager Förlag Jan Linder) ISBN 9163120356 Paperback, 224 pages, 61 photos, 10 sketches and maps Description: Much of this book covers the war in the Baltic Sea 1939-1945, including fates of Swedish ships in World War II, and Russian, German and Finnish battle ... Visit our page for this title |
| by Insulander, Per and Ohlsson, Curt S. (Swedish Armoured Vessels) (2001, CB Marinlitteratur) ISBN 9197318728 Hardcover, 320 pages, 350 illustrations and drawings Description: Covers the Royal Swedish Navy's armoured vessels from the first to be launched in 1865 to the last (Oscar II) to be broken up in 1974. These ships wer ... Visit our page for this title |
| by Irving, David (The Destruction of PQ 17) (1981, Liber förlag) ISBN 9138900823 Hardcover, 333 pages, many photos and maps Description: A detailed account of the famous convoy debacle from the Allied point of view. - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
 | by Thorén, Ragnar (The Russian U-boat war in the Baltic Sea 1941-1945) (1992, Probus, Stockholm) ISBN 9187184133 59 pages, maps Description: Tells about Russian submarine warfare in the Baltic Sea from 1941 to 1945. It is written by the former Swedish naval attaché in Helsinki during those ... Visit our page for this title |
| by Ekman, Per-Olof (Sea front, events in the war at sea in the northeastern ocean 1941-44) Sjökrigshändelser i Norra-Östersjöområdet 1941-44 (1981, Schildt, Helsinki) ISBN 82209083 240 pages - This book has been translated into other languages Visit our page for this title |
| by Bauer, Eddy (The battle of the Atlantic) (1978, Bokorama) ISBN 9170240108 Hardcover, 144 pages, many photos Description: A drama on, under and over the seas from Scapa Flow to the Pacific. Visit our page for this title |
| by Müllenheim-Rechberg, Burkard von (Battleship Bismarck) Battleship Bismarck (1980, United States Naval Institute) ISBN 9170241058 Hardcover, 257 pages, many photos and maps Description: The history of the famous battleship Bismarck written by a survivor. - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
 | by Williams, Åke and Hellstrom, Jan Arvid (Ten hours from Kiel: The dramatic story of U-843) Den Dramatiska Berättelsen om U843 (1992, Libris) ISBN 9171949089175 155 pages Description: Tells the story of U-843 from its departure from the U-boat base at Lorient on 10 February, 1944, to its raising from 50 meters depth in the Kattegat ... Visit our page for this title |
| by N/A (Third Reich, The wolves of the sea) (Bokorama) Description: Part of a series of books about the Third Reich. It is an excellent book about the battle of the Atlantic and it also has lots of illustrations. Visit our page for this title |
| by Lewis, Stephanie (The Third Reich/War on the high seas) (1992, Time Life-Bokorama) ISBN 9170248826 Hardcover, 191 pages, many photos Description: Covers Germany's war on the high seas with the surface fleet. Visit our page for this title |
| by Forsén, Björn and Forsén, Annette (Germany and Finland: Secret U-boat development) (1999, Soderstrom, Helsinki) ISBN 9515217946 Paperback, 335 pages Description: This book covers the secret development of German submarines in Finland after World War I. - This book has been translated into other languages Visit our page for this title |
| by Lindberg, Lennart (U 3503 - Documentation) (2002, Marinlitteraturföreningen) ISBN 9185944300 Hardcover, 159 pages, 219 pictures Description: The book is about U-3503 from Danzig 1944 to Gothenburg 1945.The book is written in Swedish, English and German. Visit our page for this title |
 | by Buchheim, Lothar-Günther (The Boat) Das Boot (1973, Forum) ISBN 9137060430 Hardcover , 470 pages, 1 map Description: This well-known novel, stemming from the author's experiences as a war correspondent on U-96, describes a single U-boat patrol from beginning to end. ... - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
| by Warren, C.E.T and Benson, James (Submarine missing) (1962, EFS) Hardcover , 171 pages Description: The story of the career of the British submarine HMS Seal, captured in 1940 and commissioned in the German Navy as UB. Covers the early RN career of t ... Visit our page for this title |
| by Beach, Edward l. (Run silent, run deep) (1976, Berghs Förlag AB) ISBN 9150202863 Paperback, 326 pages Description: This is a book every sub enthusiast should read. Beach, commander of an American sub in WWII, depicts daily life on a submarine and the excitement of ... - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
 | by Rasin, B. (Submarines and sub hunting) (1958, Folkförsvaret Förlags Ab) Paperback, 136 pages, numerous b&w photos Visit our page for this title |
| by Hofsten, Hans von (Wolf) (1989, Militärhögskolan, Stockholm) ISBN 9187136031 Description: This is the name of a Swedish submarine that hit a probable German anti-submarine mine on April 15, 1943 and sank with all hands. (One crew member mis ... Visit our page for this title |
| by Rundberg, Arvid (Up periscope) (1963, Tidens förlag, Stockholm, Sweden) Description: It's about the Swedish submarine forces in Sweden up until 1963. A lot of pictures and information about the Swedish submarines. At the end there is a ... Visit our page for this title |
| by Hansson, Per (Every tenth man must die) (2003, Gyldendal Norsk forlag A/S) Hardcover, 191 pages Description: About Norwegian merchant mariners and ships in a slow convoy, under attack from German U-boats. Visit our page for this title |
| by Gallery, Daniel V. (We captured a U-boat) Erövringen av U-505 (Prisma) ISBN 9151816881 Description: This book details the history and eventual capture of the U-505 during WWII. The author was the Commanding Officer of the task group (TG 22.3) that ex ... - This book has been translated from another language Visit our page for this title |
 | by Ålands Nautical Club r.f. (Sailors of Åland in World War II) (1999, Ålands Nautical Club r.f.) ISBN 9529112483 Hardcover, 260 pages, 99 photos, 11 sketches, maps and documents Description: This book is about sailors of Åland and their fates in World War II. All sunken merchant ships from Åland are described. The book lists all sailors ... Visit our page for this title |