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Ataudes de Acero

By Werner, Herbert A.
(Iron Coffins)
1979, Editorial Javier Vergara. Buenos Aires.
Paperback, 347 pages, 5 maps
book is in Spanish language

Descripton: Herbert A. Werner was the Commander of U-415 and U-953. This book tells the story of his wartime career, including his service on U-557 and U-230 as well as his commands. The description of U-boat life both aboard the ships and ashore is quite detailed, and the book is well written and highly readable. This is not meant to be a work of historical research, but rather an account of personal experiences, and as such is one of the best written on this topic.

Muy buen libro. Imprescindible para concer lo que fué la vida en los submarinos durante la batalla del atlántico.

- This book has been translated from another language.