| by Harris, Robert 1996, Random House ISBN 0804115486 Paperback, 372 pages A really good novel dealing with the Enigma code-breaking effort of the Allies at Bletchley Park.

Translations of this title include:
 | by Harris, Robert (Enigma) 2001, Slovart ISBN 8071455423 Hardcover, 328 pages A really good novel dealing with the Enigma code-breaking effort of the Allies at Bletchley Park. | |
 | by Harris, Robert (Enigma) 1997, Plaza y Janés, S.A. ISBN 8401326672 389 pages A really good novel dealing with the Enigma code-breaking effort of the Allies at Bletchley Park. | |
 | by Harris, Robert (Enigma) 1997, Pocket, Paris ISBN 2266075209 441 pages A really good novel dealing with the Enigma code-breaking effort of the Allies at Bletchley Park. | |
 | by Harris, Robert (Enigma) 1996, A. Mondadori, Milano ISBN 8804393645 383 pages A really good novel dealing with the Enigma code-breaking effort of the Allies at Bletchley Park. | |
 | by Harris, Robert (Enigma) 1996, Mahbarot le-sifrut, Tel Aviv 315 pages A really good novel dealing with the Enigma code-breaking effort of the Allies at Bletchley Park. | |
 | by Harris, Robert. (Enigma) 1995, Heyne Verlag, München ISBN 3453115937 378 pages A really good novel dealing with the Enigma code-breaking effort of the Allies at Bletchley Park. | |