Ronald John Hanson DSO, DSC, RN

Birth details unknown

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1 May 1932 S.Lt.
1 May 1934 Lt.
1 May 1942 Lt.Cdr.

Retired: 27 Jul 1956


8 Jul 1941 Mentioned in Despatches (MID)
25 Aug 1942 DSC
2 Oct 1942 DSO
6 Jul 1943 Bar to DSO

Warship Commands listed for Ronald John Hanson, RN

HMS Keppel (D 84 / I 84)Lt.Destroyer1 Oct 1940Feb 1941
HMS Lincoln (G 42)Lt.DestroyerFeb 1941late 1941
HMS Albrighton (L 12)Lt.Escort destroyer11 Nov 194120 Sep 1943
HMS Ulysses (R 69)Lt.Cdr.Destroyer20 Sep 194324 Oct 1944
HMS Ulster (R 83)Lt.Cdr.Destroyer25 Oct 194412 Jun 1945

Career information

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Events related to this officer

Destroyer HMS Keppel (D 84 / I 84)

16 Dec 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Keppel (Lt. R.J. Hanson, RN) is docked in No.2 graving dock at the Rosyth Dockyard. (1)

21 Dec 1940 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS Keppel (Lt. R.J. Hanson, RN) is undocked. (1)

Destroyer HMS Lincoln (G 42)

20 May 1941
At 21.24 hours on 20 May 1941, the British merchant Javanese Prince is torpedoed and sunk by German U-boat U-138 155 nautical miles north-west of the Butt of Lewis, Outer Hebrides. One crew member was lost. The master, 45 crew members, eight gunners and four passengers were picked up by the British destroyers HMS Faulknor (Capt A.F. de Salis, RN), HMS Lincoln (Lt. R.J. Hanson, RN) and the British rescue tug HMRT Assurance (Sub.Lt. E.E. Litts). All survivors were transferred to the British rescue ship Toward and landed at Gourock on 28 May.

Destroyer HMS Ulster (R 83)

1 Apr 1945
HMS Ulster (Lt.Cdr. R.J. Hanson, DSO, DSC, RN) was damaged by a Japanese Kamikaze aircraft while operating with the British Pacific Fleet off Okinawa. Ulster was towed to Leyte by the New Zealand light cruiser HMNZS Gambia (Capt. N.J.W. William-Powlett, DSC, RN).


  1. Rosyth Dockyard docking register

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