
Die Fahrt der 'Deutschland'

by König, Paul
(The Voyage of the 'Deutschland')
1916, Ullstein-Verlag, Berlin
The skipper of the merchant U-boat Deutschland describes his first journey to Baltimore in 1916.

Translations of this title include:


Voyage of the Deutschland

by König, Paul
The First Merchant Submarine
ISBN 0898751578
Paperback, 264 pages
The skipper of the merchant U-boat Deutschland describes his first journey to Baltimore in 1916. This new edition, the first since the original publication in English in 1916, includes an introduction by Dwight R. Messimer, author of The Merchant U-Boat.

A "Deutschland" utja

by König, Paul
(Voyage of the Deutschland)
1917, Budapest
128 pages

Ferð kaf-Deutschlands um Atlantshaf

by König, Paul
(The Voyage of the 'Deutschland')
This book was loosely translated by Guðbrandur Jónsson.

De Tocht van de Deutschland

by König, Paul
(The voyage of the Deutschland)
1916, W. ten Have, Amsterdam
149 pages
The skipper of the merchant U-boat Deutschland describes his first journey to Baltimore in 1916.

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