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Re: Fuel Tank Construction
Posted by: Rainer Bruns ()
Date: September 23, 2002 10:43PM

Hi Jerry,
Ofc, all tanks outside the pressure hull were open to the sea at their bottoms, otherwise the thin outside skin would have collapsed on the first shallow dive. The fuel, as its volume shrank by consumption was floating on water filling the depleted volume from the bottom. When tanks were completely full of fuel with a DC exploding nearby lifting the boat partially, pressure was reduced from below in the tank and small fuel quantities leaked. Most often, however, the DC explosion would crack a weld on the outside skin and a consistent fuel leak would result until fuel was transferred to other tank. This had no detrimental effect on the boats seaworthyness other than telling the oponent where the boat is. This, ofc, presents a major immediate problem. :-))
Rgds, RB

Options: ReplyQuote

Subject Written By Posted
Fuel Tank Construction Jerry Mason 09/23/2002 08:07PM
Re: Fuel Tank Construction Rainer Bruns 09/23/2002 10:43PM
Re: Fuel Tank Construction Tony Smith 09/24/2002 12:20PM
Re: Fuel Tank Construction Rainer Bruns 09/24/2002 02:04PM
Re: Fuel Tank Construction Sniper 09/24/2002 04:54PM
Re: Fuel Tank Construction Rainer Bruns 09/24/2002 05:35PM
Re: Fuel Tank Construction Scott 09/25/2002 05:37PM
Re: Fuel Tank Construction Rainer Bruns 09/25/2002 06:32PM
Re: Fuel Tank Construction ROBERT M. 09/26/2002 01:33AM
Re: Fuel Tank Construction Jerry Mason 09/26/2002 01:49AM
Re: Fuel Tank Construction FUBAR 09/26/2002 12:43PM
Re: Fuel Tank Construction Scott 09/26/2002 06:22PM
Re: Fuel Tank Construction ROBERT M. 09/27/2002 01:21AM
Re: Fuel Tank Construction J.T. McDaniel 09/27/2002 01:45AM
Re: Fuel Tank Construction Tony Smith 09/27/2002 10:35AM
Re: Fuel Tank Construction ROBERT M. 09/28/2002 01:23AM
Re: Fuel Tank Construction J.T. McDaniel 09/28/2002 12:54PM
Re: Fuel Tank Construction ROBERT M. 09/28/2002 01:05PM
Re: Fuel Tank Construction ROBERT M. 09/28/2002 11:40AM

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