The What's New Archive
June 2000
24 June
17:27 - I pulled 3 variants of "Jew" from our bad-words files the forum uses to filter out improper words (you know which ones :) since having the 3 words in there was causing interference with normal and proper dialog. We only recently added them after spotting some racial slurs (against Jews) using them previously but users found this troublesome so we've cleaned them out again.
17:27 - The 2 major earthquakes (roughly 6.5 and 6.6 on Richter scale) that have hit Iceland in the last week (first one on June 17, our Independence Day) have taken away some of my focus (lots of news to keep track on). No human losses (or major injuries) have thankfully taken place so far.
01:24 - Finally took the Emblems database to a stage where I can display it online - that means that Emblem of the Week is now operational again (emblems already chosen for the rest of this year). Members will have a search-able emblems system also.
17:27 - Added a nice review of the U-25 model by Krick written by Peter M. Hanton.
17:27 - Added some 40 new book covers thanks to Mr. Harry Jääskeläinen who has, up to this point, probably provided us with some 200 or more book covers from his impressive collection.
17:27 - Been working very hard on the Emblems databases and also on the Members Area, soon to be completed.Attention
Due to current workload and amount of e-mail waiting to be processed I can no longer answer all my mail (I reply as much as I can though) so if you don't get a reply from me - it's nothing personal :) All mail is read of course.
In addition to the items shown here above we made some 5 additions or changes in our databases during June 2000.