Warship forum
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Re: HMS Ibis
Posted by:
Ian Preece
Date: August 15, 2010 05:36PM
Hello Jan,
Thanks for your posting, it certainly seems as if your Great Aunts brother could have been the same man as mentioned on earlier postings, quite a coincidence.I have been inert for a while on this site but I am surprised by the number of replies.In Nov 2012 you all know that it will have been 70 years since the Ibis was sank and I wonder what strength of feeling there would be for a Rememberance service in this country for the Ibis and her crew or even a visit to the location that she went down? Any replies would be very welcome,regards, Ian
Thanks for your posting, it certainly seems as if your Great Aunts brother could have been the same man as mentioned on earlier postings, quite a coincidence.I have been inert for a while on this site but I am surprised by the number of replies.In Nov 2012 you all know that it will have been 70 years since the Ibis was sank and I wonder what strength of feeling there would be for a Rememberance service in this country for the Ibis and her crew or even a visit to the location that she went down? Any replies would be very welcome,regards, Ian