The What's New Archive
March 1998
29 March
19:37 - Updated the fate on U-411's profile page. Also fixed the position of the U-133 and U-557 losses.
19:37 - Added the Knights Cross winner
KrvKpt. Karl-Heinz Moehle commander of U-123
We now have over 130 U-boat personnel files.
19:36 - Fighting the U-boats, update
Added a page on the Royal Australian Navy.
19:36 - Fighting the U-boats, update
Added a 3-page set on the Royal Canadian Navy. Includes its victories and losses.
01:24 - Added 8 new books (5 english, 2 Italian and one Dutch) to the booklist.
19:39 - Added the Knights Cross winners
Kptlt. Helmut Rosenbaum commander of U-73 and
StOstrm. Heinrich Petersen Obersteurmann of U-99
We now have over 129 U-boat personnel files.
19:39 - Fighting the U-boats, update
Added an introductory page on the Lend-Lease programme.
19:38 - Fighting the U-boats, update
Added pages on Allied corvettes and sloops.
19:41 - Updated the profile for 3 U-boats i.e. the fate part as we had incorrect aircraft types;
U-420 Sunderland -> Liberator
U-590 Mariner -> Catalina
U-662 none mentioned -> Catalina
19:40 - Added 2 new glossary terms;
Blechkoller and Kommissbrot.
19:40 - Added a nice description of the German U-boat front clasp.
19:40 - Fighting the U-boats, update
Added a page on Allied destoyers. This page is only a draft of things to come though.
19:39 - Fighting the U-boats, update
Added 4 pages on 4 Destroyer escort classes
(Edsall, Evarts, Buckley and John C. Butler).
19:41 - Added a little site map to better illustrate how to navigate the web. It's just a draft and will be improved later on.
19:42 - Added a note about how the Keroman base in Lorient might be sold and scrapped.
19:42 - Added the Knights Cross winners
Kptlt. Heinrich Schroeteler of U-667 and U-1023
Kptlt. Philipp Lichtenberg (LI on U-96 and U-37)
We now have over 127 U-boat personnel files.
19:43 - Corrected one point with the U-581 profile page, namely the fate and career of Ltn. Walter Sitek who we previously reported as being killed in action.
19:43 - Created a page covering all the laid-down but incomplete German U-boats. This adds another 135 profile pages to the site.
01:24 - Updated all the Shipyard pages to match the new templates above. The new versions should be easier to read.
19:43 - Corrected and updated a few minor things in the Glossary.
19:43 - Updated the profile fate for U-623.
19:44 - Updated the profile for U-560. Now it includes explanation rarely seen about its fate and how it was not sunk during the war.
19:44 - Added the Knights Cross winner
Krvkpt. Günther Kuhnke of U-125 and U-853
We now have over 125 U-boat personnel files.
19:44 - Updated the profile for U-581. Now includes more detailed and corrected information about its sinking.
In addition to the items shown here above we made some 24 additions or changes in our databases during March 1998.