Donald Emberton Mansfield DSC, RN
Born | 7 Jan 1909 |
| Ranks
Retired: 7 Jan 1954 Decorations
Warship Commands listed for Donald Emberton Mansfield, RN
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
HMS H 28 (N 28) | Lt. | Submarine | 13 Jul 1939 | 4 Mar 1940 |
HMS Otway (N 51) | Lt.Cdr. | Submarine | 5 Mar 1940 | Jul 1940 |
HMS Ambuscade (D 38) | Lt.Cdr. | Destroyer | 9 Nov 1942 | 13 Jul 1943 |
HMS Foley (K 474) | Lt.Cdr. | Frigate | 8 Sep 1943 | 6 Jan 1944 |
HMS Nith (K 215) | Lt.Cdr. | Frigate | 31 Jan 1944 | 20 Jul 1944 |
HMS Stork (L 81 / U 81) | Lt.Cdr. | Sloop | 13 Jul 1944 | 27 Nov 1945 |
Career information
We currently have no career / biographical information on this officer.
Events related to this officer
Submarine HMS H 28 (N 28)
2 Oct 1939
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) conducted A/S exercises off Plymouth with HMS Volunteer (Lt.Cdr. H. Gartside-Tippinge, RN). Later the same day she departed Plymouth for Portland. She made that passage together with HMS Trident. (Cdr. J.G. Gould, RN). The submarines were escorted by HMS Shikari (Cdr. J.H. Lewis, RN). (1)
3 Oct 1939
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) arrived at Portland from where she was to participate in A/S exercises. (1)
11 Oct 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Portland. (1)
12 Oct 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Portland. (1)
15 Oct 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Portland. (1)
17 Oct 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Portland. (1)
18 Oct 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Portland. (1)
19 Oct 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Portland. (1)
21 Oct 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Portland. (1)
24 Oct 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Portland. (1)
26 Oct 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Portland. (1)
27 Oct 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Portland. (1)
1 Nov 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Portland. (2)
2 Nov 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Portland. (2)
3 Nov 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Portland. (2)
4 Nov 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) shifted from Portland to Portsmouth. (2)
5 Nov 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) is docked at Portsmouth. (2)
13 Nov 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) is undocked. She returned to Portland later the same day. (2)
17 Nov 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Portland. (2)
18 Nov 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Portland. (2)
22 Nov 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Portland. (2)
24 Nov 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Portland. (2)
25 Nov 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Portland. (2)
30 Nov 1939
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) conducted practice attacks off Portland on HMS Puffin (Lt.Cdr. Hon. J.M.G. Waldegrave, RN). (2)
3 Dec 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Portland. (3)
10 Dec 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Portland. (3)
11 Dec 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Portland. (3)
12 Dec 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Portland. (3)
16 Dec 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Portland. (3)
17 Dec 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Portland. (3)
18 Dec 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Portland. (3)
20 Dec 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Portland. (3)
21 Dec 1939 (position 0.00, 0.00)
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Portland. (3)
27 Dec 1939
HMS H 28 (Lt. D.E. Mansfield, RN) participated in A/S exercises off Portland.
[No logs are available for HMS H 28 for the year 1940 (except October) so not much details for this year can be given regarding the service of HMS H 28.] (3)
Submarine HMS Otway (N 51)
2 May 1940
HMS Otway (Lt.Cdr. D.E. Mansfield, RN) conducted exercises off Portsmouth with HMS Warrior II. Upon completion of these exercises HMS Otway proceeded to Yarmouth. (4)
3 May 1940
HMS Otway (Lt.Cdr. D.E. Mansfield, RN) departed Yarmouth for exercises with HMS Warrior II. Upon completion of these exercises HMS Otway returned to Portsmouth. (4)
7 May 1940
HMS Otway (Lt.Cdr. D.E. Mansfield, RN) conducted exercises off Portsmouth. Upon completion of these exercises HMS Otway proceeded to Yarmouth. (4)
8 May 1940
HMS Otway (Lt.Cdr. D.E. Mansfield, RN) departed Yarmouth for exercises. Upon completion of these exercises HMS Otway returned to Portsmouth. (4)
10 May 1940
HMS Otway (Lt.Cdr. D.E. Mansfield, RN) conducted exercises off Portsmouth. (4)
13 May 1940
HMS Otway (Lt.Cdr. D.E. Mansfield, RN) conducted exercises off Portsmouth. (4)
15 May 1940
HMS Otway (Lt.Cdr. D.E. Mansfield, RN) conducted exercises off Portsmouth. (4)
20 May 1940
HMS Otway (Lt.Cdr. D.E. Mansfield, RN) conducted exercises off Portsmouth. (4)
21 May 1940
HMS Otway (Lt.Cdr. D.E. Mansfield, RN) conducted exercises off Portsmouth. Upon completion of these exercises HMS Otway proceeded to Yarmouth. (4)
22 May 1940
HMS Otway (Lt.Cdr. D.E. Mansfield, RN) departed Yarmouth for exercises. Upon completion of these exercises HMS Otway returned to Portsmouth. (4)
24 May 1940
HMS Otway (Lt.Cdr. D.E. Mansfield, RN) conducted exercises off Portsmouth. (4)
25 May 1940
HMS Otway (Lt.Cdr. D.E. Mansfield, RN) conducted exercises off Portsmouth. (4)
29 May 1940
HMS Otway (Lt.Cdr. D.E. Mansfield, RN) departed Portsmouth for her 1st war patrol. She was ordered to patrol in the English Channel. Before she proceeded on patrol a practice attack was made on HMS Warrior II.
For the daily positions of HMS Otway during this patrol see the map below.
31 May 1940
At 0630 hours, HMS Otway (Lt.Cdr. D.E. Mansfield, RN), received a signal to proceed to Plymouth where she arrived at 2000 hours thus ending her 1st war patrol. (5)
10 Jun 1940
HMS Otway (Lt.Cdr. D.E. Mansfield, RN) departed Plymouth for Portsmouth. (6)
11 Jun 1940
HMS Otway (Lt.Cdr. D.E. Mansfield, RN) arrived at Portsmouth. She was now reassigned to submarine training. As no logs for June and July 1940 are available her exact tasks are unknown to us. (6)
17 Jun 1940
HMS Otway (Lt.Cdr. D.E. Mansfield, RN) departed Portsmouth for Fowey. (6)
18 Jun 1940
HMS Otway (Lt.Cdr. D.E. Mansfield, RN) arrived at Fowey. (6)
28 Jun 1940
HMS Otway (Lt.Cdr. D.E. Mansfield, RN) departed Fowey for Portsmouth. (6)
29 Jun 1940
HMS Otway (Lt.Cdr. D.E. Mansfield, RN) arrived at Portsmouth. (6)
Frigate HMS Nith (K 215)
23 Jun 1944
While in the Normandy area HMS Nith (Lt.Cdr. D.E. Mansfield, RD, RNR) was hit by a 'Mistel', a German composite aircraft. Suffered 10 dead and 26 wounded.
See also (7)
- ADM 173/15679
- ADM 173/15680
- ADM 173/15681
- ADM 173/16389
- ADM 199/1831
- ADM 199/2564
- Personal communication
ADM numbers indicate documents at the British National Archives at Kew, London.
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