Malcolm Christopher English, RNR
Birth details unknown |
| Ranks
Retired: 16 May 1960 Decorations
Warship Commands listed for Malcolm Christopher English, RNR
Ship | Rank | Type | From | To |
HMS Coral (T 07) | Lt. | ASW Trawler | Jun 1941 | 13 Apr 1942 |
HMS Gloxinia (K 22) | Lt. | Corvette | Oct 1943 | Jan 1944 |
Career information
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Events related to this officer
ASW Trawler HMS Coral (T 07)
31 Oct 1941
During the night a raid against naval targets was made by Italian planes from Sicily. The attacking formation included 4 Ju-87 of the 101st Gruppo Bombardamento a Tuffo and 8 Br.20 of the 37th Stormo Bombardamento terrestre.
Coral, then anchored in French Creek, sustained several hits and sank. She was again raised but found to be beyond repairs and eventually scrapped in Valletta during 1943.
Corvette HMS Gloxinia (K 22)
4 Oct 1943 (position 32.36, 20.24)
HMS Gloxinia (Lt. A.F. Harkness, OBE, DSC, RNR) carried out four depth charge attacks on U-596 after it had carried out a successful attack on convoy XT-4 about 75 miles west of Derna in position 32°36'N, 20°24'E. The U-boat was damaged but managed to escape the A/S sweep in the area when she surfaced during the night without being detected.
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