The What's New Archive
June 2009
21 June
19:03 - Allied Naval Commanders section open!
Finally we've opened the new Allied Naval Commanders section. This section, currently with 4716 officers and growing fast, is linked to relevant warships and vice versa. This makes it easy to see all commands this officer had and also other commanders of that vessel. This section is still being worked on very heavily and each day sees lots of changes and updates.
21:29 - Sailor going through basic training
Many of you have been asking for my son's name and we Christened him in mid March with the name Jökull Helgi Guðmundsson (first name means Glacier, second means Holy man and then my name). Here he is last weekend, 5 months old, during his swimming course, proving to be a promising sailor indeed :)
In addition to the items shown here above we made some 8688 additions or changes in our databases during June 2009.