Icelandic language books

Bismark skal sökkt

by Kennedy, Ludovic
(Pursuit: The Chase and Sinking of the Battleship Bismarck) (1975, Ísafoldarprentsmiðja)
256 pages
Description: An insightful and concise description of the events surrounding, and leading to, the sinking of the Bismarck. It also takes into account the U-boats i ...
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by Maclean, Alistair
(Bear Island) (1972, )
Description: This novel deals only indirectly with U-boats, with the action taking place a quarter century after the end of World War II. Since it is a mystery nov ...
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Eltingarleikur á Atlantshafi

by Rayner, D.A.
(The Enemy Below) (1968, Skaldborg sf)
192 pages
Description: A duel at sea in 1943 between a lone U-boat and a lone British destroyer. The author was a decorated escort commander. A movie based on this book was ...
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Ferð kaf-Deutschlands um Atlantshaf

by König, Paul
(The Voyage of the 'Deutschland') (1917, )
Description: This book was loosely translated by Guðbrandur Jónsson.
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Gagnnjósnari Breta á Íslandi

Gagnnjósnari Breta á Íslandi

by Gudmundsson, Ásgeir
(A British double-agent in Iceland) (1991, Skjaldborg)
ISBN 9979570032
Hardcover, 215 pages
Description: Tells the story of the Icelander Ib Árnason Riis, who was recruited by the Germans and sent to Iceland in 1942 in a U-boat. He then turned to the Bri ...
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Hákarlar og hornsíli

by Ott, Wolfgang
(Sharks and Little Fishes) (1979, Hörpuútgáfan)
ISBN 03452514661
Hardcover, 256 pages.
Description: This highly acclaimed novel realistically describes the life of a German U-boat officer in WWII. A movie based on the book was released in 1957.
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Í skotlínu

by Hulda Sigurborg Sigtryggsdóttir
(In the line of fire)
Siglingar og skipaskaðar Eimskipafélagsins í WWII (1992, Almenna bókafélagið, Reykjavík)
ISBN 9979400692
Description: Navigation and shipping losses of the Icelandic steamship company Eimskip in World War II. Includes photos and index.
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Íslensk skip

Íslensk skip

by Björnsson, Jón
(Icelandic ships) (1990, Iðunn, Reykjavík)
Description: This book, in 4 volumes, attempts to list all vessels registered in Iceland. As such it contains several interesting photos and short histories of th ...
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by Innes, Hammond
(Wreckers Must Breathe) (1972, )
Description: A bit far-fetched story about a secret undersea U-boat base in Cornwall, England(!) and its destruction by a British Intelligence officer in 1939.
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by Schopka, Julius
(U-boat war) (1928, Ísafoldarprentsmiðja)
Description: Describes the career of Julius Schopka, a crew member of U-52 during 1914-1918, as translated by Árna Óla.
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Kafbátsforingi og kennimaður

by Niemöller, Martin
(From U-boat to pulpit) (1941, )
Description: The commander of UC-67 describes his wartime and postwar career.
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Með kveðju frá Sankti Bernharðshundinum Halldóri

Með kveðju frá Sankti Bernharðshundinum Halldóri

by Gudmundsson, Ásgeir and Björnsson, Önundur
(Regards from the St. Berhards dog Halldor) (1990, Skjaldborg)
Hardcover, 320 pages
Description: Covers the Icelanders who, in one way or another, served the Germans during WWII.
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Njósnir á hafinu

Njósnir á hafinu

by MacLean, Alistair
(San Andreas) (1985, Iðunn, Reykjavík)
Hardcover, 240 pages
Description: A novel about a hospital ship which must deal with sabotage while crossing U-boat infested waters.
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Orrustuskipið Bismarck

Orrustuskipið Bismarck

by Müllenheim-Rechberg, Burkard
(Battleship Bismarck) (1989, Almenna bókafélagið, Reykjavík)
Description: The history of the famous battleship Bismarck written by a survivor.
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Orustan um Atlantshafið

by Macintyre, Donald
(The Battle of the Atlantic) (1961, )
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Skip hans hátignar Ódysseifur

by Maclean, Alistair
(H.M.S. Ulysses) (1978, )
Description: This is a classic that tells the story of a convoy heading towards Murmansk in winter 1943. The book describes the conditions in which the convoy men ...
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U202 stríðsdagók kafbáts

by Spiegel von und zu Peckelsheim, Edgar
(The War Diary of a German Submarine)
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Þrautgóðir á raunastund, vol 3

by Lúðvíksson, Steinar J.
(Resourceful in difficult moments) (1971, Örn og Örlygur, Reykjavík)
Description: These books, more than 10 volumes, cover the history of the National Lifesaving Association of Iceland from its origin in 1928 to present day. Volume ...
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