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Das U-Boot vor dem Marine Ehrenmal in Laboe

By Wetzel, Eckard
(U-995, the Boat at the Laboe Navy Memorial)
1995, Karl Müller Verlag, Erlangen
ISBN 3860703943
144 pages, 98 b&w photos, 126 color photos, some drawings
book is in German language

Descripton: Describes U-995, its missions in the Barents Sea, fate in the war and as a vessel of the Royal Norwegian Navy. Particularly interesting is the large amount of color photographs in this book, taken mainly after the war when U-995 served as KNM Kaura in Norway. U-995 was sold back to Germany by Norway for the token price of one DM. Then it was (after much hassle) restored and preserved at a German shipyard to its original look in 1944 and 1945 and put up as a museum vessel at Laboe, Germany. Contains also color photos taken underwater and a map with all sinking positions of all German U-boats. The book is highly recommended for anybody interested in this particular U-boat type.