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Guerra Submarina en Finisterre (1914-1945)

Sumergibles, Submarinos

By Pazos, Lino J.
(Submarine Warfare in Finisterre (1914-1945))
2002, Gráficas Salnés (Cambados)
ISBN 8492349425
Paperback, 255 pages, many b&w photos
book is in Spanish language

Descripton: Submarine related air-naval actions in the Northwest Spanish coast area (from North Portugal to the Asturias coasts), during both First and Second World Wars. It also includes the history of the submarine arm's beginings and subsequent development, all around the world.

Acciones aero-navales, relacionadas con submarinos, en la costa noroccidental Española (desde la costa norte de Portugal hasta los confines de Asturias), durante las dos Guerras Mundiales. Tambien incluye la historia de los comienzos y posterior desarrollo del arma submarina en todo el mundo.